
  • 网络cross-compilation;cross-compile;cross compile;GCC;arm-linux-gcc
  1. 除了交叉编译,其他概念(也适用于initrd的构建)对于嵌入式平台都是相同的。

    Other than cross-compilation , the concepts ( as they apply to initrd construction ) are the same for an embedded target .

  2. 将交叉编译后的Linux嵌入式系统烧写进开发板上。

    Burning embedded system of Linux after cross-compilation into development board .

  3. 嵌入式Linux的设备驱动程序设计及其交叉编译

    Design and cross compiling on an embedded Linux device driver

  4. 包括构建Linux开发环境,配置ARM交叉编译工具链。

    Including building Linux develop environment , configuring ARM cross compile tool chain .

  5. 软件平台采用嵌入式Linux系统,并且建立了交叉编译环境。

    Software platform adopts embedded Linux , and it set up across-edit circumstance .

  6. 构造Linux的交叉编译平台

    Build Cross Compiling Environment for Linux

  7. 本论文以嵌入式系统Linux操作系统为平台,建立交叉编译环境。

    This thesis use the embedded Linux operating system as a platform , set up cross-compiler environment .

  8. 本文介绍了基于arm和linux的嵌入式系统的交叉编译环境的建立方法。

    This paper is focus on how to build a cross-compiling environment based on arm and linux conveniently .

  9. 然后建立了交叉编译环境,介绍了Linux操作系统的移植过程。

    Secondly , we build the cross compile environment , introduces the transplant process of Linux operating system .

  10. 要进行嵌入式linux开发,软件方面的首要任务就是搭建适合自身开发平台的交叉编译环境。

    In order to develop embedded linux , an important thing that we can 't forget is to build cross-compiling environment .

  11. 用于C交叉编译的HUST抽象机

    HUST Abstract Machine Used in C Cross Compiler

  12. 本文首先介绍了如何建立完整的交叉编译环境,这是在ArmLinux上做嵌入式开发的基础。

    Firstly , the method how to setup a cross-compiling environment is described , which is the foundation of embedded development on ARM Linux .

  13. 进行嵌入式Linux环境搭建,给出了交叉编译环境的建立等环节。

    Do detail explanations of how to build the embedded Linux environment , make the cross-compiler environment to prepare the establishment of such links .

  14. 这个微型云软件将被交叉编译到您的工作站上的ARM平台中,因此确保安装了所有必要的工具。

    The tiny cloud software will be cross-compiled to the ARM platform on your workstation , so make sure all the necessary tools are installed .

  15. 在Linux系统上建立了嵌入式交叉编译环境,将编译好的U-boot和嵌入式Linux内核移植到开发板上。

    Establishing the embedded cross-compiling environment in Linux system , and transplanting the compiled U-boot and Linux kernel to the development board .

  16. 按照嵌入式的开发流程,完成了交叉编译环境的搭建、系统引导程序Bootloader的烧写以及Linux内核的移植。

    In accordance with the embedded development process , the cross-compiler environment was built , Boot Loader was written , and Linux kernel was transplanted .

  17. 因此,以Linux为主机操作系统,搭配一个交叉编译系统,为嵌入式设备生成可执行程序已成为现在日益流行的编译嵌入式软件的解决方案。

    It seems to be a popular solution for embedded equipements to compile software on another system , which use Linux as an operating system with a cross-compiler built on .

  18. ECIAda交叉编译系统综述

    An overview of ECI ADA cross compiler

  19. 参考相关资料,构建了基本的嵌入式系统开发环境,配置了Linux服务器,完成了交叉编译工具链的安装和调试。

    Refering to the relevant information , a basic embedded system development environment is built , including setting up a Linux server , installing and debugging the cross compiler tool chain .

  20. 其次详细阐述了系统开发环境的构建过程,包括主机和目标板的配置、交叉编译环境的安装、虚拟环境下Linux系统的安装以及相关服务的配置。

    Including the configuration of the host and target board , installation of the cross-compilation environment , installation of the Linux system in a virtual environment and configuration of the related services .

  21. 在此基础上,论述了如何使用三种不同样式嵌入式Linux根文件系统满足不同开发阶段的需要及其交叉编译过程。

    Further more , it detailedly introduces how to make use of three kinds of embedded Linux root file system to meet the needs of different development stages and the cross-compiling process .

  22. 使用了一个新的交叉编译环境,名为Scratchbox,由Nokia主导开发。

    The770 uses a new cross-compilation setup called Scratchbox , development of which was sponsored by Nokia .

  23. 即便只有不完整的KDE交叉编译文档可用,他也十分乐意。

    Even with the incomplete KDE cross compiling documentation it was fun to work on .

  24. 此系统使用Java编程语言(GWT库)编写Ajax前端,然后GWT会交叉编译到优化的JavaScript中,而JavaScript可以自动在所有主要浏览器上运行。

    This system uses the Java programming language ( GWT library ) write AJAX front , then GWT cross compiler optimized JavaScript JavaScript can run on all major browsers .

  25. 搭建系统平台,研究了uCLinux操作系统的工作机制,在搭建好的交叉编译环境下实现了uCLinux操作系统的配置和编译。

    And build the cross-compiler environment , based on it , realize the configuration and compilation and of the uCLinux operating system .

  26. 本文较为深入地研究了如何实现通过C语言交叉编译程序对基于M68HC11的嵌入式目标系统进行实时程序控制。

    This paper particularly discusses how to implement real-time control programming on embedded system based on M68HC11 via C language cross compiler .

  27. 首先课题采用源代码公开的GNU软件配套调试工具GCC来配置宿主机的交叉编译环境。

    To begin with , the host cross - compile development environment is configured with the tool - GCC of the GNU free software .

  28. RTEMS交叉编译环境的创建

    Installation of Cross Development Environment of RTEMS

  29. 大部分时候,这些检查并不会实际做什么事情,实际上,有时它们只是为现有bug创造一些令人兴奋的新机会,举例来说,在交叉编译时就需要如此。

    Most of the time , these checks really don 't do anything , and indeed , sometimes they just create exciting new opportunities for bugs , for instance when cross-compiling .

  30. 在PowerPC上开发嵌入式Linux系统,需要交叉编译环境来移植Linux内核,并且所有的应用程序也需要这个编译环境才能在PowerPC上运行。

    While developing embedded Linux system on PowerPC , cross compiler environment is needed for transplanting Linux kernel . This environment is also needed for application software running on PowerPC .