
zuò sè
  • Coloration;show signs of anger;get worked up
作色 [zuò sè]
  • [show signs of anger;get worked up] 脸上变色。指神情变严肃或发怒

  • 愤然作色

作色[zuò sè]
  1. 颜色空间选取与人类视觉一致的HSV空间,在奇异点附近以非彩色信息作色调值的加权值。

    HSV color space that is consistent with human eyes is selected ; achromatic information is used as the weigh on the hue value for strange pixels .

  2. 这一画作色泽明快,主题是几名一丝不挂或不着片缕的女性,它是一个15幅画作组成的系列作品中的最后一幅。毕加索创作这个系列的灵感,来自法国绘画大师欧仁•德拉克罗瓦(EugèneDelacroix)。

    The vibrantly hued painting depicts several nude or scantily clad women and was the final work a 15-part series in which Picasso drew inspiration from French master Eug è ne Delacroix .

  3. 对于制作和设计线性啁啾光纤光栅用作色散补偿器,本文具有一定的理论参考价值。

    The thesis is helpful for the design and facture of a linearly chirped fiber grating as dispersion compensator .

  4. 使用全息透镜作色散和聚焦元件的摄谱仪器提高棱镜摄谱仪色散的方法探索

    Spectrograph with a holographic lens as dispersing / focucing element the methods of making th'e dispersion of a prism spectrograph larger