
  • 网络low-carbon technology;low carbon technology
  1. 我没有看到任何促进低碳技术投资的内容。

    I see nothing here that should drive investment in low-carbon technology .

  2. 与此同时,贫穷国家也可以获得低碳技术,否则它们将负担不起。

    Poor nations meanwhile could gain access to low-carbon technology which they could not otherwise afford .

  3. IEA的谭女士表示:我们将需要所有可获得的低碳技术。

    Ms Tam of the IEA says : We will need all the low-carbon technologies available to us .

  4. CDM的目的是帮助南非等发展中国家,跃进到低碳技术,并建设它们的绿色能源产业能力。

    CDM is intended to help developing countries , like South Africa , leapfrog to low-carbon technologies and build their industrial capacities for green energy .

  5. 同时还促进了低碳技术在市场所及的范围内传播。

    It also promotes low-carbon technologies to spread in the market .

  6. 《京都议定书》将推动能源技术的进步,尤其是推动低碳技术和高能效技术的创新与扩散。

    The technologies of low-carbon and high energy-efficiency will be promoted .

  7. 它们还必须激励企业认识到低碳技术领域的商机。

    Business requires incentives to recognise the economic opportunities in low-carbon technologies .

  8. 低碳技术上的此类公私合作并非新的合作模式。

    Such public-private partnerships in low-carbon technologies are not a new type of co-operation .

  9. 国际低碳技术转让既充满挑战,也面临机遇。

    At present , there exist both challenges and opportunities in international transfer of low-carbon technologies .

  10. 该报告承认,迄今为止向发展中国家转移低碳技术的成绩平平。

    The report acknowledges that low-carbon technology transfer to developing countries has so far been modest .

  11. 通过分析低碳技术创新所面临的一些问题,提出相应的对策和建议。

    This article analyzes the plight of low-carbon technology innovation , and points out some corresponding countermeasures .

  12. 第一部分主要研究技术转移与我国低碳技术创新模式的关系。

    The first part of main research in technology transfer and low carbon technological innovation mode relations .

  13. 它希望在某些领域实现跨越式发展,其中之一将是低碳技术。

    In some areas it wants to leap ahead . One of these will be low-carbon technology .

  14. 各类因素相互作用对低碳技术创新产生影响,形成低碳技术创新的动力机制。

    All kinds of factors interact with each other , forming the dynamic mechanism of low-carbon technology innovation .

  15. 其中,低碳技术是保证,合理有效的制度建设是保障。

    Nevertheless , low-carbon technology and reasonable and effective institutional construction are the guarantee of Chinese low-carbon economy .

  16. 它需要资金充裕、长达一代人之久的努力来开发我们需要的低碳技术。

    And it requires a well-funded , generation-long effort to develop the low-carbon technologies that we will need .

  17. 而且此次会议就如何激励关于开发和传播低碳技术的国际合作达成了共识。

    And the meeting reached a consensus on how to stimulate international co-operation on developing and disseminating low-carbon technologies .

  18. 国内有关机构可抓住金融危机和气候变化的机遇,在低碳技术方面进一步强化与丹麦的科技合作。

    Financial crisis and climate change provided China with opportunity to intensify the scientific and technological cooperation with Denmark .

  19. 低碳技术和绿色技术的创新、发展、扩散和大规模应用才是我国制造业实现可持续发展的持久保障。

    Low-carbon technologies and green technology innovation , development , diffusion and large-scale applications are sustainable development lasting protection .

  20. 建议七,完善我国企业所得税,鼓励企业进行低碳技术的研发。

    Seven , improve the corporate income tax and encourage enterprises to carry out low-carbon technology research and development .

  21. 各国政府不一定要等全球气候谈判协议,可以立即采取气候智能型国内政策,采用已经现有的低碳技术。

    Governments can adopt climate-smart domestic policies now to deploy existing low-carbon technologies while a global climate deal is negotiated .

  22. 智能电网能够支持各种低碳技术的引入,进而带来碳减排效益。

    Smart Grid can support the introduction of various low-carbon technologies , and thus bring benefit of reducing carbon emission .

  23. 发达国家纷纷在国内制定相应的战略规划,加强对低碳技术的研究与开发。

    More and more developed countries have developed appropriate strategic planning to strengthen the research and development of low-carbon technology .

  24. 一旦世界各国在气候变化上达成具有约束力的协议,就立刻会为中国的低碳技术创造一个全球市场。

    A binding international agreement on climate change instantly creates for China a global market for its low carbon technologies .

  25. 要扩大可再生能源的规模,就需要给碳定价,并为推广低碳技术提供财政激励。

    Scaling up renewable energy requires putting a price on carbon and providing financial incentives to deploy renewable energy technologies .

  26. 低碳技术所带来的社会效益和生态效益对其价值具有较大影响。

    Social and ecological benefits that Produced by low carbon technologies have a greater impact on the price of low-carbon technologies .

  27. 另一些人则表示,等待低碳技术(如可再生能源)价格降下来,付出的代价较低。

    Others say it would be cheaper to wait for low-carbon technologies , such as renewable energy , to come down in price .

  28. 在中国,低碳技术除了技术本身所具备的环境有益属性之外,还兼具战略性、幼稚性与国际政治属性等特殊属性。

    In China , besides environmentally sound attribution , low-carbon technology has special attributions such as strategy , weakness and involving international politics .

  29. 在投资低碳技术及生活方式上消极滞后的国家,其竞争力只会离目标渐行渐远。

    Countries that bring up the rear in investment in low-carbon technologies and lifestyles are likely to become progressively less and less competitive .

  30. 第三,提高能源利用效率,大力引进先进的低碳技术,大力开发应用新技术。

    Third , raise the energy use efficiency , introduce the advanced low-carbon technology vigorously , and develop vigorously applies the new technology .