
chǎn yè lì rùn
  • industrial profit
  1. 首先对产业利润的差异性做出检验,结果表明产业之间的利润存在非常显著的差异,产业因素可以解释这种差异的绝大部分,同时时间因素对利润差异的影响也是显著的。

    First , we study the differences of industrial profit rate , which indicate significant discrepancy between industries and industrial factors could explain most of the differences , and also effects of significant time factor are reported .

  2. 运用迈克尔波特的五力工具分析了新闻纸产业市场竞争格局情况,明确了竞争强度和产业利润率;

    The competition pattern of the newsprint market is analyzed with Michael Porter 's five force tool , the competition strength and industrial profit rate are determined , and the primary advantages , disadvantages , opportunities and risks of China newsprint industry are pointed out after SWOT analysis .

  3. 通过加强知识产权保护,由FDI进入新行业而增加的利润将被已有FDI产业利润的减少所抵消。

    Through strengthens the IPR protection , the increased profit obtained from new industry which FDI comes into being will be counterbalanced by the reduced profit from the industries that FDI has exist .

  4. 只不过,这个产业利润究竟有多大,很难量化。

    Just how lucrative is difficult to quantify .

  5. 实际上,06年大部分产业利润将会回流至(笔)易中。

    Indeed , most of the industry 's profits in2006 will be reinvested back into the business .

  6. 三是动漫企业集中于衍生品制造环节,产业利润也主要集中在衍生品制造领域。

    Third , the animation company focused on the derivatives manufacturing sectors , industry profits are mainly concentrated in the derivatives manufacturing .

  7. 关于音乐产业利润螺旋式下降的报道可谓汗牛充栋,这一趋势正在让音乐人竭力探寻新的生财之道。

    There have been many stories documenting the downward spiral of profits in the music industry , a trend leaving musicians struggling to come up with new ways to make money .

  8. 近年来,虽然信息产业利润增长缓慢,后劲不足,然而随着云计算产业的兴起,互联网热潮再次出现兴起的迹象。

    In recent years , the profit growth more and more slowly in information industry , however with the rise of cloud computing industry , the dotcom boom was going to happen again .

  9. 商界领袖今日即将敦促各国政府采取更为严厉的行动,解决日益猖獗的产品造假和盗版问题。据估计,该问题每年给产业利润和税收收入造成的损失高达数千亿美元。

    Business leaders will today urge governments to take much tougher action to tackle the growing problem of counterfeiting and piracy of products , estimated to cost hundreds of billions of dollars a year in lost industry earnings and tax revenues .

  10. 第三,在经济全球化的条件下,我们既要创造数以百亿计的文化产业利润,又要力图将中国文化的价值观、审美观传播到全世界,并以这种方式构筑国家文化安全体系。

    Finally , with the economic globalization and China 's membership in WTO , we should create hundreds of profit , and try to spread the values and esthetic ideas of Chinese culture to the world , by which forms culture safe system of the nation .

  11. 在三网融合的背景下,基于广电网络开展的增值业务,是让群众从看电视到用电视的重要途径之一,也是未来广电产业利润增长点之一。

    In the context of triple play , based on radio and television network of value-added services is to enable people from the " watch TV " to " use the TV " is one important way , but also the future profit growth of radio and television industry .

  12. 世卫组织是否为增加产业界利润而作出任何大流行决定?

    Were any WHO pandemic decisions made to increase industry profits ?

  13. 它们属于巨型产业,利润相当可观。

    They are listed among big businesses making handsome profits .

  14. 按照同样的标准计算,这处产业的利润率也是最高的。

    It also had the highest margins , on the same basis .

  15. 石油产业的利润去年达到了历史记录。

    The profit of the oil production industry reached the historical record last year .

  16. 集成电路的成品率是决定半导体产业经济利润的重要因素。

    Yield is an important factor which can determine the profits of semiconductor industry .

  17. 房地产业垄断利润及其消除方法探析

    Monopolistic Profit and Ways of Elimination

  18. 所得到的结论是,集中度与产业的利润率及技术创新投入成正相关;

    There is a positive relativity between the degree of concentration and profit rate of an industry .

  19. 本文采用美国著名管理学家迈克尔·波特的五种竞争作用力理论,结合中国保险业的实际情况,分析中国保险产业的利润空间。

    The article analyses the profit space of Chinese insurance industry according to porter 's theory combined the practice .

  20. 辉瑞公司提出报价时,制药产业的利润出现反弹,越来越多的制药公司在进行合并或是交易。

    The offer comes at the time when profits are rebounding in pharmaceutical industry and more and more drug companies are merging or doing deals .

  21. 钢构件在制作与安装过程中存在着大量的返工、修整以及报废事件,这对于原本平均利润率就不高的钢结构产业其利润空间更是所剩无几,甚至造成行业大面积的亏损。

    There are a lot of repair and scrapped events in the steel production and installation process , which reduced profits or even losses to the steel industry .

  22. 更进一步,合法的下载可能会减少产业的利润,当迷们有能力挑选自己喜爱的某首歌曲而不必购买整张大碟。

    Furthermore , legal downloading could cannibalise industry profits as fans are given the ability to pick and choose favourite tracks rather than having to buy whole albums .

  23. 据预测,全球航空产业税后利润额从2011年的79亿美元降至今年的30亿美元,净利润率仅为0.5%。

    The global industry 's after-tax profits are forecast to fall from $ 7.9 billion in 2011 to $ 3 billion this year ; that is just 0.5 % of revenue ( see chart ) .

  24. 资源战略型产业的隐性利润及发展

    Recessive profit and development of the strategic industry of resource

  25. 产业层次的利润在一定程度上是由进入壁垒所维持的,进入壁垒使新的竞争对手难以进入该产业。

    The industrial level profit is maintained by the enter-barrier that causes difficulty for the new competitors .

  26. 柯达认为这是一项明智的投资原因有两点:制药产业拥有高利润,并且柯达生产化学制剂。不幸的是,这两项因素并不足以使该交易为股东带来回报。

    Unfortunately , those two facts were not sufficient to make this deal pay off for Kodak shareholders .

  27. 高级百货业是公司现有的支柱产业和主要利润源泉,为公司带来了稳定的现金流。

    Hyper-class retail market business is the main business and cash cow for the company , it contributes a stable cash flow .

  28. 众所周知,产业链中利润最为丰厚的部分源自研发与营销。

    As it is known to all , the most profitable parts of a industry chain are R & D and marketing .

  29. 金融产业资本对利润的无限追求驱使着它不断地从低效部门往高效部门流动,并在循环中尽力规避各种风险。

    The profit-chasing mechanism drives the capital to flow from the low-efficiency department to the high-efficiency department , and do the best to evade various risks in circulation .

  30. 由于葡萄酒在中国属于朝阳产业,市场利润高,发展潜力大,导致众多企业纷纷加入,市场竞争日益激烈;

    Wine making is sunrise industry in China , its high profits and great development potential cause many enterprises enter wine industry , which leads to a drastic competition .