
  1. 打开滑板人物图,拖到背景图上方,图层模式为叠加。

    Lay your skater picture on top of your background and change the blending mode to Overlay .

  2. 相传在唐朝,有一位技艺精湛的画家,他创作了一幅人物图,画的是一位窈窕淑女。

    It is said that in the Tang dynasty there once lived a painter who was good at painting .

  3. 你第一件要完成的任务,或者说你最起码要做的,是绘出,这个工程里面出现的各式各样的饼干人物图。

    The first thing you probably want to accomplish or at least one thing that seems easy is find the graphic of the cookie sheet that you happen to want for this project .

  4. 据杰拉尔德·马丁(GeraldMartin)2009年的传记,马尔克斯销毁了《百年孤独》的每天工作笔记和人物家谱图。

    He destroyed his daily working notes and family trees for " One Hundred Years of Solitude , " according to Gerald Martin 's 2009 biography .

  5. 人物风俗图占早期壁画主要内容。

    Figure customs figures of the early murals main content .

  6. 特别是其中的人物风俗图。

    Special is one of the characters custom map .

  7. 谈《人物龙凤图》帛画的艺术表现

    Talk 《 Person and Dragon Phoenix 》 the art performance of the silks painting

  8. 为集安高句丽墓室壁画中人物风俗图的研究提供新的理论依据。

    To set the Koguryo tomb murals in the customs figures on the planto provide new theory .

  9. 这幅画与《人物龙凤图》不仅时代相同,内容也比较近似。

    This picture is similar in content and expressive form to the Human , Dragon and Phoenix Painting .

  10. 漆画车马人物出行图的楚文化艺术特色

    The Art Feature of The Chu Culture Lacque-drawing on The Graphic Carriage Horse And Person Going And Walking

  11. 其早期壁画深受汉晋文化的影响,内容反映人物风俗图的比较多。

    His early murals by the impact of the Han and Jin Dynasties culture , customs figures reflect the content of the plan is more .

  12. 安德鲁描绘了一幅同他自己的处境相类似的虚构图画。这幅画与《人物龙凤图》不仅时代相同,内容也比较近似。

    Briefly Andrew sketched out a mythical situation paralleling his own real one . This picture is similar in content and expressive form to the Human , Dragon and Phoenix Painting .

  13. 本文通过对集安高句丽墓室壁画的研究,选出具有代表性的壁画墓,从绘画艺术角度对其人物风俗图艺术特色进行研究。

    Based on the set of Koguryo tomb murals , elected representative of the tomb murals , the art of painting from the perspective of their customs figures plans to study art .

  14. 所不同的是,这幅《人物御龙图》所画得人和动物都更加写实,比例关系与现实中的人物更接近些。

    The only difference is that the figures in the Dragon Boat Riding Painting are rendered more realistically and the proportion of the human bodies is closer to that of real people .