
  1. 这一切却堂而皇之都是以国家的名义。

    This is all nobly in the name of the country .

  2. 有多少罪行他们都以国家的名义赦为无罪!

    How many crimes have they justified in the name of the states !

  3. 但当他们以国家的名义采取手段时,我们变得害怕和回击。

    When they threaten boycotts or use nationalist language , we get scared and react .

  4. 以国家的名义重新书写乡村文化:以河北两庙会为例

    Rewrite the Rural Culture under the Name of Country Exemplified by Temple Fair in North China

  5. 在结束以国家的名义合法掠夺和保卫个人自由的斗争中,你还有多少要求?

    In the struggle to end the legalized plunder of statism and to defend individual liberty , how much more could be asked of one man ?

  6. 生三胞胎及以上的,以国家的名义给男孩赠送银妆刀,给女孩赠送金戒指。

    It gives birth to triplet and the above give boy give silver make up one in the name of country , give the gold finger-ring it to girls .

  7. 在哥本哈根,所有主要经济体,包括美国和中国,第一次以国家的名义承诺限制二氧化碳排放并就各国缓解气候变化的努力提供透明的报告。

    At Copenhagen , for the first time , all major economies , including both the United States and China , made national commitments to curb carbon emissions and transparently report on their mitigation efforts .

  8. 以保卫国家的名义,则很难与之争辩。

    It 's hard to argue with the idea that we should protect our country .

  9. 所谓中国之命运,就是以国家命运的名义,提出的一道政治选择的命题。

    The so-called " destiny of China ", is the fate of the country name , proposed a political choice of proposition .

  10. 非国大最近制定了一项《资料保护法案》,它将允许几乎所有政府文件以国家利益的名义保密。

    The ANC recently wrote a Protection of Information Bill that would have allowed almost any government document to be kept secret in the national interest .

  11. 他的观点的逻辑将让他有权向公司施加影响,而且是以国家利益的名义,无论他和他的部长同僚做出怎样的选择。

    The logic of his argument would entitle him to impose on the company , in the name of national interest , whatever he and his fellow ministers chose .

  12. 诉权是当事人为保护其实体权益或者确认实体权利义务关系,请求法院以国家审判权的名义进行审理并作出裁判的权利。

    Litigious right is that litigants ask court hear and decide to protect litigant substantive benefit and right .

  13. 如果德国和其它债权国政府告诉本国民众,它们是在以援救外围国家的名义援救自己的储蓄,那将会有所帮助(也是坦诚的)。

    It would be helpful and honest for the German government and the governments of other creditor countries to tell their people that they are rescuing their own savings in the guise of rescuing peripheral countries .

  14. 6月底,十名俄国人被指控为俄国间谍,并以试图搜集国家机密的名义在美国遭到逮捕。

    Ten alleged Russian spies were arrested in the US at the end of June for allegedly trying to collect state secrets .

  15. 这是官方首次以国家形象宣传片的名义向外推广中国形象,也是公共外交的一次有力延展。

    This is the first official to countries in the name of the image publicity to promote the image of China , also is the public diplomacy a vigorous extending .