
jiè rù quán
  • right to intervene;self-entering right
  1. 侦查阶段律师介入权的对比启示

    During the Investigation Period of Attorney 's Right to Intervene

  2. 在一定情况下,行纪人享有介入权,从而使行纪关系成为一种两方之间的关系。

    Under certain circumstances , the commission agent has the right to intervene , thus make the brokerage relationship a bilateral one .

  3. 通过赋予提前介入权改革现行滞后的监督机制。

    By giving prior intervention right of supervision mechanism of reforming the lag situation .

  4. 行纪合同直接介入权制度与行纪人担保履行责任研究

    Research on the System of Direct Intervention Right and Commissioner 's Duty of Guarantee Performance in Commission Contract

  5. 律师介入权的分析以及(4)合理改革国家刑事赔偿制度。

    Prompt help for the detainees given by lawyers and ( 4 ) probe into the reform of criminal state compensation system .

  6. 其次分别阐述了民事责任的几种承担形式,包括停止侵害、实际履行、损害赔偿、介入权的行使。

    Following are several forms of commitments on civil liabilities , including the cessation of violations , the actual performance , damages , exertion of self-entering right .

  7. 因此,建议在我国行纪合同中新增一条,并在新增条文中明确规定出委托人的介入权与第三人的选择权。

    Therefore , this paper suggests a new regulation in which the right of intervene of principals and option of the third party is stipulated clearly be added in contract of commission of our country .

  8. 文章首先指出《合同法》第403条规定委托人的介入权、第三人的选择权的理论根据,其次在此基础上,分析了该条规定的不足之处,进而提出了相应的修改意见。

    The thesis tells the theoretical basis of the right of client 's interposition and the right of third party 's choice in Article 403 in Contract Law , so as to analyze the shortages and give modifications on this article .

  9. 该构建的机制涉及到参照西方法治国家的审前羁押制度从立法上作出相应规定,设立审前羁押的司法审查制度,保障律师充分行使介入权并针对超期羁押如何进行刑事损害赔偿等层面。

    The mechanism proposed involves such components as amendment and stipulation in some corresponding laws and regulations , introduction of judicial review for pretrial custody , safeguard lawyers ' right to intervene , together with prompt state compensation for prolong custody .

  10. 吸收英美法系法官介入公司控制权案例的断案法理,以及大陆法系法典中已然明晰的条文,也许会统一性的建构在一个公司权控制理论框架内。

    Thus the method of case judgment by the common law judges , as well as the code by he continental law , to unity constructs in a corporate control theory .

  11. 证券业监管中司法权的介入及其与行政权的互动

    The Mutual Relation between Jurisdiction and Administrative Power on Security Industry Supervision

  12. 随着金融市场的迅速发展,金融隐私权遭到侵害的风险不断增加,需要法律的介入对金融隐私权进行保护。

    With the rapid development of financial markets , the risk of damaging the right of financial privacy increases continuously , therefore , the intervention of laws should be applied so as to protect the right of financial privacy legally .

  13. 实践和理论的发展要求改革WTO争端解决机制中的第三方介入机制,增强第三方的介入权。

    The development of the WTO practice and theory need to reform third party system in the WTO dispute settlement mechanism and enhance the rights of third party .

  14. 当违法执政行为介入行政管理领域,涉及或运用了行政权力,侵犯了相对人的合法权益,人民法院秉承宪法赋予的介入和监督行政权的权力,依法可以对违法行政行为进行司法审查。

    When illegal governing behaviors in administrative field are related to and use administrative rights and invade legal rights of people , People 's Court can start judicial review on illegal administrative behaviors according to the rights of constitution and monitoring right .