
  1. 债可能会还掉一部分。

    It might go part way to repaying the debt .

  2. 会还没有散。

    The meeting is not over yet .

  3. 微软董事会还将包括ValueActCapitalManagement。

    Adding to the cast of boardroom characters is ValueAct Capital Management .

  4. 今年,世界自然基金会还发起了众筹平台平台“蓝色地球小时”(EarthHourBlue)行动,该平台旨在为全球的环保项目募资。

    This year the World Wide Fund for Nature also launched Earth Hour Blue , a crowdfunding platform aimed at raising money for environmental projects around the globe .

  5. 此外,证监会还曾表示,由政府出资的中国证券金融公司(ChinaSecuritiesFinanceCorporation)将提供“充足流动性”,帮助稳定市场。此外,多家国有企业也被指示回购股票。

    The China Securities Regulatory Commission said separately that China Securities Finance Corporation , a government-backed fund , would provide " abundant liquidity " to help steady the market . State-owned enterprises have also been directed towards share buy-backs .

  6. 盖茨基金会还与很多组织一道,向华大基因提供资金,其中还包括硅谷风投企业红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)。

    The Gates Foundation has also joined a long list of groups providing funds to BGI - a list that also included Sequoia Capital , the Silicon Valley venture capital firm .

  7. 拥有《糟糕的浪漫史》、《扑克脸》等热门单曲的LadyGaga还表示整个演出将充满戏剧色彩,“与其说是一场演唱会还不如说是一部音乐剧”。

    The singer of hits like " Bad Romance " and " Poker Face " has said the theatrical show will be " more of a musical and less of a concert " .

  8. 虽然雅芳董事会还考虑过其他的人选,其中包括最近加入百事可乐(PepsiCo)的沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)前高管布莱恩•康奈尔,但董事们认为麦柯伊才是正确的选择。

    While the Avon Board considered other candidates , including Wal-Mart ( WMT ) executive Brian Cornell who recently joined PepsiCo ( PEP ) , the directors agreed that McCoy was the right package .

  9. 当然,真相会还她的父亲自由。自从Det.Lance(由PaulBlackthorne扮演)被指控与绿箭侠合作并且不愿意透露他的姓名之后,他就被关进了监狱。

    The truth , of course , could also set her father free since Det. Lance ( Paul Blackthorne ) was thrown in jail for working with the vigilante and refusing to give up his name .

  10. 同时德克基金会还出资切除了库乔身上的几处囊肿。

    And Dirk 's Fund paid to have some cysts removed .

  11. 我们何时举行运动会还没有决定。

    When we shall hold our sports meet is not decided .

  12. 什么时候开运动会还没有定下来。

    When the sports meet will be held isn 't decided .

  13. 明天我会还衬衣和裤子,行了吧?

    I 'll return the shirt and trousers tomorrow . okay ?

  14. 磁盘扫描程序会还恢复上一层文件夹,修复错误。

    ScanDisk repairs this error by restoring the correct top-level folder .

  15. 该基金会还声称是西方八国集团的政府首次用国际援助预算与独立的非营利机构联系起来。

    An independent , not-for-profit organisation with its international assistance budget .

  16. 他们坚信司法会还他一个公道

    and they 're sure that justice will be served .

  17. 你会还多少价钱给业主呢?

    A : How much do you want to offer the vendor ?

  18. 我过一阵子会还的。

    And I 'd pay it back over a period of time .

  19. “我会还回来的,”我回答说,并且我做到了。

    " I will repay it ," I answered , and I did .

  20. 永远不要抱着一颗对方会还的心借钱给朋友。

    Never lend to a friend with the expectation of getting it back .

  21. 我曾坚信法律体制会还我一个公道

    I trusted that the system would vindicate me ,

  22. 我一时半会还真没认出你来。

    I didn 't recognize you for a moment .

  23. 我们给那个美国人的演奏会还进行吗?

    Ls our concert for the American still on ?

  24. 此外,校董事会还为学校提供了无线上网的便利条件。

    For good measure , the board provided wireless Internet access at school .

  25. 明天是否要开这个会还没定下来。

    It hasn 't been decided whether the meeting will be held tomorrow .

  26. 在美国光学会还提供了有帮助的关于这些眼疾病的信息。

    The American Optometric Association also provides helpful information about these eye conditions .

  27. 董事会还应当评估监控、处理举报者投诉的方式。

    The board should also review the way it monitors and handles whistleblower complaints .

  28. 她也许会还你小金人的。

    She might have given you the oscar .

  29. 布雷克:但你说这星期会还我的。

    Blake : But you said that you 'd pay me back this week .

  30. 不过,这届奥运会还出现了很多在压力下展现风度的例子。

    But these Olympics have thrown up many other examples of grace under pressure .