
  1. 一种基于AHP方法的客户价值细分研究

    Research of customer value segmentation based on AHP methods

  2. 价值细分&基于客户终身价值的市场细分

    Value Segment & Market Segment Based on Customer Life-time Value

  3. 基于客户价值细分的营销资源配置研究

    Research of marketing resource allocation based on customer value segmentation

  4. 客户价值细分与保持策略研究

    Study on Value Segmentation and Retention Strategies of Customer

  5. 多准则客观聚类在客户价值细分中的研究

    Research on Multi-Criteria Objective Cluster in Value-Driven Customer Segmentation

  6. 价值细分&价值驱动的细分模型

    Value Segmentation : A Value-Driven Segmentation Model

  7. 实施保户保持策略的前提条件是对保户群进行价值细分。

    The premise of carrying out the customer-keeping strategy is subdividing the customer 's value .

  8. 客户终身价值细分与客户关系战略

    Customer Lifetime Value Analysis and Relationship Strategy

  9. 基于代价敏感性学习的客户价值细分

    Customer value segmentation based on cost-sensitive learning

  10. 客户价值细分的代价敏感支持向量机方法

    Cost-sensitive method for customer segmentation

  11. 在客户的开发和维护管理战略上,要根据客户价值细分客户和建立系统的客户数据库。

    In customer relation management , they should segment customer according to customer 's value and build customer database systematically .

  12. 最后建立了东方南分客户价值细分模型,并做了客户满意度分析和客户流失分析。

    The thesis establish the model of the customers ' value subdivision , analyze the customers ' degree of satisfaction and the customers flowed out analysis .

  13. 从客户生命周期角度在将客户价值细分的基础上,提出了企业客户关系投入及客户保持策略,力图节约成本并培养忠诚客户,旨在为企业经营决策提供指导。

    On the base of calculating customer value on each phrase of customer life cycle , investing and retaining strategies to customer relationship are proposed to provide instruction for enterprises ' decision to reduce the relationship cost and to develop loyal customer .

  14. 移动通信客户价值群体细分研究及应用

    Study and Application of Mobile Telecommunication Customer Categorization Model

  15. 而本文重点研究顾客感知价值,细分顾客感知价值的维度,通过实证验证顾客参与对顾客感知价值及其构成维度的影响,并探究顾客参与中哪些维度影响不同的价值。

    However , in this paper , the focus is CPV . We divide the CPV dimension to verify the influence which customer participation to CPV , and to explore which dimension in customer participation impact the different CPV .

  16. 根据以上分析,笔者提出了相应的营销建议,包括加强宣传力度,挖掘业务价值,细分用户群体,增强体验营销,强化支付监管,建立移动支付信用认证体系,并提出了下一步的研究方向。

    Based on the above analysis , the author offers the marketing proposals , including the step up publicity efforts , tap the business value , segmental user community , strengthen the payment of supervision and establish the credit certification system of mobile payment .

  17. 通过分析基于客户生命周期价值客户价值细分的各种方法,给出了一种简单易行的基于AHP(层次分析法)的客户价值细分方案,为客户价值细分提供了一种新的思路。

    On analyzing the methodology of customer value segmentation based on CLV ( Customer Lifetime Value ), this paper presents a new methodology of customer value segmentation based on CLV , which is simple and easy-operating , providing a new pathway for the research of customer value segmentation .

  18. 然后,本文通过建立客户生命周期价值模型,细分客户价值和客户成本,对客户生命周期价值(CLV)进行详细深入的量化研究,并在此基础上介绍分析了相关的CRM策略。

    Then a deep investigation on customer Lifetime Value ( CLV ) is processed quantitatively through building customer lifetime value model , subdividing customer value and customer costs and calculating the CLV of objective customers . Finally some analyses of CRM strategies are presented on the former basis .

  19. 基于客户终身价值的客户细分方法实证研究

    An Empirical Research of Customer Segmentation Based on Lifetime Value

  20. 基于客户价值的客户细分及保持策略研究

    Customer Segmentation and Retention Strategy Based on Customer Value

  21. 基于终身价值的客户细分与关系战略选择

    Clients Segmentation and Relationship Strategy Based on Lifetime Value

  22. 基于全生命周期客户价值的客户细分研究

    To Study on the Customers Segmenting Customer Value Based on the Full Life Cycle

  23. 电子商务模式下客户保持至关重要,客户细分是企业成功实施客户保持策略的前提,客户价值是客户细分的首要依据。

    Customer segmentation is vital for business enterprises to succeed in implementing the customer retention strategy .

  24. 第一,价值战具体细分为三种状态:竞争博弈状态、相互难以模仿状态及战略互动状态。

    First , value war can be classified into three conditions specifically : competition gaming , mutually inimitable and strategic interaction .

  25. 通过文献回顾,对顾客价值进行了细分,分为顾客功能价值、顾客情感价值和顾客社会价值三个维度。

    Based on the literature review , customer value is divided into three dimensions : customer functional value , customer emotional value and customer social value .

  26. 该系统已于某自动化公司市场部投入使用,实现了市场部工作流程的可视化,使基于客户价值的客户细分更具实际意义。

    This system is used by the market department of some automatization company and the work flow is viewable . It is more significant to classify customer based on customer value .

  27. 同时,信息技术的发展使得品牌服装企业与客户之间能够进行双向的及时沟通,成为客户价值计算、细分、识别从理论走向企业实践的助推器。

    Meanwhile , the development of information technology become a booster from the theory of calculation , segmentation and identification of customer value , to the practice of enterprise , while making closely and two-way communication between the brand garment enterprises and customers .

  28. 基于顾客价值的旅客市场细分研究

    Subdividing Passenger Market on the Basis of Customer Value

  29. 基于消费者价值观的市场细分实证研究

    Quantitative Analysis on Marketing Segmentation based on Customer Value

  30. 基于客户价值的医疗市场细分与管理策略

    Medical Market Segmentation of Based on Customer Value