
  • 网络communication symbol
  1. 论电视述评的传播符号和话语系统

    Communication Symbol and Discourse Function of Television Review

  2. 电视新闻节目主持人在传播符号转换过程中的作用研究

    A Study of the Function of TV News Programme Hosts in the Process of Communication Symbol Transformation

  3. 传媒业的产业融合与传播符号学的新视域

    The Convergence of Media Industries and the New Horizon of Media Semiotics

  4. 罗兰·巴尔特的传播符号学思想研究

    A Study of Roland Barthes 's Semeiology Theory in Communication

  5. 视觉传播符号在跨文化广告传播中的解读

    Understanding of the Visual Sign in Cross-cultural Advertisement Communications

  6. 传播符号:语义赋值与语义契约

    Communication Signs : Semantic Value and Bond

  7. 出版规范是编者与作者、读者之间约定俗成的文化传播符号。

    Publishing standards are cultural propagating symbols sanctified by usage between editors and authors and readers .

  8. 传播符号的分类及功能

    Classifications and Functions of Communication Sign

  9. 世界经济日益全球化和自由化,作为传播符号的标志的设计也面临新的挑战。

    With the economy being globality and freedom , the logo designing as propagative symbol is faced with new challenge .

  10. 在中国,汉字作为重要的信息传播符号和文化载体,呈现出独特的文化个性。

    Chinese typography , which presents an unique cultural personality , is an important symbol of information and cultural embodiment .

  11. 我国现代广告作为一种商品信息传播符号,其文化语境已经形成。

    The cultural linguistic concept of advertising in modern China , as a transmission message code of commodities , has come into being .

  12. 最后就典型传播符号在应用中应注意的事项做了简要分析。

    At last , a brief analysis of what we need to notice during the process of applying the typical diffusion symbols is presented .

  13. 标志最早来自原始社会的图腾,后作为大众传播符号,反映了事物的特色和内涵。

    The symbol comes from totem in primitive society initially and developed into symbol of public communication , showing things ' characteristic and connotation .

  14. 他们在媒介使用习惯以及信息传播符号上自动适应传播需求,是为了保持传播主体在媒介创造的公共空间内无障碍交流。

    They automatically transform the habits of using symbols and information dissemination media to meet communication needs , are to create a public space for barrier-free communication .

  15. 电视新闻作为一种传播符号多元化的叙事文本,细节在其中起着比在其他媒介新闻中更重要的作用。

    There are many kinds of communication symbols in the TV news , in which detail plays a more important role than in any other medium news .

  16. 作为大众传播符号中重要组成部分的非语言符号,在传播信息时所起的作用并不亚于语言符号甚至大于语言符号。

    Being one of the important parts of mass media symbols , non-verbal communication plays as essential role as verbal communication does in the course of spreading information .

  17. 情感类节目主要是以平民自身作为传播符号,通过平民故事的载体来进行传播的,这样便具有了最大限度的接近性、亲和力和易接受性。

    Mainly on a symbolic of " civilians themself ", Emotional programmes spread through " the story of civilians ", so they are close to the maximum of affinity and easy acceptance .

  18. 技术知识传播符号化要受到来自传播内部要素和外部环境的影响,其中内部中分别涉及到技术知识、传者、受者三个方面,这也是在影响要素中起主要作用的部分。

    The symbolization of technical knowledge diffusion is affected by both inside element and outside environment . The inside element is the leading role , which includes technical knowledge , transmitter and receiver .

  19. 第三章所体现的是从转化为非语言传播符号的颜色,方向,数字所传播的信息和文化内涵,第四章概括总结了对蒙古族非语言传播的特征与功能。

    Embodied in Chapter III is transmitted from the conversion of non-verbal communication symbols , color , direction , digital information and culture , the fourth chapter summarizes the characteristics and functions of the Mongolian non-verbal communication .

  20. 符号化过程中又包含典型传播符号的创建和应用两个阶段,只有综合考虑传播过程的各个因素,创建适合技术知识的典型传播符号,并进行有效的应有,才能实现有效的传播。

    The symbolization process also includes two typical stage , creation and application , of symbol diffusion . To realize typical diffusion actively , we need to consider every factor during diffusion process , create typical symbols suitable for technical knowledge and apply them effectively .

  21. 通常人们在打开电视观看节目时,首先接触到的信息符号就是节目的主持人,主持人作为电视民生新闻栏目最具象化的传播符号,在抓取公众的收视注意力方面起着重要作用。

    People usually turn on the television viewing , the first symbol is the access to information show host , livelihood as a television news presenter as part of the dissemination of the most symbolic , the viewing public attention in the crawl play an important role .

  22. 第二章在比较、分析前人对品牌所下的定义的基础上,作者从符号学入手,指出品牌实际上是指称特定产品和服务的具有丰富内涵义的传播符号。

    In the second part , this article , based on the comparison and analyze of the definition of BRAND , tries to make clear from a semiotic point of view that brand is but a communicative symbol with profound meaning which signifies a particular product and service .

  23. 论广告传播中符号与符号对象的关系

    On the Connection of Symbol & Object in Advertising

  24. 知识传播的符号学原理研究

    A Semiotic Approach to Knowledge Dissemination

  25. 此方案在推理过程中运用了约束传播和符号代数的方法,预测所有可能合理的配置信息。

    The basic idea in this approach is to predict all reasonable spatial configurations of a mechanism using constrain spread and sign algebra .

  26. 另一方面,在进行上述本体研究以外,笔者吸收了传播学符号分析以及受众心理研究的相关成果,对历史题材电视剧的接受对象&观众,进行探究。

    Beyond such studies , I can research the audience of historical TV dramas with the symbol theories and psychology theories of mass communication .

  27. 在微观层面运用文本分析法探究跨文化广告传播的符号运作规律。

    At the micro level , the thesis intends to study the rules and regulations when cross-cultural advertising communication is used by means of text analysis .

  28. 符号如物符、形符、音符、影像等都是人语物化而来的,可以离开具体的生存场景跨时空地进行传播,符号是传播人类文化的媒介,也是人类文化的信息载体。

    , is materialized from the language , which can spread through time and space from the concrete living field and which is the media used to spread culture and the carrier of culture information .

  29. 加性噪声以及由多径传播导致的符号间干扰(ISI)限制了高速率无线通信技术的发展。

    High data rate in wireless communication is limited by additive noise and the Inter-symbol Interference ( ISI ) owing to multi-path propagation .

  30. 研究显示,采用OFDMA技术可有效提高无线通信系统的接入速率,有效对抗窄带干扰和由多径传播引起的符号间干扰,提高系统传输信息的容量。

    Researches show that , OFDMA technology can effectively improve the access rate of wireless communication system . OFDMA system can reduces narrowband interference and symbols interference caused by multipath spread effectively .