
cāng dān
  • warehouse receipt;warehouse warrant;dock warrant;godown warrant
仓单[cāng dān]
  1. 接着仓单质押风险概念的提出,建立仓单质押风险指标体系,为风险评估做好基础。

    Then this paper mainly put forward the concept of warehouse receipt pledge risk and establish warehouse receipt pledge risk index system , laying the foundation for risk assessment .

  2. 基于SOM神经网络的第三方物流企业仓单质押业务风险评估研究

    Research of the Third-party Logistics Enterprise 's Warehouse Receipt Pledging Risk Evaluating Based on SOM Neural Network

  3. 基于PLC的小型立体仓库电控设计中小物流企业仓单质押管理模式探讨

    Design of Electrical Control System for Miniature Automated Warehouse Based on PLC Study on the warehouse receipts pledge Management model in Small / medium-sized Logistics Enterprises

  4. 面向中小企业开展仓单质押业务浅析

    The Research on warehouse receipt pledge for Small and Medium Enterprises

  5. 略论仓单市场仓单若干问题探讨

    Discussion on Warehouse Receipt Market On the Issues of Warehouse Receipts

  6. 发展仓单系统:农村金融制度创新的新思路

    Developing Warehouse Receipts System : A New Approach to the Rural Financial Reform

  7. 金融危机背景下的供应链金融业务的风险应对机制&以仓单质押贷款业务为例

    The Risk Based on Financial Crisis of Supply Chain Financial Services Coping Mechanisms

  8. 粮食物流企业仓单质押风险管理研究

    Research on Risk Management of Pledging by Warehouse Receipts in Grain Logistics Enterprise

  9. 商业银行的中小企业仓单质押贷款业务风险控制

    Risk Control in Lending Business Pledged by Warehouse Receipts

  10. 一种新型增值服务模式&仓单质押

    Depot Bill Pledge & a New Value-added Service Mode

  11. 一个转仓单可处理任何的仓库的货品调动。

    Transfer Item provide easy handle transfer item from any location to other location .

  12. 现代物流业的亮点&仓单融资业务

    An innovation of the modern logistics industry & Financing business of the warehouse receipt

  13. 仓单质押风险管理研究

    Research on Risk Management of Warehouse Receipt Pledging

  14. 仓单质押融资业务中的风险控制研究

    Risk Controlling in the Warehouse Receipt Hypothecation Business

  15. 目前,国内已经有融通仓、仓单质压融资业务。

    At present , China has financing warehouses business and warehouse receipt hypothecation financing business .

  16. 仓单作为一种有价证券,具有特殊的性质和特有的物权效力。

    As valuable securities , warehouse receipts are special and have specific effects of property .

  17. 但是,随着仓单质押业务的发展,其风险问题也越来越突出。

    However , as warehouse receipt pledge business development , the risk has become increasingly acute .

  18. 仓单质押也有风险,需要采取防范措施。

    However , the warrant ledge is also a risk business so taking preventive measures is necessary .

  19. 仓单质押融资业务是一种金融产品,它是现代物流服务与金融信贷服务相结合的一种产物。

    Warehouse receipt pledge business is a form of the supply chain finance , also a financial product .

  20. 再次,是银行开展仓单质押贷款业务的模式、运作流程及典型案例分析。

    Thirdly , the paper analyzes the model and process of the bank to carry out the PWR business .

  21. 仓单质押是物流服务与金融服务相结合的创新融资服务模式之一。

    Warehouse receipt hypothecation ( WRH ) is one model of innovative financing services combining with logistics and finance service .

  22. 仓单质押作为一种新的物流业务模式的延伸,得到广泛推广。

    As a new kind of logistics business mode , warehousing credit used to mortgage is widely spread these days .

  23. 林产品物流仓单质押商业模式的出现,有效满足了各方的需要。

    The emerging of the commercial mode of warehouse receipt pledge in forest products satisfies the needs of all parts .

  24. 仓单不仅是仓储合同中一个重要的法律概念,而且是经济活动中一项重要的金融工具。

    Warehouse receipt is not only an important legal concept for warehouse contract , but also an important negotiable instrument .

  25. 分析结果表明,仓单质押能够实现多方共赢,标准化的业务操作方案能够控制风险。

    Conclusion shows that lone pledged by warehouse receipts can benefit every participator and standard business operation schemes can control risk .

  26. 接着通过建立数理模型,运用对比分析的方法,从理论上对仓单质押融资业务的可行性进行了论证。

    Secondly , it proves the academic feasibility of WRH by establishing mathematical model and using the method of comparative analysis .

  27. 本文设计出了一系列仓单质押贷款质押率的判断指标,其目的就在于对仓单质押贷款业务的风险进行有效的控制,相对地降低风险。

    A series of warehouse judgment target for valid control of hazard are designed out , cutting down the hazard relatively .

  28. “仓单”指从事货物储存业务的人开出的收据。

    " Warehouse receipt " means a receipt issued by a person engaged in the business of storing goods for hire .

  29. 但在仓单质押实施过程中存在大量风险,有效的识别风险因素可以有效地控制损失的发生。

    But there are too much risk during the proess , and identify the risk factor effectively can prevent the lose happen .

  30. 仓单质押作为传统储运向现代物流发展的一种延伸业务,得到了越来越多的企业的认可。

    As one of extended business of traditional preservation and transportation to modern logistics , warehouse receipt loan received more and more authorization .