
  • 网络management;industry management;industrial administration;Industrial Management
  1. 信息技术对传统产业管理的影响问题研究

    On the Influence of Information Technology to the Traditional Industry Management

  2. 中澳野生动物产业管理比较研究

    Study of the Wildlife Industry Management Comparison between China and Australia

  3. 国际保健品产业管理与发展趋势

    Management and the developing trend of the international nutraceutical industry

  4. 长春市光电子技术产业管理协同问题研究

    The Study on Management Synergy of Changchun Optoelectronic Technology Industry

  5. 转变政府职能,建立新型环保产业管理体制;

    Changing the government function , building up new EP management system ;

  6. 高校产业管理体制改革的几点思考

    Points of the Reform of Industry Management System in Colleges and Universities

  7. 试论高校校办产业管理体制改革

    The Reform of the School-run Industrial Management System of Colleges and Universities

  8. 政府宏观调控与资源产业管理

    Macro control of the government and resources industry management

  9. 关于福建省高校科研与产业管理体制的探讨

    On Science Technology Researches and System of Industry Management of Fujian Higher Learning Institutions

  10. 学校产业管理与后勤处

    School estate management & Logistics Branch

  11. 技术创新下文化产业管理制度变迁研究

    A Study of the Institutional Changes of Cultural Industry Management System under the Influence of Technology

  12. 建立具有鲜明时代特色的产业管理体制是促进校办企业发展的重要策略。

    Establishing distinguishing feature management system is an important strategy to improve the development of school managed enterprises .

  13. 跨国公司在建立后向关联当中,对上游产业管理知识、技术、人力的溢出。

    FDI establish backward linkages through the management of the upstream industry knowledge , technology , human overflow .

  14. 中原城市群城市水务产业管理机制及投资对策研究

    Research into the management mechanism and investment strategies of urban water supplies industry in the urban clusters of Central Plains

  15. 这个公司负债逾百万英镑,现已掌握在官方破产案产业管理人员手中。

    The company has debts of over a million pounds and is now in the hands of the official receiver .

  16. 对气象政策法规调查,收集和研究相关资料,提出有利的措施对全省气象系统进行产业管理。

    Investagating meteological policies and regulations , analyzing materials collected to propose favorable measures accessing to efficient management of meteological industry of the province .

  17. 而韩国体育产业管理体制实行小政府、大社会,主要由社会机构和组织发挥作用。

    While the South Korean sports industry management system is " small government , big society ", social institutions and organizations play an important role .

  18. 因此,高新技术产品评价决策支持系统的研究对提高我国高新技术产业管理水平具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。

    So the research on the DSS of high-tech products evaluation is of theoretical value and practical significance in improving the managerial level of Chinese high-tech industries .

  19. 本文认为,高校校办产业管理体制是高校校办产业在学校事业体制内,寻求建立企业体制的模式与制度规范。

    This paper thinks : college school-run industrial management system is the pattern that college school-run estate seek and establish the enterprise system in the college school-run estate .

  20. 政府对高新技术产业管理能力的提高,不仅是弥补市场失灵的重要方式,而且也对高新技术产业化中政府功能缺陷的校正具有不可低估的重要作用。

    Improvement of governmental ability to administrate the high-tech industry not only can remedy failure of market , but can exert an important role in revising governmental function in the high-tech industrialization .

  21. 借助偏尾分布及其结论,给出了产业管理发展力的度量指标,建立了产业发展力运动的衍生过程模型。

    Based on the partial distribution , we give the index for measuring the DP of industry management , and set up the derivative process model for industrial development and industrial management .

  22. 本文分析了现代企业制度对医药企业经营机制的影响,对医药产业管理的影响以及企业应采取的对策。

    This paper analyzes the influence of modern enterprise system on managerial mechanism and industrial management of pharmaceutical enterprise , and the countermeasure that should be adopted by enterprise are discussed as well .

  23. 结论:政府既干预市场又不可事无巨细,市场既排斥政府又需要政府规范;和谐平衡是体育产业管理中政府与市场博弈的初衷。

    It makes government not only intervene markets , but also do everything ; Markets not only exclude government , but also need to be normed ; harmony and balance is its original intention .

  24. 第二部分,分析了构建文化产业管理制度的原因,认为构建文化产业管理制度主要是出于调节市场失灵、维护国家文化安全与维护公共利益三个方面的考虑。

    The second part , to analyze the main reasons to establish cultural industry management system : to regulate market failures , to protect the cultural safety of the country and to safeguard the public interests .

  25. 高校资产经营公司是高校科技产业管理体制改革的产物和创新,它的组建将促进高校科技产业规范发展,保障国有资产保值增值。

    The foundation of university assets corporation is the innovative product of the system reform of university property management , which can enhance the development of high-tech industries in the university and ensure the increment of state-owned property .

  26. 本文从技术创新与制度变迁的视角出发,以文化产业管理制度变迁过程为研究对象,运用新制度经济学的分析框架,探讨技术创新与文化产业管理制度相互作用的方式和过程。

    This thesis tries to study the process from the view of technology innovation and institutional economics and analyze the way and the mechanism of the interaction between technology innovation and the institutional changes of cultural industry management system .

  27. 第三,旅游支持因子、产业管理因子和吸引力因子之间的竞争和协同作用形成湖南旅游系统演化的动力机制,并且以超循环模式运行。

    The interaction with competitive and synergetic traits among the support factor , industry management factor and attraction factor forms the power mechanism of the tourism system in Hunan province . And the system runs in the hyper cycle way .

  28. 结果表明:国外足球产业管理的研究多集中在管理体制、管理模式及电视转播权等方面,而我国主要集中在职业足球俱乐部的经营管理方面。

    Show as a result : the research of abroad soccer industry management is concentrated on management system , management pattern and the right management of television relay , and our country s concentrates on the management of the professional soccer club mainly .

  29. 在对新西兰草地畜牧业实地考察及查阅相关文献的基础上,探讨了新西兰草地畜牧业产业管理模式与经营理念,进而较为客观地分析了新西兰草地畜牧业发展制约因素及其调节方式。

    On the basis of field investigations and correlated references , the paper discusses the present management pattern and administration idea of New Zealand 's grassland-animal industry , as well as the restrictive factors and adjustment measures relating to the development of the industry .

  30. 本文的研究为黑龙江省高新技术企业系统管理和企业综合优势状态分析提供了有效的管理思想、方法和手段,为进一步加强黑龙江省高新技术产业管理提供理论支持和参考。

    This paper provides effective management thought , method and means for systematic management and comprehensive advantage analysis of high and new technology enterprise and offers theory support and reference to strengthen the management of high and new technology industry in Heilongjiang province further .