
  • 网络Value creation management;Managing for Value Creation
  1. 本文指出,在基于经济增加值EVA为标准的价值创造管理框架内要从公司资产配置、业务流程、资本结构以及公司治理结构等几个方面对公司进行市值管理。

    The paper illustrates the value creation frame based on the EVA criterion should include the company asset allocation , business procedure , capital structure and company governance structure .

  2. 行为业务单位的链接管理是行为价值创造管理的核心内容。

    Behavior business unit chain management is the core of behavior-based value create management .

  3. 这就是为什么所有的四个RUP阶段都是以需要评估项目交付件,从而证明适当的风险减少和评估价值创造的管理里程碑为结尾的。

    This is why all four RUP phases end with a management milestone requiring project deliverables to be assessed to demonstrate proper risk reduction and assess value creation .

  4. 金东纸业:价值创造过程管理

    Gold East Paper : management in the value-creating process

  5. 企业价值创造型财务管理模式研究

    Research of Enterprise Financial Management Model Based on Value Creation

  6. 价值创造与价值管理:构筑竞争优势两个基本维度

    Value Creation and Value Management : Two Dimensions of Development of Competitive Advantage

  7. 基于价值创造的营销管理

    Value Creation Based Marketing Management

  8. 为了正确评估于企业价值创造,在管理会计领域出现了许多绩效评估指标。

    In order to evaluate enterprise value correctly , people created many performance indicator in management accounting .

  9. 相反,公司应关注以长期现金流为基础的衡量标准,奖励那些做出价值创造投资的管理者。

    Companies should instead focus on long-run cash flow-based metrics in a manner that rewards managers for the value-creating investments they make .

  10. 基于价值创造的信用管理策略研究的重点在于信用管理策略对企业价值创造的影响分析,而非单纯的研究信用管理模型或信用管理技术。

    The emphasis of value creation is affected not merely by the credit management model or credit management skills , but rather by credit management strategies and their impact upon the business value creation .

  11. 本文是从组织要素的设计与变革以及组织能力的培育与开发视角来研究顾客价值的创造与管理问题。

    This Passage has studied customer value ( CV ) creation and management based on design and change of organization element ( OE ) and on cultivation and development of organization capacity ( OC ) .

  12. 本文试图从经济学和财务学的角度,在价值创造和价值管理这一财务学的理论范畴上,研究技术资本价值创造的一般规律,从而论证技术资本是现代企业中客观存在的资本形态。

    This article attempts to research the general rule of value creation function of technology capital from the economics and the finance angle , at the theory category of the value creation and the value management .

  13. 基于价值创造的价值网络管理(Ⅰ):特点与形成

    Value Creation-Based Value Network Management ( I ): Characteristics and Formation

  14. 基于价值创造的战略财务管理研究

    Strategic Financial Management : from the Perspective of Value Creation

  15. 保险企业价值创造&基于风险管理的视角

    Value creation by insurance enterprises & based on the risk management perspective

  16. 价值创造理念与动态管理方法相结合的企业现金流管理分析

    The Analysis on Cash Flow Management Combining the Idea of Value Generated and the Means of Dynamic Management

  17. 本文从理论和实践角度分析研究了基于价值创造的企业信用管理。

    This paper starts from the points of both theory and practice to analyze value-creation-based business credit management system .

  18. 资源以成本形式完成价值创造,而成本管理则是为了最大化和高效率利用组织资源而进行的管理行为。

    The consumption of resources will lead to the creation of value in terms of cost , and cost management is a managerial behavior designated to utilize resources to the maximum and with higher efficiency , which has played more and more important role in the serious competition .

  19. 网络经济时代的企业战略创新内容主要包括价值创造和组织、管理及文化等战略创新,其特点表现为战略的非线性化、非物质资源化、合作性竞争、动态性和弹性互动等方面。

    Enterprise strategy renovation in the age of internet economy mainly constitutes the value creation , and the strategic innovation of organization , management and culture with the characteristics embodied in the non-linear strategy , sources of non-material substance , cooperative competition , interaction of development and elasticity .

  20. 价值管理(VM):基于价值创造的新型企业管理理念

    Value Management : A New Type of Business Management Principle with the Value Creation of the Core

  21. 价值管理是企业财务管理的核心,价值创造也是企业财务管理的目标。

    Value based management is the core of enterprise financial management , and value creation is the goal of enterprise financial management .

  22. 本文所指的基于流程的价值管理的内容包括:前台业务流程的价值创造、中台风险管理流程的价值控制和后台综合管理流程的价值保障。

    Therefore , value management based on process contains : value created by foreground business process , value controlled by middleground risk management process and value insured by background comprehensive management process .

  23. EVA体系本身不能创造价值,价值创造源于战略制定、成于对价值创造活动的管理。

    Value creation comes from strategy development , formed in management of value creation activities .

  24. 企业战略联盟如何为企业创造出竞争价值,提高企业的竞争力,这是企业战略联盟竞争价值创造以及如何管理所要研究的问题。

    How the strategic alliance creates competition value for enterprises , improve the competitiveness of enterprises , this is created by competition value of the enterprise strategic alliance and the problem of how to study in the administrative institute .

  25. 公司价值最大化已经成为公司管理的终极目标,如何实现价值创造便成为公司管理的现实目标。

    The maximization of value of the company has become the ultimate objective of company management . How to realize this therefore becomes the practical objective of company management .