
bǎo líng qiú
  • bowling;bowling bowl;indoor bowing
保龄球 [bǎo líng qiú]
  • [bowling;indoor bowing] 滚球戏的音译。以滚动的球击倒排列的木瓶柱的一种游戏。保龄球滚道长19米,宽1.7米,木瓶柱高38厘米,比赛中以球击倒木瓶柱数目计分

保龄球[bǎo líng qiú]
  1. 我打保龄球是为了消遣。

    I go bowling for relaxation .

  2. 保龄球的目标是一球或两球击倒所有的瓶形滚柱。

    The aim in bowling is to knock down all the pins with one or two bowls .

  3. 他们爱打网球和保龄球。

    They go in for tennis and bowls .

  4. 大家都想玩保龄球,因此大家都想开保龄球馆。

    Everyone wanted to bowl , hence everyone wanted to open a bowling alley .

  5. 保龄球是老少都爱的运动。

    Bowling is a popular sport with young and old .

  6. 基于PLC的保龄球设备电脑记分控制管理系统

    The Control and Managing System of Bowling Equipment about PLC

  7. PLC在保龄球后台设备控制中的应用

    Application of PLC in Control of Bowling Background Equipment

  8. LiHua:你说“保龄球容易学”?可是,我怎么觉得挺难的呢?

    Larry : Well , if you think bowling is hard , then what do you think is a snap ?

  9. 京汉两地商业性保龄球馆实施CS战略经营的研究

    Operation of commercial bowling gyms in Beijing and Wuhan and necessity of CS strategy

  10. 莉顿被目睹到和一些朋友在斯蒂迪奥城(StudioCity)的Pins保龄球馆里玩,还在众人怂恿之下参加了扳手腕,最终败北。

    Leighton was spotted at Pins Bowling Alley with some pals in Studio City , inciting an arm-wrestling throwdown .

  11. 葛兰特在IBM工作了40年之久,他从1953年17岁时就开始在该公司的保龄球馆当排球瓶的球僮。

    PAUL M.GRANT worked for IBM for40 years , starting in1953 at age17 as a pinsetter at the company bowling alley .

  12. 简介了保龄球PC中央管理系统、PC电脑记分系统和PLC控制系统总体设计的方案,着重介绍了PLC控制系统的设计;

    The paper introduces a project concerning the control and managing system of bowling equipment and emphasizes the importance of introduction of the control design .

  13. 其中很多游戏都可以让多个玩家同时参与挑战,比如划船游戏&RiverRush,以及将躲避球和保龄球融合一起的RallyBall。

    Multiple players can engage in challenges like a boat game ( River Rush ) and another game that combines dodgeball with bowling ( Rally Ball ) .

  14. 因此,生物技术的AMF保龄球,可用于作物生产和植被恢复。

    Therefore , the biotechnology of AMF can be used in crop production and vegetation restoration .

  15. 此地的新丁包括PinewoodSocial,这家店既是酒吧、餐馆,又是保龄球馆兼卡拉OK厅。还有404,由车库改建而成的餐厅兼精品酒店。

    New hangouts include Pinewood Social , a bar , restaurant , bowling alley and karaoke joint , and the 404 , a restaurant and boutique hotel in a former auto garage .

  16. 欢迎来到我们特设的游戏小帐篷,这里有保龄球、跳五环、趣味DIY等多种趣味的小游戏,快带宝宝一起来玩吧!

    Welcome to our every own Games Tent ! Games include bowling , jumps-five-links and many others ! Come join us !

  17. •TheNexusQ,售价299美元的保龄球形状媒体中心,插在电视上,可以通过无线与扬声器相连,其作用是访问谷歌Play内容的家庭网关。

    • the nexus Q , a $ 299 bowling ball-shaped media player that plugs into a TV , connects wirelessly to speakers and serves as a gateway to the content on Google play .

  18. 如果正确的用保龄球击中,kingpin会让其他九个球针都落下。

    If hit correctly with the bowling ball , the kingpin will make all the other nine pins fall .

  19. 比如说,他把Sally的贬损的话转换成肯定的评价(从“莫名其妙”到“独一无二”),为了和Tommy在一起,他还放弃了打保龄球的计划。

    For example , he turns Sally 's negative comment / into / a positive one ( from " weird " to " unique ") and gives up bowling to be with Tommy .

  20. CalvinNg在一家外国投资银行的私人银行部门工作。他说曾有人开价4800美元购买他的奥迪跑车上的“BOWLING”(保龄球)车牌。

    Calvin Ng , who works in the private wealth unit of a foreign investment bank , says he 's been offered nearly US $ 4,800 for'BOWLING , 'which adorns his Audi sport car .

  21. 一名玩家买PlayStation3游戏机要花499美元,而岩田聪卖给家庭的Wii游戏机只售249美元,还附带网球和保龄球等游戏。

    Instead of one person having to pay $ 499 for a PlayStation 3 , he sold the family a Wii for $ 249 with games such as tennis and bowling .

  22. NetApp提供的食品有补贴但不免费,该公司没有办公室免费剪发服务,也找不到午睡小隔间和保龄球球道。

    At NetApp , food is often subsidized , but not free ; onsite haircuts aren 't an option ; and nap pods or bowling alleys are nowhere to be seen .

  23. 作为内容最为广泛的一项新研究,来自耶鲁大学的计算生物学家古尔·雅里(GurYaari)与他的同事收集到了NBA某个完整赛季的所有罚球数据以及5万场职业保龄球协会比赛的比赛数据。

    In the most wide-ranging of the new studies , Gur Yaari , a computational biologist at Yale , and his colleagues gathered enormous amounts of data about an entire season 's worth of free throw shooting in the N.B.A. and 50000 games bowled in the Professional Bowlers Association .

  24. 这儿有餐厅,一间图书馆,一座保龄球常。

    There are restaurants , a library , a bowling alley .

  25. 还有,爸爸不是讨厌保龄球吗?

    And by the way , doesn 't dad hate bowling ?

  26. 推球是保龄球整体动作的起始点。

    The push away is the trigger for proper bowling execution .

  27. 你最喜欢什么运动,高尔夫还是保龄球?

    Which sport do you like most , golf or bowling ?

  28. 好像有人在这里举办了一次超级保龄球派对。

    Looks like somebody had a Super Bowl party in here .

  29. 不停地在保龄球道上走。

    She kept going on and on about some bowling alley .

  30. 布雷兹•海塞尔格兰:那么你们今晚会去打保龄球吗?

    BLAZE HESSELGRAN : So are you guys going bowling tonight ?