
xìn hán
  • letter;missive
信函 [xìn hán]
  • [letter] 信件

信函[xìn hán]
  1. 所有抽屉里都放满了信函文件。

    All the drawers were stuffed full of letters and papers .

  2. 她惶恐地望着桌子上堆积如山的信函。

    She looked in horror at the mounting pile of letters on her desk .

  3. 将用信函通知你。

    You will be notified by letter .

  4. 发言人说信函的语气非常友好。

    The spokesman said the tone of the letter was very friendly

  5. 这两个人晚年时互通信函,诉说怀旧感伤之情。

    In old age the two men wrote each other wistful letters .

  6. 他起草了一份给编辑的标准信函。

    He drafted a standard letter to the editors

  7. 也许对于某些正式的商业通信是OK的,例如来自处理你去世母亲遗产的律师信函。

    Maybe OK for some formal business correspondence , like from the lawyer handling your dead mother 's estate . Sincerely Yours

  8. 浅议商业信函写作中的五个C

    On Five " C " s in Business English Writing

  9. 浅谈英文商务信函写作的三C原则

    Three " C " s in Business Letter Writing

  10. 商务英语信函写作的七C原则及技巧

    Basic Principles Skills of Business Letter Writing

  11. 许多商务信函需要好几个段落来阐明这五个W。

    Many business messages require several paragraphs to cover the five Ws .

  12. wehavereceivedyourletterinanswertoouradvertisement.我们已经收到您回复招聘广告的信函了。

    Watt : OK , Miss Li , we have received your letter in answer to our advertisement .

  13. 如果选择修改信函,word将把所有信函保存到单个文件中,每页一封。

    If you choose to modify the letters , word saves them all to a single file , with one letter per page .

  14. 也许对于一些正式的商业通信是OK的,例如来自处理你去世的母亲的遗产的律师信函。

    Maybe OK for some formal business correspondence , like from the lawyer handling your dead mothers estate .

  15. 本文探讨了信函、便条、商务活动请柬等统一格式要求文件编辑的一般方法,给出了用Word环境制作批量文档的简捷途径。

    This article discusses the methods of making little , notes and invitations gives a simple way to make masses of document based on the Word .

  16. 本文通过大量例证对英文商务信函写作中的三C原则进行分析,以便达到更好交流,促进外贸活动发展的目的。

    The paper analyses the three " C " s in the business letter writing through lots of examples in order to promote the development of the international trade .

  17. 附件是我ABC公司致XYZ的信函,请你查收。

    Please find attached the letter to XYZ from us , the ABC Company .

  18. 外交大臣JackStraw()向赖斯递交了一份正式信函,代表欧盟要求美国澄清有关黑狱的报道。

    The foreign secretary , Jack Straw , sent Ms Rice a formal letter on behalf of the EU requesting " clarification " of the reports .

  19. 字处理软件(如WORD、WPS)广泛用于办公系统以用来书写信函及备忘录。

    Word Processing Software such as WORD , WPS etc. is widely used in The office environment to prepare letters and memos .

  20. 它建立了数据源和主文档,用户需要按照MicorosoftWord的常规邮件合并过程输入套用信函和插入字段。

    It sets up the data source and main documents ; the user then needs to type the form letter and to insert the fields using normal mail merge procedures in Microsoft Word .

  21. 他可能于本周二收到英国央行(bankofEngland)的信函,解释为什么英国通胀率已超过2%的目标水平逾1个百分点。

    He is likely to receive a letter from the Bank of England on Tuesday , explaining why UK inflation has risen more than one percentage point above its 2 per cent target .

  22. 为全世界呈现了最新最酷的电子产品的苹果CEO宣布辞职。史蒂夫·乔布斯在上周的信函中宣布了辞职的消息。

    The chief executive who ed the latest , and coolest , electronics to the world has . Steve Jobs announced his resignation as head of Apple in a letter last week .

  23. 中国发表上述言论前,巴基斯坦和古巴代表发展中国家组织77国集团(g77)和不结盟运动(non-alignedmovement)发出了多封信函。

    The Chinese outburst followed letters sent by Pakistan and Cuba , on behalf of the G77 group of developing nations and the Non-Aligned Movement .

  24. 包括阿迪达斯、麦当劳和可口可乐在内的五家世界杯赞助商,本周签署了一封信函,敦促FIFA要确保对改革实行独立监督。

    Five World Cup sponsors , including Adidas , McDonald 's and Coca-Cola , signed a letter this week urging FIFA to ensure independent oversight of the reforms .

  25. 论商务信函中You-attitude的应用&以目的为核心的分析方法

    The Application of You-attitude in Business Correspondence Writing & A Goal-oriented Approach

  26. 在现代广告信息传播中,DM的传播和其他广告形式不同,是通过邮寄,以信函形式告之消费者,传达其广告内容。

    In modern advertisement information propagation , that the advertisement form is unlike the DM propagation sum other , is by mail , the form sues that consumer , communicates whose advertisement content with letters .

  27. 卖方发出FCO,买方签字并返还给卖方,连带正式之“银行资信函”。

    The seller issues FCO , Buyer signs and returns it to the seller with official bank comfort letter .

  28. 他们在信函中称,选择华为发展并/或为韩国先进LTE电信网络的主干网提供设备是个严重问题,可能带来安全隐患。

    In the letter , the lawmakers said the choice of Huawei to ' develop and / or supply the Republic of Korea 's advanced LTE telecommunications backbone raise serious questions and potential security concerns . '

  29. 特朗普的代表上周五给纽约州总检察长埃里克•T•施耐德曼(EricT.Schneiderman)发了一封只有一段文字的信函,表示这项和解协议的资金不会来自任何慈善基金会或其他慈善机构。

    Representatives for Mr Trump sent a one-paragraph letter on Friday to Eric T. Schneiderman , the New York State attorney general , stating that no funding for the settlement would come from any charitable foundation or other charitable entity .

  30. 但他一走进温伯格镶嵌着胡桃木的办公室,的确就明白自己面前是一位大人物。墙上挂着一些信函文件的手稿,以及亚伯拉罕•林肯(AbrahamLincoln)的画像。

    But he certainly understood that he was in the presence of a big shot once he found himself in Sidney Weinberg 's walnut-panelled office , its walls hung with original letters , documents , and portraits of Abraham Lincoln .