
  • 网络signal identification;Signal Recognition
  1. 对VAN方法信号识别判据的独立检验

    An independent check of VAN 's criteria for signal recognition

  2. Hough变换法在导弹弹位信号识别中的应用及仿真

    Application and Simulation of Hough Transforms in Missile Position Signal Recognition

  3. 基于BP神经网络的癫痫脑电信号识别研究

    Recognition of Epileptic EEG Signals Based on BP Neural Networks

  4. 星载核爆X射线探测技术进展天基核爆信号识别处理系统技术方案研究

    Developments of nuclear explosion detection system on satellite A project of space-based detection for nuclear explosion

  5. 基于GPIB的卫星信号识别系统的实现

    A realized system based on GPIB to Recognize for signals in satellite communication

  6. 提出了一种基于HHT和支持向量机的实际数字调制信号识别算法。

    This paper proposed a digital modulation signal identification method using the HHT and SVM methods .

  7. Welch法在双曲拱桥固有频率检测信号识别中的应用

    Recognition of Double-curvature Arch Bridge Natural Frequency Detection Signal Using Welch Power Spectrum Estimation

  8. 提出一种基于模糊c-均值聚类(FCM)的模糊神经网络模型用于茶味信号识别的方法。

    Presents a fuzzy neural network model based on fuzzy c means ( FCM ) clustering algorithm to realize the taste identification of tea .

  9. 一种基于小波脊线拟合的MFSK信号识别方法

    Identification of MFSK Signals Based on Approximate Wavelet Ridge

  10. 原核生物信号识别颗粒(SRP)介导蛋白识别转运途径的研究进展

    Research progress of targeting and translocation of proteins mediated by signal recognition particle in prokaryote

  11. 本文提出了一种基于FPGA和NIOSii软核处理器的嵌入式音频信号识别系统的设计方案,系统以cycloneFPGA芯片为核心,采用软硬件结合的设计方式。

    In addition , we propose an embedded audio recognition system based on FPGA and Nios II . This scheme uses Cyclone FPGA chip and combines software and hardware design .

  12. 对不同阶段的AE信号识别实验结果表明,在初始阶段和稳定阶段,基于高阶谱特征分类方法具有一定优势。(5)建立了贝叶斯网络的混凝土安全特性评估模型。

    The results show that the high-order spectrum based classification method is effective for identification of the initial stage and the stable stage . ( 5 ) A safety evaluation model of concrete based on Bayesian networks is proposed .

  13. 在综合分析以前各种心音识别算法的基础上,本文提出了一种基于概率神经网络PNN的心音信号识别算法,将概率神经网络作为心音信号分类器,取得了较好的识别效果。

    So in this paper a recognition algorithm of heart sound based on probabilistic neural networks ( PNN ) is proposed to improve the accuracy of heart sound recognition .

  14. 该电路由1/V转换、低噪声微弱前置放大、50Hz陷波、动态校零和信号识别电路等组成。

    The circuit consists of I / V convertion , low noise weak signal amplification , 50 Hz trap , dynamic alignment , and signal recognition etc.

  15. 所以加快研究OFDM信号识别系统理论,研制具有自主知识产权的关键设备和系统,无疑对增强国家信息高科技创新能力,推动军队信息化建设,促进综合国力和竞争力的进一步提高都具有重大意义。

    To speed up the theory research of OFDM signal recognition system , develope the key equipment and systems with independent intellectual property rights , will undoubtedly enhance the national hi-tech innovation and promote the construction of military information , improve the national comprehensive strength and competitiveness further .

  16. 基于Coulter原理的传统信号识别方法主要采用模拟电路实现,这种方法对M信号会产生误识别。

    The traditional identification way of blood cell signal which is based on Coulter principle is achieved by using analog circuit , but it has risk of misrecognition to the M shape signals .

  17. 心音信号识别是利用语音信号中常用的Mel倒谱频率参数和隐马尔科夫模型,分类也不只是简单的按常规分为正常和疾病两大类,而是根据心杂音信号的各种疾病类型。

    The Mel-frequency cepstral coefficient and hidden markov model , which is commonly used in voice signal recognition , were used for heart sound recognition . Heart sound is not simply divided into normal or abnormal , but classified according to the type of various heart diseases .

  18. 目前耐酸相关基因ffh受到国内外学者的密切关注,该基因编码产物为一生物活性蛋白,是真核细胞中参与蛋白质易位的信号识别颗粒54kDa亚单位同系物。

    Nowadays the acid-resistant gene ffh is closely concerned by international researchers . The product of the gene is a kind of bioactive protein , which is the homologue of the 54-kDa subunit of the eukaryotic signal recognition particle .

  19. 特征值评价对回波信号识别效果的影响

    Influence of feature value evaluation on the discrimination of ultrasonic signals

  20. 基于双尺度分形盒维数的电能质量扰动信号识别

    Power quality disturbance analysis based on dual-scale fractal box counting dimension

  21. 一种新的雷达信号识别可信度确定方法

    A New Method of Confirming the Confidence in Radar Signal Recognition

  22. 基于小波模极大值极性的行波信号识别

    Traveling wave signal identification based on wavelet polarity of modulus maxima

  23. 基于直方图和功率谱比值的肌电信号识别方法

    Identification of EMG Signal Based on the Histogram and Power Spectrum

  24. 广义S变换域有色噪声与信号识别方法

    Recognition of signals from colored noise background in generalized S-transformation domain

  25. 基于模糊规则自动生成算法的茶味觉信号识别

    Identification of tea taste signals based on fuzzy rule generation algorithm

  26. 雷达信号识别中新雷达类型设置问题的研究

    Research on the Setting of New Radar Type in Radar Signal Recognition

  27. 粗晶材料缺陷的超声检测信号识别

    Pattern Recognition of Ultrasonic Flaw Signals for Detection of Large Grained Materials

  28. 直扩信号识别的有限时间平均循环自相关法

    Time-variant finite-average cyclic autocorrelation algorithm for recognition of DS signal

  29. 一种雷达干扰信号识别的映射统计方法及其实验研究

    Studies on a Mapping-Statistical Method and Its Experiment for Jamming Signal Identification

  30. 基于熵聚类模糊神经网络味觉信号识别系统的研究

    Identification of Taste Signals Based on an Entropy-Based Clustering Fuzzy Neural Network