
  1. 论信息商品价格概念及其形成机制

    On the Concept of Information Commodity Price and Its Formation Mechanism

  2. 最后,论述了信息商品价格的特性。

    At last , it discusses information commodity price 's characteristic .

  3. 对信息商品价格的本质也作了说明;

    And it also explains the nature of information commodity price .

  4. 信息商品价格界定的理论基础

    Theoretical basis of determining the price of information commodities

  5. 论信息商品价格形成基础及定价原理

    The Basis of Price Formation and the Principle of Price-Fixing for Information Commodities

  6. 信息商品价格理论与实证研究

    Theory and Case Study of Information Product Price

  7. 国内外信息商品价格问题研究评述

    A Review on die Research Achievements of the Price of Information Goods at Home and Abroad

  8. 同时,从理论上解释了部分信息商品价格严重背离其价值的原因。

    At the same time , it explains why some information commodity price deviates from its value seriously in theory .

  9. 本文讨论了信息商品价格偏离价值的原因,即影响价格的因素。

    This article has discussed the reasons of commodity price of information deviating from the value , namely the factors of influencing the price .

  10. 本文在分析了信息商品价格和影响信息商品价格因素的基础上,通过对网络特征的分析和阐述,探讨了网络对信息商品价格的影响。

    Based on analyzing price of information goods and influence factors , by analyzing characters of network , the paper discussed the affection to price of information goods by network .

  11. 首先,从信息商品价格的基本定义出发,指出信息商品价格是在市场交易中信息商品同存在于它之外的货币商品的交换比例。

    First , from the basic definition of information commodity price view , it points out that information commodity price is the exchange proportion of information commodity in the market transaction to currency commodity out of it .

  12. 网络环境下信息商品的价格歧视初探

    On the Price Discrimination Strategy of Information Commodity Under Network Environment

  13. 信息商品的价格分析与营销探讨

    Discussion on the Price Analysis of Information Commodity and Marketing

  14. 信息商品交易价格决策分析与判断

    Analysis and Judgement of Price Decision of Information Products

  15. 信息商品的价格模型研究

    Study on the Price Model of Information Goods

  16. 信息商品的价格问题信息商品使用价值浅析

    On the Prices of Information Commodities Analysis on the Use Value of Information Merchandise

  17. 信息商品的价格是信息商品价值的货币表现形式。

    The price of the information goods is the monetary form of the information value .

  18. 信息商品的价格问题

    On the Prices of Information Commodities

  19. 信息商品的价格研究

    Research on information product price

  20. 论信息商品的价格理论

    Price Theory of Information Commodity

  21. 本文论述了影响信息商品市场价格的几种因素,指出了信息商品的特殊性质,以及制定其相应的价格策略。

    The paper deals with some factors of informational goods market price . It directs the specific characteristics of informational goods and works out fitting price tactics .

  22. 本文介绍了信息商品的价格形成的机理,从早期价格理论、马克思劳动价值论、现代西方价格理论三个方面探讨了信息商品的价格问题。

    This article introduces the mechanism of the prices of information commodity , and discusses the prices of information commodity from the following aspects : Previous price theory , Labor value theory and western price theory .

  23. 同时,运用现实中实际成交的信息商品的价格对该信息商品定价模型进行了验证,验证结果表明,该信息商品定价模型具有一定的前瞻性和实用性。

    At the same time , it testified the information commodity price making model with realistic bargained information commodity price , and the testified result shows that this information commodity price making model is looking forward and practical in some way .

  24. 我国信息商品的市场价格与定价管理

    Information Commodity Price and Management of Fixing Price in China

  25. 执行市场价格调研、析并提出定价建议。我国信息商品的市场价格与定价管理

    Collect price data and conduct analysis and make pricing proposals . Information Commodity Price and Management of Fixing Price in China

  26. 信息商品的特点及其价格确定

    A Superficial Discussion About Characteristics of Information Products and Decision of Its Price

  27. 论述了信息产品商品化的必要性和可行性,从信息商品价格、特性、市场的培育和发展等方面作了一些探讨,以期推进信息商品化的进程。

    This paper discusses on the necessity and feasibility of the commercialization of the information products , probes into the price and features of the information products and the cultivation and development of the market for promoting the progress of the commercialization of the information products .

  28. 分别探讨了物质型信息商品、扩张型信息商品、深化型信息商品和特殊型信息商品的需求价格弹性。

    This paper focuses on the price elasticity of demands of material information commodity , expansionary informatin commodity , deepening informatin commodity and idiosyncratic information commodity .