
  • 网络Russian;Languages of Russia
  1. 世纪之交的俄罗斯语言文化学

    Russian lingu-culturology at the turn of the centuries

  2. 中俄跨文化交际中的俄罗斯语言文化知识探讨

    Reflections on Russian Language and its Cultural Background in Cross - cultural Communication between Chinese and Russian

  3. 俄罗斯语言中的文化因素研究

    On Linguistic Translatology in Russia A Study on cultural factors in Russian

  4. 据悉,1960年美国总统奥巴马母亲与父亲在夏威夷大学的一个俄罗斯语言学习班结识,并最后喜结连理。

    President Obama 's mother met his father at a Russian language class at the University of Hawaii in 1960 .

  5. 俄语成语作为俄罗斯语言的一个重要组成部分,是民族文化最妥善的保存者和最集中的体现者。

    The Russian idioms , which are a very important part of Russian language , are the reflection and preservation of Russian culture .

  6. 了解俄罗斯人的姓名便于了解俄罗斯语言、文化及习俗,是研究俄罗斯语言、历史、民俗的珍贵资料。

    Leaning the Russian names can help to know the Russian Language , culture and custom . They are the valuable materials study the Russian language , history and custom .

  7. 本文分析了俄罗斯语言翻译学产生的历史背景、学科特点与研究内容,指出开放性是这一学科不断发展壮大的重要原因。

    This paper analyses the history background of the linguistic translatology in Russia , its features and research aspects , and indicates that the branch develops continuously mostly because of its on-limits character .

  8. 根据俄罗斯语言研究中心的一项调查显示,在过去的十年里,俄罗斯的汉语学习者的数量增长了两倍,从2007年的17000人增加到了2017年的56000人。

    The number of Mandarin learners in Russia has grown two-fold in the past 10 years , from 17000 in 2007 to 56000 in 2017 , according to a survey of a regional research center of linguistics in Russia .

  9. 还有其他几家公司对用来对付民主党全国委员会的恶意软件的代码和被盗文件的元数据进行了分析。这些公司的工作人员找到了这些文件被多台计算机访问的证据,其中有些带有俄罗斯语言设置。

    Officials at several other firms that have examined the code for the malware used against the Democratic National Committee and the metadata of the stolen documents found evidence that the documents had been accessed by multiple computers , some with Russian language settings .

  10. 本文主要是运用社会语言学理论,探讨俄罗斯语言文化与新疆锡伯族语言文化的相互关系、接触和影响,揭示了新疆锡伯族语言文化由于历史发展变化的影响而导致的多元个性。

    Based on the social linguistics theory , the paper discusses the relationships , contact and influence of the language and culture between Russia and Sibo nationality in Xinjiang , and explores the multiply characteristics of Sibo nationality due to the development and changes in its long history .

  11. 论俄罗斯性别语言研究的现状和特点

    On Present Situation and Character of Russian Study of Gender Language

  12. 俄罗斯功能语言研究有着自己的特点。

    It has special characteristics in researching functions of language in Russian .

  13. 增值英国,希腊和俄罗斯输入语言。

    Added English , Greek and Russian input languages .

  14. 翻开当今的俄语报刊,语言游戏随处可见,它成为当今俄罗斯报刊语言的一大特色。

    They exist in every newspaper , and become the great feature in present-day Russian newspaper .

  15. 针对叙利亚事件,虽然俄罗斯在语言上相对温和,但仍在立场上坚决持反对态度。作为叙利亚的盟友,俄罗斯在安理会享有永久的否决权。

    Even the relatively mild language on Syria faces stiff opposition from Russia , a Syria ally , which has veto power as a permanent Security Council member .

  16. 口语化就是当代俄罗斯报刊语言的一个典型特征,具体表现在句法上就是分指结构、问答结构、接续结构、省略结构和命令式结构的大量运用。

    The press language is now characterized somehow by fragmentation , question answer structure , omission , imperative and running on structure , which formerly occurred only in spoken language .

  17. 俄语是俄罗斯的官方语言。

    The Russian language is the only official state language .

  18. 它是一部结合传统的音乐形式和二十世纪新的作曲技法,并融合俄罗斯传统音乐语言为一体的经典之作。

    It is based on traditional music styles and new composing techniques of the 20th century .

  19. 试析俄罗斯报刊广告的语言特点

    Analysis of language characteristic of the press ad in Russia

  20. 言语文明是俄罗斯文化传统在语言中的一个重要方面。

    Parole civilization has been playing an important role in Russian cultural tradition .

  21. 俄罗斯的宗教、语言、文学等因素,都为俄国未来主义打上了深深的民族印记。

    Russian futurism is banded with national characteristics by the factors such as Russian religion , language and literature .

  22. 2000年的时候他曾警告称:几十年后,俄罗斯民族使用的语言可能就是日语、中文或韩语。

    In 2000 he warned : In a few decades the ethnic Russian population could be speaking Japanese , Chinese or Korean .

  23. 论述了东正教文化对俄罗斯人民生活的影响,指出俄罗斯语言与东正教文化有着紧密的联系。

    The paper discusses the influence of the Orthodox Eastern Church on the Russian life has a close relation with the culture of the Orthodox Eastern Church .

  24. 克里米亚是俄罗斯战争荣耀的象征,是俄罗斯传统、语言、信仰的象征,普京表示。他的话引发了雷鸣般的掌声。

    Crimea is a symbol of ­ Russian war glory , of Russian traditions , language , beliefs , he said , triggering thunderous applause .