
  1. 高技术企业创新行为与创业发展机制研究

    Research on the Innovation Actions and Venturing Mechanism in Hi-tech Enterprises

  2. 不同体制下企业创新行为的理论分析与实证比较

    Theoretical and Positive Analysis on Innovative Behaviors of Enterprise under Different Systems

  3. 四川地区工业企业创新行为实证研究

    Innovation Behavior Demonstration Research of Sichuan Industrial Enterprise

  4. 研究得出了以下结论:1.人力资源配置对企业创新行为有着显著的影响作用。

    The human resource allocation network significantly affects the enterprise innovation behavior . 2 .

  5. 区域创新系统中政府与企业创新行为的动态博弈研究

    Research on Dynamical Game Theory of Government and Enterprise 's Innovative Behavior in Regional Innovation System

  6. 企业创新行为研究

    Research on Enterprise Innovative Behavior

  7. 企业创新行为对社会责任角度中小企业创新绩效有显著的影响。

    The enterprise innovation behaviour significantly affects SMEs innovation performance in the social responsibility angle . 3 .

  8. 随着对纵向一体化及其效应的研究不断深入,学者们开始关注纵向一体化结构对企业创新行为的影响。

    With the development of research , economists begin to pay attention to the impacts of vertical integration on innovation .

  9. 18.我们支持各成员通过财政和金融政策及其他措施促进企业创新行为。

    18 . We support members ' efforts to promote entrepreneurial innovation through fiscal and financial policy measures and other means .

  10. 人力资源配置通过企业创新行为来影响社会责任角度中小企业创新绩效。

    Through the enterprise innovation behavior , the human resource allocation network affects the SMEs innovation performance social responsibility angle . 4 .

  11. 研究证明,企业创新行为存在着收益与风险的权衡,风险是一个非常重要的因素。

    Studies have shown that enterprises would consider the risk and return of their innovation activities , for the risk is a key factor .

  12. 由于企业创新行为本身对于企业价值的提升具有高度的不确定性和其支出的费用化会带来企业盈余的减少,其风险对于投资者而言是比较大的。

    As the innovation activity to create value with a high degree of uncertainty and earnings to be reduced result from R & D expensed . The risk of innovate for investors is big .

  13. 模型研究表明,群落中企业创新行为具有协同竞争性,同时还证明了这种协同竞争创新行为具有很强的进化稳定性。

    The results show that there is the evolutionary stable character of synergic competition when corporation make innovation investments in enterprise clusters . Finally , this paper proves that innovation behavior possess evolutionary stability .

  14. 针对上述问题,论文研究了企业创新行为的前因和后果,主要关心两类机制:①知识管理战略如何影响创新行为;②创新行为如何影响企业绩效。

    Considering all of these above , this paper investigates the antecedents and consequences of innovation activities . Two mechanisms are examined : ① How knowledge management strategies impact on innovations ;② How innovations impact on firm performance .

  15. 企业集群创新行为影响因素的实证研究

    Empirical Study on Influential Factors of Enterprise Cluster 's Innovation Behavior

  16. 政策激励、所有权特征与企业的创新行为

    Incentive Policies , Ownership and the Innovation Activity of Enterprises

  17. 这种知识结构的进化,又通过企业的创新行为表现出来。

    The evolution process of cognize structural expressed outside by innovation behavior .

  18. 产业集聚环境中的企业合作创新行为分析

    An analysis of firm 's cooperative innovation in agglomeration clusters

  19. 企业的创新行为主要包括企业的技术创新与企业的制度创新。

    Innovative behaviors of enterprise mainly consist of technological innovation and institutional innovation .

  20. 协同竞争是集群中企业技术创新行为的一种重要形式。

    Synergic competition is an important form for innovation behavior of Enterprises in Cluster .

  21. 专利制度对企业技术创新行为的影响是一个极其复杂问题。

    The effect on technological innovation caused by patent system is a complex problem .

  22. 基于蛙鸣博弈的企业技术创新行为研究

    Research on the Enterprise Technical Innovation Behavior Based on Game Theory of Frog Singing

  23. 第四章提出了工业企业技术创新行为的假说。

    The fourth chapter puts forward three hypothesis of the technology innovation behaviors for industrial enterprise .

  24. 企业的创新行为在当今这个竞争激烈、时刻充满着变数的世界里,对于企业的生存与发展,有着至关重要的意义。

    Such innovative behaviors of enterprises are very critical to the surviving and development of enterprises .

  25. 基于动态博弈的政府与中小企业技术创新行为分析

    The Analysis of Technology Innovation Between Government and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Based on Dynamic Game

  26. 本文运用演化博弈理论研究企业自主创新行为、模仿创新行为与市场结构的演化,研究表明,在满足一定的条件下,市场中进行自主创新投资的企业的比例以及市场结构将演化稳定。

    The relation of independent innovation , imitative innovation behavior and evolution of market structure is studied .

  27. 试论企业的创新行为

    On the Innovation of Enterprises

  28. 现有研究中有一个重要问题值得探讨,那就是如何界定与测度企业的创新行为。

    There is an important current research issues worthy of discussion is how to define and measure business innovation behavior .

  29. 产业集群知识溢出效应下企业技术创新行为的博弈分析

    To Analyse on the Game of Enterprises Technological Innovating Behavior Based on the Effecting of Knowledge Spillovers in Industrial Clusters

  30. 企业的创新行为不是发生在封闭的范围内,而是嵌入于诸多社会关系之中,并受到这些社会关系的影响。

    Innovation behaviors are always embedded in many of social relations but not only occurred in the enclosed area and then affected by these social relations .