
  • 网络talent dispatch;temp despatch;Labor Dispatch
  1. 人才派遣与企业人力资源管理创新

    Talent Dispatch and Human Resources Management Originality in Enterprises

  2. 人才派遣模式探析

    Analysis on the Talent Dispatch Mode

  3. 大连X软件公司是一家成立一年多,以对日软件外包和IT人才派遣为主营业务的股份制公司。

    Dalian X software company is a joint-stock enterprise which have been for more than a year , and mainly engaged in software outsourcing and IT talented person cooperate providing .

  4. 人才派遣,最早起源于日本、美国。

    Talents sending first originated in Japan and U. S. A.

  5. 人才派遣员工的心理契约管理

    The Management of the Psychological Contract of Dispatched Personnel

  6. 对人才派遣的探讨

    The Exploration on Dispatching of Talent

  7. 此外,人才派遣能在宏观上扩大就业规模,缓解就业压力。

    Further more , personnel dispatch can enlarge the scale of employment and abate the employment pressure from a macro-perspective .

  8. 人才派遣新型就业用工形式在我国迅速发展,随着人才派遣员工规模不断扩大,人才派遣员工管理逐渐成为理论和实践领域面临的一个现实课题。

    As a new type of employment , personnel dispatching develops rapidly in China . It has become a practical research topic of the managerial domain .

  9. 人才派遣是一种与市场经济相联系的用工机制,是一种全新的人力资源市场配置方式。

    Talent dispatch that is associated with the market economy is a kind of employment mechanism , and also is a new configuration mode of the human resources market .

  10. 最后,针对这些风险提出内外结合的风险控制对策,以推进人才派遣健康发展。

    Finally , according to the risk , puts forward the risk control measures combined with interior and exterior , in order to promote the healthy development of talents dispatch .

  11. 随着人力资源外包服务的日益盛行,近年来,人才派遣作为一种赢得竞争优势的有效途径正在被越来越多的企业所采用。

    In recent years , with the popularization of human resource outsourcing , personnel dispatch , as an effective way to gain competitive edge has been accepted by more and more companies .

  12. 本研究,将完善人才派遣公司对派遣员工的人力资源管理体系研究,对促进人才派遣公司规范、健康、持续发展有重要的现实意义。

    This study will perfect the management of dispatched personnel by personnel dispatch company , improve the standardization and be of great significance in the healthy and sustainable development of personnel dispatch company .

  13. 但人才派遣业务在中国起步较晚,尚存在一些急需解决的问题。其中,派遣员工工作绩效低下以及离职率较高等问题导致用工单位满意度和忠诚度降低的现象层出不穷。

    However , personnel dispatch business starts fairly late in China , some urging problems exist , among which low performance of dispatched personnel and high turnover rate caused the satisfactory rate and fidelity drops .

  14. 作为社会经济发展到一定阶段的产物,人才派遣越来越多地被世界各国所采用,成为一股生机勃勃,不可逆转的国际潮流。

    As the product of social economy in a certain stage , human resources dispatch has adopted by various countries in the world , and now it has become a dynamic and irreversible global trend .

  15. 我国现阶段人事代理制度还存在竞争不公平、人事管理模式与人事代理双轨制并行、人才派遣的法律关系有待明确和规范、人事代理服务功能难以到位等问题。

    Nowadays there still exist some problems in our personnel trusteeship system , such as unfair competition , co-existence of personnel administration and personnel trusteeship , ambiguity of legal relations of talent dispatchment , and ineffective service .

  16. 然后,结合我国北方某海洋石油公司的油田建设分公司的实际案例,应用本文提出的人才派遣风险识别与评价的方法体系对人才派遣风险进行识别和评价。

    Secondly , the thesis combined with the actual cases of the branch company of offshore oil field construction in northern China , and applied the method of system , identifies and evaluates the talents dispatch risk .

  17. 文章通过对人才派遣概念、主体间相互关系、派遣方式及其优势、可行性等问题进行了探讨,以期深入理解人才派遣制度,推动我国事业单位人事制度改革进程和人才派遣制度的普遍施行。

    In order to comprehend the temp despatch system deeply , precipitate the personnel system revolution of public institution and put it into practice in China generally , the paper discusses the temp despatch system on its conception , mode , relationship of entities , advantage and feasibility .

  18. 关于财经高校人才培养模式改革的思考高校人才派遣初探

    A Reflection on the Developing Model Reform of Financial and Economic Colleges and Universities

  19. 主要发布天津招聘、天津求职及人事人才信息,为单位提供网络招聘、天津招聘会、报纸招聘、委托招聘、人才派遣等服务。

    Mainly by tianjin recruitment , employment and personnel in tianjin , provide information for talent recruitment , tianjin fair , network newspapers , recruiting , hiring talent dispatching services .