
  1. 不同的保险市场主体,处于不同的市场地位,具有不同的市场作用。

    Different body has its own position in market and function .

  2. 其中一个最明显的变化就是保险市场主体的急剧增加,从上世纪八十年代初的一家保险公司发展到现今近60家保险公司,而且还有多家保险公司正在筹建。

    One of the most obvious changes is the rapid increase of insurance companies .

  3. 完全信息状态下保险市场主体间的静态博弈研究

    The Complete Information of Static Game Modle for the Subjects of the Insurance Market

  4. 摘要随着我国保险市场主体的快速增加、市场竞争日趋激烈。

    With the quick increase of the main bodies of insurance market , market competition becomes increasingly fierce .

  5. 随着我国保险市场主体的快速增加,保险公司的破产已是不可回避的现实问题。

    With the quick increase of the main bodies of insurance market , the bankruptcy of insurance companies is inevitable reality .

  6. 随着保险市场主体的不断增加,保险业务竞争的日益加剧,代理渠道的重要性不断凸现。

    The importance of the agency channel becomes more and more conspicuous with continuous increase of participants to the insurance market and growing competition of insurance business .

  7. 尤其是保险市场主体增多后,各家保险公司纷纷抢占保险市场,造成河南人保被动抵抗的局面。

    However , with the increase of participants , multiple insurance companies have all entered the competition of insurance market , while the PICC Henan Branch has been under passive situations .

  8. 随着改革开放的深入,江西省保险市场主体不断增多,市场竞争日益加剧,江西保险业进入全面竞争阶段。

    With the deepening of reform and opening up and the number of insurance companies growing , Jiangxi insurance has entered into the perfectly competitive stage from original full monopoly stage .

  9. 其深层次的原因在于保险市场主体的制度性缺陷、车险市场价格的反应机制不健全和保险监管制度有缺陷等。

    The reason of its deep level structure includes corpus system blemish in insurance market , the price responds the mechanism blemish , and takes charge of with insurance to system contain blemish etc.

  10. 中国保险市场利益主体行为分析

    The Analysis on Behavior of Interests Main Body in China Insurance Market

  11. 第二部分介绍了我国保险市场交易主体各方失信行为的现状。

    The second part presents insurance transactions parties have acts of dishonesty .

  12. 这在很大程度上是由于我国保险市场交易主体之间的严重的信息不对称分布格局所致。

    It 's to a large extent due to the severe information asymmetry existed between the trade parties in the market .

  13. 保险公估市场主体自身建设与保险公估机构发展环境的营造相结合促进保险公估机构走出困境,增加效益;

    Combining the professionals ' self-upgrading with the creation of favorable environment for the insurance assessment organs to get out of the plight and increase profits ;

  14. 随着国内保险市场经营主体的不断增加,作为服务行业之一的保险业其市场竞争的激烈程度日渐加剧,保险市场逐渐从传统粗放型向集约精细化方向转变。

    Because the number of main body was increased in local insurance market , competition is more and more intense in the insurance market , which is one of the service businesses .

  15. 同时,保险市场经营主体迅速增加,目前,共有全国性保险公司53家,中介机构162家,从业人员120多万人,一个充满竞争的保险市场体系基本形成。

    Besides , there are more and more operators of the insurance market . At present , there are 53 insurance companies , 162 intermediaries , and 1,200,000 employees in the whole country . A competitive insurance market has taken primary shape .

  16. 为了保障保险市场各主体尤其是保险代理人的利益,促进保险业健康发展,必须改革保险代理制度,对保险代理人的法律地位重新定位。

    In order to protect the insurance market , in particular , the interests of the insurance agents and to promote the healthy development of the insurance industry , the insurance agency system must be reformed . The legal status of insurance agents must be re-positioned .

  17. 它不仅是保险经营市场的主体内容,也是保险理论和实际工作者的一个永恒研究的课题。

    It is not only the main content of the insurance business market , but also insurance , theoretical and practical studies of a timeless subject .

