
  • 网络Credit conditions;Credit terms;Terms of Credit
  1. 企业为促进销售、加速收款,必须付出一定成本对客户提供一定的信用条件。

    To promote the sale of enterprises and accelerate the collection , to pay a certain cost to provide customers with a certain degree of credit terms .

  2. 在确定客户的信用条件时,企业必须保证对客户提供该信用条件给企业带来的收益大于其信用成本。

    In determining the customer 's credit terms , the enterprise must ensure that customer credit terms to provide the benefits to the enterprise greater than the cost of credit .

  3. 抵押相关的损失上升,信用条件紧张,加深了消费者的苦恼。

    As the mortgage-related losses mount , credit conditions will tighten , adding to consumers'woes .

  4. 信用条件的确定实际上是要在信用期限和现金折扣比例两个方面来进行测算并制定标准。

    The framing of credit condition is to calculate the credit time-limit and the discounted proportion of cash , and then customizing the standard .

  5. 基于现金流转和提供信用条件的考虑,企业应以合理的成本尽快把账面上的收入变为可以直接使用的现金。

    Based on cash circulation and conditions that offer credit , enterprises should as soon as possible turn book income into usable cash at a reasonable cost .

  6. 许多经济学家说他们不关注迅速好转的信用条件,他们考虑的是经济仍然是疲软和银行对于发行贷款的担忧。

    Many economists said they did not look for a rapid improvement in credit conditions , given that the economy remains weak and banks remain nervous about making new loans .

  7. 本文主要从现金持有量、应收账款信用条件、存货采购批量、亏损产品是否停产、是否接受特殊追加订货等短期经营决策方面谈机会成本的应用。

    This article discusses the application of opportunity cost on the side of short term decision such as amount of cash hold , amount receivable , credit terms , inventory purchase lot , product at a loss and acceptance of special additional order and etc.

  8. 定时信用支付条件下的多时段EOQ问题

    EOQ models with multiple periods under supplier timed credit

  9. 对基于供应商提供定时信用支付条件下的有限时域中各时段货价发生变动的EOQ问题进行了研究,并得到了最优订购策略。

    The paper describes an EOQ model with multiple finite periods and price fluctuation in its each period under supplier timed credit and the optimal ordering policies was obtained .

  10. 信用交易条件下的供应链库存协调策略研究

    On Inventory Coordination Policy in Supply Chain under Trade Credit

  11. 信用支付条件下需求不确定的最优订购模型

    Optimal Order Model with Demand Uncertain Based on Trade Credit

  12. 定期信用支付条件下的多阶段货价变动型存贮问题

    EOQ Inventory Models with Multiple Stages under Fixed Credit Payment

  13. 在信用货币条件下,其基本结论不能成立。

    But the theory cannot be applied to today 's credit currency condition .

  14. 在信用经济条件下,存款保险作为一种制度安排有其深刻的必然性。

    Deposit insurance , as an arranged system is fundamentally necessary in the credit economy .

  15. 但在信用货币条件下,不加控制,则可能导致危机和混乱。

    In the case of the honest currency and there is no control , it will be dangerous and confused .

  16. 本文研究了定期信用支付条件下的多阶段货价变动型存贮问题,得到了最优订购策略并设计了算法以说明模型的使用。

    In this paper , we study EOQ Inventory models with multiple stages with price fluctuation under fixed credit payment and obtain optimal ordering policies .

  17. 浅论跟单信用证支付条件下海运提单的作用&质押与信托占有

    On the Functions of the Bills of Lading in the Bankers ' Documentary Credits & pledge and Possession of Trust

  18. 然而还没出现的问题之一,即如何在不影响西班牙信用评级的条件下,向该国的财政部门提供基金。

    Among the issues that yet to emerge , how to feed funds to Spain 's financial sector without jeopardizing the country 's credit rating .

  19. 当然,信用产生的条件应当是所有这些因素共同作用的结果,虽然在某些时候某个因素可能起着主导作用。

    The creation of trust is a result of all these factors play roles and it is possible that there is a certain factor plays leading role at certain time .

  20. 两种方法相互补充,而本文的模型借鉴了两种模型的优点,在信用约束的条件下内生化信用风险,以此研究信用风险对宏观经济周期波动的影响。

    Those two methods complement each other . The model in this dissertation draws on the advantages of both models and investigates the impact of the credit risk on the macroeconomic fluctuations .

  21. 不可转让的信用工具不是无条件的支付承诺。

    A non-negotiable credit instrument is not an unconditional promise to pay .

  22. 我们用保兑的,不可撤消的信用证为付款条件。

    We insisted on payment by a confirmed , irrevocable letter of credit .

  23. 初始产权的明晰、产权主体的平等自由是现代信用关系的前提条件。

    Its definitude and the freedom and equity of the owner of property are the premises of modern Faith relations .

  24. 而在传统授信模式下经销商由于信用低、担保条件缺失,融资往往难以获得成功。

    However , it is difficult to get financing under the traditional credit-granting model due to low credit and the guarantee conditions missing .

  25. 不应要求索偿行向偿付行提供证实单据与信用证条款及条件相符的证明。

    A claiming bank shall not be required to supply a reimbursing bank with a certificate of compliance with the terms and conditions of the credit .

  26. 事实也证明,经过坚持不懈的努力,农村信用社完全有条件、有能力全面施行贷款五级分类。

    The facts also proved that , with unremitting efforts , the Rural Credit Unions had adequate conditions and capacity to implement five-level loan classification fully .

  27. 目前,国内外学者关于供应链金融的风险研究主要集中在信用风险等封闭条件下的风险,对于供应链金融的国家风险几乎无人研究。

    At present , domestic and foreign scholars mainly put emphasis on the supply chain financial risks in the closed condition such as the credit risk . Almost nobody cares about the country risk .

  28. 在你公司履行信用证条款的条件下,我行将承兑并于期满时支付信用证项下提示的汇票,如需要,可安利率进行贴现。

    Provided you fulfil the terms of the credit , we will accept and pay at maturity the draft presented to us under this credit and , if required , provide discounting facilities at current rates .

  29. 使用这个框架进行分析可以得出这样一个结论:我国现有科技体制中很多制度安排违背了科技信用机制运行的条件,从而造成大量科技失信行为的发生。

    Within such a framework , we can come to the conclusion that these conditions are violated by some institutional arrangements in contemporary science-technology system of our country , which is the major cause of science-discredit .

  30. 在中小企业债务融资体系中,商业银行占有重要的位置,然而,在缺乏防范信用风险手段的条件下,银行面对风险的最简单和最直接的反应即是惜贷。

    Though commercial banks could be important fund providers for the financing system of SMEs , when banks faced with incompetent credit risk prevention market system , the simplest and most direct response to financing isnot credit .