
  • 网络credit financing
  1. 信贷融资中审批腐败与支付腐败比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Approval Corruption and Disbursement Corruption in Credit Financing

  2. 不对称信息下中国中小企业信贷融资问题研究

    Analysis of Chinese SMEs ' Credit Financing under Information Asymmetric

  3. 根据经合组织(OrganizationforEconomicCooperationandDevelopment)估算,银行业承担着欧元区信贷融资量的74%。

    Banks are responsible for 74 % of credit extension in the euro area , the organization for economic cooperation and development estimates .

  4. 以上三点均使得银行在向中小企业信贷融资中存在较高的交易费用,即k(k1,k2)值相对较大。

    These three points make a high Transaction Cost , so the value of k ( k1 , k2 ) is relatively large .

  5. 周二,美国和中国同意就制定出口信贷融资的指导原则举行磋商,此举有望使中国向经合组织(OECD)成员国所使用的规则靠拢。

    On Tuesday , the US and China agreed to begin talks on setting guidelines for export-credit financing which could bring Beijing within rules used by OECD member countries .

  6. 第四部分:即本文的第五章,为解决我国中小企业信贷融资困境提出的对策建议。

    The last part of this paper is suggestions and solutions .

  7. 在我国现有的金融环境下,银行依然是中小企业外源融资的主要途径,因而本文以中小企业的银行信贷融资为研究范围。

    And so bank financing is the study object of this thesis .

  8. 信贷融资对福建省农村经济发展影响的研究

    The Research about Influence of Credit Finance on Rural Economy

  9. 第一章讨论了中小企业信贷融资缺口问题。

    The first chapter discusses the financing gaps of SMEs .

  10. 中小企业信贷融资难是国内外企业界急需解决的现实问题。

    The credit financing of SMEs is an urgent problem in business .

  11. 中小企业信贷融资困境的羊群行为分析

    Analyses on the Herding Behavior of the SMEs Financing Difficulties

  12. 中小企业集群信贷融资的信用优势分析

    Study on the Credit Advantages of Small Enterprise Clusters in Credit Financing

  13. 非国有经济信贷融资困境的理性认识

    Rational Cognition of Credit Financing Predicament of Non-state-owned Economy

  14. 政府在中小企业信贷融资中的作用研究

    Study on Government Role in SMEs Credit Financing

  15. 中小企业信贷融资困境与区域性民营银行的构建

    The Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Credit Financing Plight and Construction of Regional Private Bank

  16. 中国中小企业信贷融资制度创新研究

    An Innovative Research on Credit Financing System of China 's Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

  17. 作为我国中小企业的重要组成部分,科技型中小企业的信贷融资困境问题倍受关注。

    Analysis of small and middle sized family firms credit financing based on asymmetric information ;

  18. 中小企业集群的信贷融资优势&从信息不对称理论角度分析

    Analysis of Credit Advantage of Medium and Small-sized Enterprises clusters Based on Theory of Information Asymmetry

  19. 福建农村中小企业正规信贷融资约束问题研究

    Study of Credit Restraint of the Formal Credit Supply of Fujian Rural Small and Medium-sized Enterprise

  20. 美国文化产业则主要采用信贷融资、资本市场上市以及风险资本介入等融资方式。

    American culture industry mainly uses financing credit facilities , capital markets and risk capital intervention .

  21. 以上原因直接影响了中小企业的信用保证能力,使其难以获得银行信贷融资。

    The above - mentioned directly affect credit guarantee capacity and SME cannot obtain bank loan .

  22. 信息不对称与林业信贷融资问题

    Asymmetric Information and Forestry Credit Financing

  23. 中小企业融资的主要来源是金融机构信贷融资,它们融资困难的重要原因之一是由于存在来自商业银行的信贷歧视。

    Credit discrimination is one of important factors for small-and-medium sized enterprises ( SMEs ) financing .

  24. 本文的研究主要是从信贷融资这一角度,讨论了如何在信贷过程的各个环节加强对中小企业的信贷支持。

    The research is mainly about how to strengthen the credit aid to small and medium-sized enterprises .

  25. 通过实证分析可得出福建省茶叶企业信贷融资制约因素主要体现以下几点。

    The empirical analysis can be drawn credit facility of Fujian tea enterprises mainly the following constraints .

  26. 在我国银行主导型的金融体制下,银行信贷融资是对中小企业有实质性影响的主要外源融资形式。

    Under Chinese bank-dominated financial system , bank loan is the primary form of SMEs external financing .

  27. 现实呼吁农村建立完善的金融体制和畅通的信贷融资渠道。

    The reality appeals that the countryside establish perfect monetary system and the unimpeded credit financing channel .

  28. 在此背景下,研究中小企业信贷融资具有十分重要的现实意义。

    Under this circumstance , it has the realistic significance to study the credit financing for SMEs .

  29. 然后,对中小企业信贷融资难的原因进行了深入的剖析。

    Secondly , it goes deeply to analysis the reasons . There are both internal and external causes .

  30. 供应链融资将成为解决我国中小企业信贷融资难问题的一个有效途径。

    Supply chain financing will become an effective way in solving the problem of SMEs ' financing dilemma .