
  • 网络awaken;rouse
  1. 他们做噩梦,经常从梦中惊醒。

    They have nightmares , they startle easily .

  2. 许多观察家如今似乎刚从梦中惊醒,开始正面这个事实。

    Many observers seem now to be waking up to this fact .

  3. 一阵响声和剧烈的震动突然把苔丝从梦中惊醒。

    Suddenly she awoke from her dream to noise and violent movement .

  4. 她从梦中惊醒了。

    She woke with a start from her dream .

  5. 四点左右,海鸟的叫声将使水手从梦中惊醒。

    At about four o'clock , the roustabouts are roused by the sound of seabirds .

  6. 波特兰的简布阑从梦中惊醒,内心惶惑。

    Jan Brehm of Portland woke up from a dream confused and shaken to her core .

  7. 半夜时分,他从梦中惊醒,发现此事千真万确!

    He woke in a fright , in the middle of the night , and found it was perfectly true !

  8. 他仿佛从梦中惊醒,挥鞭催马,以最快的速度飞驰过高高的草丛。

    Then he woke as if from a dream , wheeled his mount about , and raced off through the tall grass at a gallop .

  9. 你猛可里从梦中惊醒,一只粗糙的手推搡你的肩膀,灯光直照你的眼睛,一圈冷酷的脸孔围在床边。

    The sudden jerk out of sleep , the rough hand shaking your shoulder , the lights glaring in your eyes , the ring of hard faces round the bed .

  10. 是你从梦中惊醒,在午夜两点从床上跳起来到婴儿床边,轻拍熟睡的宝贝时的那种震撼吗?

    Is it the jolt that takes you from sleep to dread , as you bound from bed to crib at 2 a.m. to put your hand on the back of a sleeping baby ?

  11. 每次从梦中惊醒,都是童年记忆的碎片中,但每次梦都不带颜色,场景总是灰暗的,就象小时看的黑白电视。

    Every time awakened from a dream , are fragments of childhood memories , but not every dream with color , the scene is always dark , as she watched the black and white TV .

  12. 卡特莱特说,说到底,只要梦不使我们无法睡眠或“从梦中惊醒”,就没有多少理由在意所做的梦。

    At the end of the day , there 's probably little reason to pay attention to our dreams at all unless they keep us from sleeping of " we wake u in a panic ," Cartwright says .

  13. 突然一阵电话铃响,才将他从白日梦中惊醒过来。

    The sound of his phone shook him from his daydream .

  14. 一阵雷声把我从愉快的梦中惊醒。

    In the midst of pleasant dream , I was aroused by the thunder .

  15. 当合伙人卷走了十万美元时,他才从发财梦中猛然惊醒。

    He was roughly awaked from his dream of making a fortune when his partner decamped with 100 , 000 dollars .

  16. 他响亮地呼唤着路过你的门前时,你便会从依稀的梦中惊醒,将窗儿洞开,抛下面纱,走出房门,去迎接命运的安排。

    He will pass by your door with his clear cry , and you shall fling open your window , cast off your veil , come out of the dusk of your dreams and meet your destiny .