
  • 网络Communicative motivation;Association Motivation;affiliation motivation;affiliation motive;contact motivation
  1. 关于大学生网络交往动机研究进展的分析

    The Progress of the Research on College Students ' Motivations for Cyber-communication

  2. 大学生网络交往动机问卷编制及相关问题研究

    A Study of College Students ' Network Communication Motivation Scale Development and Two Relationships Research

  3. 大学生网络交往动机与网络行为特点及关系

    Research on the Relationships between Internet Communication Motivation and Internet Behavior Feature of College Students

  4. 浅析大学生的社会交往动机

    On University Students ' Social Communication Motivations

  5. 3.5&6.5岁儿童与成人交往动机发展的实验研究

    An Experimental Research on the Development of Associating Motives with Adults in Children aged 3.5 to 6.5

  6. 网络中心战中行动网络的性能度量研究大学生网络交往动机与网络行为特点及关系

    On efficiency evaluation of action net for network-centric warfare ; Research on the Relationships between Internet Communication Motivation and Internet Behavior Feature of College Students

  7. 结果:286名大学生网络使用的主要动机类型为:社会交往动机、虚拟社群动机、自我肯定动机、商品资讯动机、匿名交往动机、社会性学习动机。

    Results : The main Internet using motivations of 286 college students are motivations of social contacting , virtual community , self-confidence , products information , anonymous contacting and social studying .

  8. 从初二年级到高三年级,社会交往动机一直是有性别差异的、始终持续存在的、稳定的动机。

    From the first two days of homoharringtonine grade to grade and social contacts There has always been a motive of gender differences , always persistent , stability motive . 2 .

  9. 结果1大学生网络使用的虚拟社群动机、匿名交往动机、自我肯定动机和商品资讯动机与网络成瘾呈正相关;

    Results ( 1 ) The scores of college students in internet using motivation of the virtual social contact 、 anonymous contacting 、 self-confidence and products information were positively correlated with internet addiction .

  10. 随着年龄的增长,小学儿童对于说谎/说真话的道德评价越来越多的考虑到交往动机或情境的因素。

    In the children of primary school , the older the participants were , the more consideration of communicative motivation or setting factors on the moral evaluation on different kinds of lies and truth-telling .

  11. 通过对南京市六所高校女生参加健美操俱乐部锻炼动机的调查,结果发现高校女生参加健美操俱乐部锻炼的社会动机主要有审美动机、交往动机、能力显示三大类,对此分别作详细分析。

    A survey is conducted on the motivations of the female participants in an aerobics club from six universities in Nanjing . The result indicates that the main exercise motivations are beauty-appreciating , communication , and competence displaying .

  12. 而人们进行交往的动机主要包括个人身份的表达、群体的归属以及信息的需求与共享。

    The main motivation for people to interact , including the expression of personal identity , group ownership , and information needs and sharing .

  13. 研究目的:探究大学生网络交往的动机、网络行为的特点以及相互之间的关系。研究方法:选取安徽科技学院学生为研究对象,分别采用问卷法和访谈法进行相应的研究。

    Objective : To explore the relationships between internet communication motivation and internet behavior feature of college studentsMethod : To use questionnaire and interview methods .

  14. 影响大学生交往的主要动机有归属动机、自我实现的动机、社会比较动机、友情动机和利益动机。

    The main motives of College student 's communication are motive of inclusion , motive of self-realization , motive of social comparison , motive of friendship and motive of benefits .

  15. 研究结果表明:(1)小学生学习动机包括回报动机、求知动机、交往趋利动机、利他动机、学业成就动机、生存动机、实用动机七类。

    The study showed : ( 1 ) pupils ' learning motivation consisted of repaying motivation , knowledge-seeking motivation , association-benefit-seeking motivation , altruistic motivation , learning achievement motivation , living motivation and practicability motivation .

  16. 情商是由自我认知能力,情绪情感调控能力,移情能力,人际交往能力,动机、意志和自我激励相结合的心理动力等五方面的心理素质和能力构成。

    The EQ is by self-cognitive ability , the ability of adjusting and controlling of the mood-emotion , empathy , Human communication , psychological motive force of motive , will and encouraging myself combining together , etc. are formed .