
  1. 他们喜欢她务实的人生态度、她的热情和幽默。

    They love her practical attitude to life , her zest and wit .

  2. 我哥们儿觉得我不应该和琼约会,因为她离过婚。他交往过离婚女人,觉得她们的人生态度都很消极。

    My buddy thinks that I shouldn 't ask Joan out because she 's divorced and he 'd dated divorcees who seemed desperate .

  3. 采用SCL90、EPQ及自编的人生态度问卷对1044名大学新生进行调查,结果表明:有7.0%的新生存在各种明显的心理健康问题,主要症状表现为强迫症状、人际敏感关系和抑郁;

    There were 1,044 freshmen of college who were tested . The result reveals there are 7 % freshmen who have the problems of mental health . The main symptoms are obsessive , interpersonal sensitivity and depression . I is presented .

  4. 综合社会本位和个人本位的人生态度;

    Combining the social and individual status to generate life attitude ;

  5. 在义利之外,还有别样的人生态度。

    Beyond virtue and benefit , there is another attitude toward life .

  6. 反讽是一种人生态度和叙述方式,也是小说的美学原则之一。

    It 's also one of the aesthetic principles in novel writing .

  7. 福牛乐乐体现一种积极的人生态度。

    Fu Niu Lele reflects a positive attitude towards life .

  8. 对我的学业和人生态度都有重要的影响。

    My father has big influence in my study and my life .

  9. 汲取精神养料,调整人生态度;

    The spiritual food to adjust our attitude towards life ;

  10. 从《人间词话》看王国维的人生态度

    Wang Guowei 's Attitude Towards Life from Comments on Ci

  11. 只有积极的人生态度和精神才能让梦想成真!

    Only a positive spirit can make dreams come true .

  12. 三是祥和超然的人生态度;

    Third is his kind and detached human attitude ;

  13. 人生态度:不要抄近道,否则会白跑。

    Attitude towards life : don 't cut , otherwise it will go .

  14. 和渺小的人生态度,但我们还是联系在一起了。

    And your chickenshit attitude , we are connected .

  15. 构建理想的精神家园&论陶渊明的人生态度

    Construction of Ideal Spiritual Homeland & On Tao Yuan-min ' Attitude to Life

  16. 因此,我认为我们要又积极乐观的人生态度。

    Therefore , I think we should also positive and optimistic attitude towards life .

  17. 建立承担、积极的人生态度。

    Advocate a responsible & positive attitude .

  18. 最终,学生们会养成“我能行”的人生态度。

    Eventually , the students will get an " I can do it " attitude .

  19. 论利益对人生态度的影响

    Impacts of Interests on Attitude to Life

  20. 在《我的学生》中可以感受人们在面对苦难时的乐观向上的人生态度。

    In The Students readers feel an optimistic attitude towards life in situations of suffering .

  21. 幽默话语诙谐,有趣,折射出人们的智慧和人生态度。

    Humor is laughable and amusing . It reflects the wisdom and attitudes towards life .

  22. 这种潇洒的人生态度,古人称之为“采真之游”。

    This degage attitude of life is called'a journey to collect genuine nature'in the ancient .

  23. 重要的不是时钟的按点报时,也不是人们的人生态度和所从事的职业。

    It matters not what the clocks say or the attitudes and labors of men .

  24. 那么,基督将要再来这个事实,对我们的人生态度又有何影响呢?

    Then what should be our attitude in the light of Christ 's second coming ?

  25. 对于这两种状态的不同态度形成了古人不同的人生态度和理想追求。

    Different attitudes of the ancient people towards these two states formed different attitudes toward life .

  26. 把学习作为一种生活方式,一种人生态度。

    We should look upon studying as a way of life , an attitude towards life .

  27. 这不仅是诗人的人生态度、写作追求,更是他对生命的承诺。

    This refered to not only poet 's life attitude but also his promise to life .

  28. 但我们可以改变对其的态度,用积极的人生态度来面对不足。

    But we can change our minds to face the deficiency with positive and optimistic attitude .

  29. 这是一种生机盎然的人类生存的画面,这是一种积极向上的人生态度。

    This is a vitality screen of human existence and , is a positive attitude towards life .

  30. 无论身处哪种境地,都可用几个简单的标点符号所代表的人生态度来传达。

    Whatever situation you find yourself in , simple punctuation marks can represent your attitude toward life .