
  • 网络industry injury;Industrial Injuries
  1. 反倾销产业损害认定的理论与实证研究&基于COMPAS模型的分析

    Industry Injury Test in Antidumping : Theoretical and Empirical Research Based on COMPAS Model

  2. 反倾销产业损害及因果关系评判的多因素研究

    Multi-Factor Study of Industry Injury and the Causality in Anti-Dumping Cases

  3. 基于反事实分析的产业损害幅度计算方法及CADIC扩展模型

    The Industrial Injury Margin in Anti-Dumping and CADIC Extended Model Based on Counterfactual Analysis

  4. 吉林省汽车产业损害预警机制研究

    A Study on the Jilin Province Automobile Industry Damage Warning Mechanism

  5. 产业损害预警模型构建及其模糊定量测评

    Model construction and its fuzzy quantitative evaluation of industrial damage warning

  6. 产业损害及倾销与损害因果关系的认定

    Determination of Injury and the Causal Link between Dumping and Injury

  7. 试运行中的汽车行业产业损害预警系统

    Damage Pre - Warning System for The Automobile Industry in Trial Operation

  8. 反倾销中确定产业损害幅度的联立方程模型

    Simultaneous Equations Model of Industrial Injury Margin Assessment in Antidumping

  9. 中国产业损害预警体系研究

    Research on Industry Injury Early-warning System of China

  10. 建立机械行业产业损害预警机制

    Early warning system for damages to machinery industry

  11. 产业损害程度测算指标相关性的有效消除研究

    Study on Effective Elimination of Correlation between the Evaluation-indexes of Industry Injury ′ s Degree

  12. 产业损害调查局开始第一案

    Industrial Injury Investigation Bureau 's first case

  13. 在反倾销问题的研究中,产业损害的评价问题是最具挑战性的领域之一。

    Injury , as the prerequisite of antidumping , is one of the most challenging fields .

  14. 本研究建立的这种反倾销产业损害和因果关系的评价体系还可用于一般的企业诊断。

    Multi-factor parallel study of industry injury and the causality in anti-dumping cases found in the study can be used in business diagnosis .

  15. 随后美国国际贸易委员会召开产业损害听证会,如果中国对美国产业损害的抗诉成功,美国商务部已公布的终裁公告将被推翻。

    The United States International Trade Committee had an industry injury hearing . If China successfully counter-appeals it , the announced final rulings would be revoked .

  16. 涉及农产品的反补贴产业损害调查,由商务部会同农业部进行。

    As for the countervailing investigations of industry injury involving agricultural products , the responsibility shall be taken jointly by the MOFCOM and the Ministry of Agriculture .

  17. 反倾销的预警系统应包含三个子系统:倾销认定预警子系统、产业损害预警子系统和相关信息预警子系统。

    Three subsystems should be contained in the early warning mechanism of anti-dumping : subsystem of cognizance of dumping , subsystem of industrial damage and subsystem of relevant information .

  18. 证明倾销进口产品与对国内产业损害之间存在因果关系应以审查主管机关得到的所有有关证据为依据。

    The demonstration of a causal relationship between the dumped imports and the injury to the domestic industry shall be based on an examination of all relevant evidence before the authorities .

  19. 倾销的确定是反倾销法中的重要问题,倾销存在是产业损害存在的前提和征收反倾销税的要件之一。

    The determination of dumping is an important problem in the anti-dumping law . This is a premise of existence of the industry injury and a condition of collection anti-dumping duties .

  20. 建立纺织服装产业损害预警系统对我国服装企业的健康发展与政府宏观调控的正确进行具有重要意义。

    As well as establishing system 's step and principle , bring forward how to establish the target system of harm early warning and the appraisal system in the textile clothing industry .

  21. 引言部分介绍了产业损害确定在反倾销法中的重要意义及本文研究的背景和目的。

    The preamble of this article introduced the significance of the determination of industry injury in anti-dumping laws , as well as the background and purpose of the research of this article .

  22. 因此,研究产业损害预警体系,不仅是完善反倾销理论体系的需要,更是利用其前置保护性保护国内产业健康发展的需要。

    Therefore , making researches on the industry injury early-warning is not only a need of enriching anti-dumping theory system but also a need of protecting domestic industry for developing healthily with its pre-protection .

  23. 采取反倾销措施需要满足三个条件:有低价倾销行为,产业损害的后果,倾销行为与损害后果之间有因果关系。

    The present of Anti-dumping investigations must meet three conditions : there are low-priced dumping practices , the consequences of industrial damage , there is a causal relationship between the consequences of dumping and the damage .

  24. 本文介绍了建立汽车行业产业损害预警系统的背景,该系统的作用和存在的问题,并分析了我国汽车产业采取保障措施的可能性。

    It introduces the background to establish damage pre - warning system for the automobile industry , its function and existing problems . The possibility of insurance measures for the automobile industry in China is also analyzed .

  25. 用计算分析结果与产业损害程度参数表相对照,不仅可确定倾销与损害之间的因果关系,而且还可以判别其他影响因素与损害之间的因果关系。

    Last , refer the result to the industry injury degree parameter and it not only can make sure the causality between dumped imports and injury , but also can judge the causality between other factors and injury .

  26. 近几年来,从专家组审理的补贴案件来看,影响补贴构成与认定的因素主要有补贴的主要形式、补贴的直接影响、出口实绩、专向性和产业损害这几个实体问题。

    In recent years , from the practice of Panel , we find the main elements of the consistence of subsidy including the followings : the way of subsidy , the direct influence of subsidy , export performance , specificity and industry prejudice .

  27. 第三部分产业损害确定中的累积评估,研究了累积评估的含义和在产业损害确定中的意义,重点探讨了累积评估的法律构成要件和实践中的具体把握标准。

    The third part , cumulative assessment in determination of industry injury , studied the meaning and significance of cumulative assessment in determination of industry injury . The third part discussed with emphasis the legal constitutive requirements and detailed criteria in practice of cumulative assessment .

  28. 这些方法通过定性与定量分析相结合,利用分离重叠因素、相关矩阵分析和层次提升来消除产业损害程度测算指标之间的相关性,是优化产业损害程度评价指标比较有效的方法。

    These are all effective approaches to optimize the evaluation-index of industry injury ′ s degree . These approaches work out questions by quantitative and qualitative analysis which use separate overlapping factors , relative matrixes analysis or hierarchy promotion to eliminate the correlation of the evaluation-index .

  29. 如果本案胜诉,就可能有更多的人向这个产业提出损害索赔,从而一发不可收拾。

    If the case is successful , it may open the floodgates to more damages claims against the industry .

  30. 在中国的入世谈判中,一些WTO成员担心中国入世后产品的快速增长会对其国内产业造成损害,因此要求中国接受特保机制。

    In the negotiations of China 's accession to the WTO , some members considered China 's violent augment of export products a great harm to their domestic industries , so they asked China to accept the mechanism .