
  1. 文章应用SWOT分析法,对MIF的主题定位进行诊断,发现澳门经济特点与会展业定位存在的问题;

    The essay applies SWOT method to distinguish the Macao economic characteristics and diagnosis the existing problems in the process of MIF theme positioning .

  2. 最后,以温江·第六届中国花卉博览会为例,从会展旅游定位、发展目标、宣传推介、线路整合、效益评估等方面提出开发方案。

    At last , taking " The 6th China Flower Exposition " for example , the writing brings forward the proposal project for that .

  3. 文章探讨了长沙城市会展品牌定位的迫切性,并依据长沙城市形象定位,及对长沙文化产业、现有文化会展品牌的分析,阐述了将长沙会展业定位为文化会展城市的理由。

    This paper discusses the urgency of Changsha city MICE brand positioning . After analyzing Changsha 's cultural industry and culture MICE , also according as Changsha city image positioning , it positions Changsha as a culture MICE city .

  4. ⑶既有有关旅行社在会展旅游市场定位的深入研究很少,本文运用战略管理理论阐述了旅行社在会展旅游市场的全新定位的依据、方法和步骤。

    ⑶ There are few study articles about travel agencies in the MICE tourism market correct positioning , this paper elaborates the basis approach and methods of positioning systematically based on the strategic management theory research .

  5. 成都构建会展之都的定位分析

    Placement Analysis on Conference and Exhibition Metropolis Construction in Chengdu

  6. 试论政府在发展会展旅游中的定位

    Government Orientation in Developing Exhibition Tourism Industry

  7. 运用SWOT分析法为M国际会展中心进行经营战略分析,为M国际会展中心经营战略定位提出合理的营销战略和实施方案。

    SWOT analysis method using M International Convention and Exhibition Centre for the business strategy analysis , business strategy M International Convention and Exhibition Centre , a reasonable marketing positioning strategies and implementation programs .