
  1. 企业管理规范,有严格的质量监督制度;

    They have standard enterprise management and strict quality supervision system ;

  2. 物资管理系统最为企业管理规范化、自动化管理系统的一部分对提高企业的管理效率,增加收入发挥出不可替代的作用。

    Material Management System of the most standardized enterprise management , automated management systems as part of improving the management efficiency of enterprises and increase revenue play an irreplaceable role .

  3. 物资管理信息系统作为现代企业管理规范化、信息化、自动化的重要组成部分,对于提高企业管理效率,增强企业竞争力发挥着不可替代的作用。

    As an important component of the modern enterprise management , referring to the standardization , informatization and automation , Material Management Information System ( MMIS ) plays an irreplaceable role in raising the enterprise management efficiency and strengthening the enterprise competitiveness .

  4. 1945年8月至1947年7月,南京国民政府规划了经济现代化发展道路和模式,制订了发展计划,并或多或少地在基础设施建设、企业管理规范化和外资的利用上取得了一些成果。

    From August 1945 to July 1947 , Nanjing national government stipulated the road and mode of economic modernization , worked out a plan of development , and made some progress in such aspects as infrastructural construction , standardization of business management and introducing foreign investment .

  5. 以企业管理的规范和优化为基础;

    The foundation is to normalize and optimize the enterprise management .

  6. 中小型制造企业生产管理规范化研究

    The Research on Production Management Standardization of Small and Middle Size Factories

  7. 施工企业质量管理规范

    The code of quality management by enterprises of construction industry

  8. 面向21世纪,世界炼油工业呈现出以下发展趋势:企业管理纳入规范化轨道;

    As it prepares to enter the 21st century , the world refining industry is exhibiting development trends including standardization of business management ;

  9. 因此,在我国建立完善、科学的上市公司质量评价体系对引导投资者理性投资,促进企业管理者规范经营,国家监管机关实施有效监管将发挥越来越重大的作用。

    Therefore , the scientific evaluation system of listed company will play an increasingly important role in guiding investor 's investment and standardizing managers ' operations .

  10. 随着企业管理的规范化和市场竞争的日趋激烈,经济学界和企业界人士也普遍认识到人力资源管理战略的重要性。

    As the business management being standardized and the market competition becoming bitterly , figures in economy and business also generally understand the importance of human resources strategy management .

  11. 它有助于会计核算的规范化,有助于带动财务管理乃至企业管理的规范化,从而提升企业的管理水平,提高企业的效益。

    Software contributes to the standardization of accounting as well as the promotion of financial and even enterprise management , thereby improving the management level and the efficiency of enterprises .

  12. 采用先进的管理信息系统可以使中小型铸造企业的管理规范化,改进企业的管理水平,提高经济效益。

    The adoption of advanced management information system could help the standardization of management for middle and small-sized foundry enterprise , improve the management level and increase the economic situation .

  13. 在国内,随着企业管理的规范化和规模的不断扩大,企业的计算机管理将不仅仅停留在信息资源管理上,而将向更复杂的业务过程管理迈进。

    Interiorly , along with the criterion of enterprises ' management and the expandedness of enterprises ' scale , the enterprise 's computer management system will not only stay on information management but step forward to complicated business process management .

  14. 随着我国企业管理日益规范化,对企业内部控制的要求也逐渐提高,我们关注的重点不再是企业是否建立了内部控制,而是企业内部控制运行是否有效,即对内部控制进行评价。

    The requirements are gradually improved for internal control with our increasingly standardized enterprise management , the focus is not our concern whether a company established internal control , but a shift to whether effective internal control run , and that the evaluation of internal control .

  15. 基于Web的油田项目工程造价与分析管理信息系统的开发,可以有效规范企业管理行为,规范油田项目主体的经营行为。

    Business management can effectively regulate behavior , and regulate the operation of the main oil field behavior .

  16. OA系统解决了企业的日常管理规范化、增加了企业的可控性、提高了企业运转效率的、实现多人多部门的协同办公以及各种信息的沟通与传递。

    OA system can solve the problems of daily management standardization , increase the controllability and improve the operation efficiency .

  17. 在我国企业管理尚不规范的情况下,如何提高管理信息系统的通用性,以适应我国企业不断改革管理模式的要求,对于MIS开发人员来说,是一个很棘手的问题。

    It is difficult for the developers to improve the flexibility of MIS , so that they could adapt themselves to the various models of management under the abnormal condition in national enterprises at present .

  18. 电力企业管理信息系统规范化初探

    Preliminary Discussion on the Standardization of Power Enterprise Management Information System

  19. 现代冶金企业安全管理基本规范

    Basic criterion of safety management in modern times metallurgy enterprises

  20. 金融企业资本管理的规范与创新

    The Standard and Innovation of the Financial business Capital Management

  21. 企业角色管理,规范和集中的作用,创建和维护。

    Enterprise Role Management , which standardizes and centralizes role creation and maintenance .

  22. 高度的企业管理现代化、规范化需要建立一个综合管理体系。

    An integrated management system is required for highly modernized and standardized business management .

  23. 制定出台了《企业知识产权管理规范》等一批规范性文件。

    A batch of normative documents such as Rules of Enterprise IPR Management were formulated and promulgated .

  24. 煤化工企业管理的科学规范化需要相应的软硬件支持。

    The scientific standardization of corporation management of coal chemical needs the corresponding support of software and hardware .

  25. 结合中美史克公司召回康泰克的经验,浅谈企业药品召回管理规范的制定。

    Based on the experience of GSK of their recalling of Contact Capsules , The authors discussed the establishment of recalling Practice of pharmaceutical manufacturers .

  26. 随着信息网络的日益形成,技术进步和需求多样化使企业内部管理日趋规范化,供求关系也变得越来越复杂。

    As the development of information networks , technological progress and demand diversification , the standardized internal management of enterprises makes the relationship between supply and demand more complex .

  27. 通过加强中小企业内部管理的规范性,使中小企业从内部提升企业素质,解决自身贷款难的问题。

    By strengthening the standardization of small and medium-sized enterprise internal management , make the small and medium-sized enterprises from the internal improve enterprise quality , solve their own loan difficult problem .

  28. 结论,济南市消毒产品生产企业存在管理不规范和产品质量不合格问题,需要加强管理。

    Conclusion : There were problems of lack of standardization of administration and ineligible product quality in the enterprises producing disinfection products in Jinan City . The administration of these enterprises needs to be strengthened .

  29. 会计监督包括内部会计监督和外部会计监督,面对企业现代化管理,规范会计行为,提高会计工作质量,维护经济秩序尤为重要。

    Accounting supervision includes internal accounting supervision and external accounting supervision . In the modern enterprise management it is particularly important to regulate accounting conducts , raise accounting working quality and maintain economic ( order . )

  30. 但是由于信用担保体系不健全、企业自身管理不规范、金融机构与企业之间的信息不对称等原因,中小企业融资难这一世界性难题并未因中小企业所做出的经济贡献而得到相应的解决。

    However , due to the credit guarantee system is not perfect , business itself is not standardized , and the asymmetric information between enterprises and financial institutions , the financing difficulties of SMEs is not resolved .