
  1. 一种基于BOM/BOP的离散制造企业成本计划的模型

    One Cost Plan Model of BOM / BOP - Oriented in Manufacturing

  2. 水利施工企业成本计划的编制与管理

    Compilation and management on running cost plan for hydraulic construction enterprise

  3. 大型离散制造企业成本计划与控制体系研究

    Framework of Cost Plan and Control System for Large-Scale Intermittent Manufacture

  4. 离散制造企业成本计划与成本金分解计划集成控制模式研究

    Research on the Integration Model of Cost Plans and Cost Funds Dividing Plans in Large Scale Discrete Enterprises

  5. 成本管理信息化能够为企业成本计划、成本核算和成本分析以及相关的决策制定提供依据,并为企业提供及时准确的数据信息。

    The informatization of cost management can provide basis for business cost planning , cost accounting , cost analysis and decision-making , and provide timely and accurate data for enterprises .

  6. 它可以有效地解决离散制造企业复杂的成本计划管理问题。

    This method sovles the question of the complex cost management for intermittent manufacturing enterprise .

  7. 支持多企业协作的项目成本计划与控制系统

    The Cost Planning and Controlling System of Multi-Enterprise Cooperative Project

  8. 面向离散制造企业的三阶段成本计划方法

    A Three-Stepped Cost Plan Method for Intermittent Manufacturing Enterprise

  9. 在日益激烈的市场竞争中,企业物资采购问题不仅直接影响到企业的生产成本、计划安排和企业的综合竞争能力,而且对企业的长远发展有着深远的影响。

    In the fierce competitive market , the timed material purchasing problem of the enterprises will not only directly influence the production costs , plan arrangement , thus will affect the enterprise overall competitive power , but also will assert far-reaching influence to the long-term development of the enterprise .

  10. 因此,现代企业应以市场需求为导向,深入研究战略成本管理系统,制定适合企业战略成本管理的计划,真正发挥战略成本的效用。

    Therefore , the modern enterprise should take the market demand as the guidance , and research strategic cost management system deeply , and formulate suits the enterprise strategy cost management the plan , displays the strategic cost truly effectiveness .