
  • 网络Industrial Value Chain;Industry value chain
  1. OEM是跨国公司调整其产业价值链重心的产物;

    OEM is the product of the process of MNC adjusting its core of industrial value chain ;

  2. 3G时代,差异巨大的用户需求和全新的产业价值链,导致运营商会采取比较复杂的商业模式、竞争策略、业务发展策略以及合作策略。

    In the 3G era , diversified demands of service users and the brand-new industrial value chain lead to complex business models and strategies for competition , service development and cooperation of telecom operators .

  3. 蛟龙入海&中国联通引领CDMA产业价值链

    China Unicom Dominates CDMA Value-chain in China

  4. 随着礼品行业竞争加剧和利润率下滑,H集团面临着围绕产业价值链的提升,向高附加值产业战略转型的问题。

    With the gift industry competition and margins , the H Group is facing around the industry value chain to enhance the transition to high value-added industrial strategy .

  5. 第一部分对CDMA业务进行了概述,CDMA业务的定义及CDMA产业价值链的组成。

    An overview of the CDMA business provides in Part I , which was the CDMA business definition and the CDMA industry value chain .

  6. 当前,中国的经济发展正步入了一个充满机遇与挑战的历史时期:加入WTO,融入全球化的市场环境,经济的全球化和市场化带来生产力要素的快速流动和产业价值链的重新布局;

    Nowadays China is stepping into a new era which is full of opportunities and challenges : The entry to WTO is bringing China into a global market , globalization and marketization make productivity factors flow more faster than before and the industrial value-chain has been redistributed ;

  7. 本文从产业价值链和生产外包理论入手,通过相关理论的总结和纺织企业经营环境的PEST分析,研究了中小型纺织企业生产外包的具体模式,以及选择外包的条件与原则。

    Based on theory of industry value chain and production outsourcing , this paper analyzed the industry environment of textile business ( PEST analysis ) . Then , the specific models of outsourcing of small and medium textile enterprises were analyzed .

  8. 接着,运用演化博弈思想及Stackelberg模型对在物联网产业价值链中,电信运营商与上下游企业的竞争合作关系进行了讨论。

    Fourthly , evolutionary game theory and Stackelberg model are used to discuss the relationship between the telecom operator and other enterprises in the industry value chain in the process of cooperating and competing .

  9. 本文立足于电信产业价值链,运用实物期权法之Black-Scholes模型,对3G项目延迟期权价值进行了分析,定量地说明了,投资3G将会为电信行业带来巨大收益。

    Through carefully researching of the value chain of information technology industry , this paper analyzed the value of option to defer in 3G by application of Black-Scholes model . And the result explained quantitatively that the investment in 3G will bring great benefit for the technology information industry .

  10. 电信产业价值链上的委托代理关系分析

    Analyse of Commision-Agent relation on the value chain of Telecom Industry

  11. 关于南京动漫产业价值链构造的几点思考

    On the Value Chain Structure of the Animation Industry in Nanjing

  12. 基于价值创造与分配的产业价值链研究

    Research on Industrial Value Chain Based on Value Creation and Distribution

  13. 基于网络融合下的电信产业价值链趋势分析

    Telecom industrial value chain trend analysis based on the network integration

  14. 基于产业价值链的企业商业信用行为研究

    An Empirical Investigation of Trade Credit based on Industry Value Chain

  15. 全球电子信息产业价值链及对我国的启示

    The Development of Global Electronic and Information Industrial Value-Chain and Its Revelation

  16. 关于区位名牌农产品的产业价值链整合的思考

    The Integration of Industrial Value Chain of Regional Branded Produce

  17. 电视传媒产业价值链结构与发展研究

    The Structure and Development Study of TV Industry Value Chain

  18. 体育产业价值链管理效应与运用研究

    Research on the Effects and Application of Sports Industry Value Chain Management

  19. 我国房地产产业价值链的优化政策组合

    On the Value Chain of China 's Real Estate Industry

  20. 移动博客产业价值链的分析

    An Analysis on the Industry Value Chain of Mobile Blog

  21. 本文从三个方面对产业价值链的价值分配过程进行了探讨。

    Three aspects of value distribution of industrial value chain are discussed .

  22. 家庭网络产业价值链及其盈利模式分析

    Industrial Value Chain and Profit Model Analysis for Home Network

  23. 数字音乐时代下唱片产业价值链研究

    The Research of the Phonographic Industry Value Chain in Digital Music Era

  24. 电信产业价值链的演变和价值网络

    The Change From Value Chain to Value Network on Telecommunications

  25. 培训服务产业价值链浅析

    Briefly on the value chain of training service industry

  26. 产业价值链是健康保险企业盈利的来源;

    The value chain is the source of profits ;

  27. 本文在实现体系研究部分,采用建立产业价值链样本模型的方法进行了理论研究和规范研究。

    This thesis applies industry value chain models to achieve the system research .

  28. 并对产业价值链集群效应和链式效应做了阐述。

    Industrial value chain 's cluster effect and chain effect are also mentioned .

  29. 从洋快餐看中式餐饮企业连锁经营之不足外贸产业价值链的重构模式探讨

    On the Reconstruction of Value Chain in Foreign Trade

  30. 同时,产业价值链表现为快速分解与整合。

    In the meantime , the industrial value chain shows quickly resolving and integrating .