  18. 保险公司与各市场主体的交易是本文分析的基本起点。威廉姆森将交易分解为三个维度,即交易受制约的不确定性;

    The transactions of insurance company and other market bodies are the starting point of our analysis .

  19. 存在道德风险的我国基本医疗保险体系中各市场主体行为分析

    Behavioral Analysis of Principal Parts of Chinese Fundamental Health Insurance Market under the Condition of Moral Hazard

  20. 中国人寿作为保险市场最大的市场主体,要主动承担社会责任,积极参与农村社会保障体系建设。

    As the largest life insurance provider in the domestic market , China Life will actively assume its social responsibility and contribute to construction of the rural social security system .

  21. 经过长期发展,这些国家的保险经纪市场呈现出主体规模不断扩大,数量不断增加的趋势,其大部分保险业务控制在经纪公司手中,在有些国家,该控制比例甚至达到90%以上。

    After a long development , the quantity and scales of insurance brokerage company in these country expanded a lot . These insurance brokerage company control most part of insurance business and some even close to 90 % .

  22. 本研究运用福利经济学的分析方法,通过政府补贴作用于保险价格进而影响保险市场主体的福利,利用消费者剩余、生产者剩余和社会剩余衡量农业保险市场主体的福利变化。

    The study focuses on welfare economics theory , through the principle that thinking the price subsidy will have effect on the agricultural insurance market , then we can adopt the change of consumer surplus , producer surplus and social surplus to measure the welfare change of market players .

  23. 发展西部保险业需要从培育保险意识、培植市场主体、针对西部市场设计新险种、健全资本市场并促进保险资金的直接入市、加强风险监管5个方面进行具体策略的设计与实施。

    Efforts should be made in cultivating an awareness of insurance , establishing market subjects , designing new insurances for West China , bettering capital markets and promoting the direct input of insurance capitals , and strengthening the monitoring of risks .

  24. 近年来,随着保险市场的逐步开放,兰州保险市场中保险主体越来越多,竞争日益加剧。

    In recent years , as the market of insurance is gradually opening , the insurance agents are more and more , which makes the competition stronger and stronger .

  25. 随着我国保险市场对外开放程度的逐渐加大,保险市场主体不断增加,大型中资财产保险公司面临着越来越大的竞争压力。

    With the opening to the world of the insurance market , there are more and more insurance companies in the market . The big domestic insurance companies are confronted with fierce competition .

  26. 保险公司的最佳经济规模在不同的时期受保险市场主体的多少、国家的保险产业政策等多种因素影响。

    The MOS for insurance corporations at different time is influenced by many factors , such as the amount of competitors and national insurance industry policies .

  27. 在全球经济一体化的大环境下,我国保险市场逐步开放,进入我国保险市场的保险公司主体越来越多,竞争愈来愈激烈。

    With the development of global economic integration , the insurance market in China is gradually growing up . More and more insurance companies have come into our insurance marketplace , which results in fierce competition .

  28. 我国自二十世纪八十年代全面恢复保险业务以来,保险业发展迅猛。近几年来,保险市场主体急增,市场竞争空前激烈,竞争加快了市场及保险产品的开发和服务质量的提高。

    Insurance in our country developed rapidly since it was resumed in the 1970s . In recent years , the insurance market players has increased drastically , and unprecedented fierce competition has speeded up the improvement of service quality and the development of insurance products and market .

  29. 在经济全球化成为时代特征的背景下,随着我国加入WTO后保险业市场逐步开放,我国保险业尤其是人寿保险业市场竞争主体越来越多,竞争也越来越激烈。

    Under background of economic internationalization , the insurance industry is opening step by step after the entrance of WTO . More and more companies appear in the market of insurance especially in Life Insurance , and the competition is becoming more and more violent .

  30. 因此,在外资保险公司准备大举进军我国保险市场之际,对我国保险市场的重要主体&国有保险公司的治理结构进行研究,有着重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , the research on the corporate governance structure of state-owned insurance company has very important and practical significance .