
  1. 并指出,以保险制度来解决船舶优先权与船舶留置权的问题是不现实的。同时,笔者还以为,在多个未经登记的船舶抵押权并存时,应是按债权比例同时受偿。

    The conclusion is drawn as follows : it is impractical to limit the priority of maritime lien and possessive lien of ships with the adoption of insurance system .

  2. 该模型合理分配了股权投资和债权投资比例,有效解释了风险投资投资退出时机和退出方式的选择,可以作为风险投资公司进行投资退出决策的依据。

    The model properly allots the proportion between debt and equity , effectively demonstrates the choice of venture capitalists in determination of exit time and exit manner , and can be the operation gist for venture capitalists to make exit decision .

  3. 融资中的债权和股权比例尚未确定。

    The amount of debt versus equity to be used has yet to be determined .

  4. 但在多数情况下,企业融资结构特指企业股权融资和债权融资的比例关系。

    In most cases , financing structure refers to the ratio between equity finance and debt finance .

  5. 首先对于债权出资的比例进行限制,有助于在承认债权出资合法性的情况下,保障公司的经营活动的顺利经营发展。

    First of all for limiting the proportion of debt-funded , helps in recognizing cases of debt-funded legitimacy , guarantee the smooth operation of the business activities of the company development .

  6. 可转债市场的发展可以增加资本市场中债权融资的比例,使企业能灵活调整资本结构。其发展还可以使投资者有更多的投资选择。

    The development of the convertible bonds market can increase the ratio of the bonds financing , which makes the company adjust their capital structure more flexible and also makes the investor have more choices to invest .

  7. 我国上市公司股权融资与债权融资的比例不适当,债权融资的长短期间分配不合理,导致债权融资的硬约束机制发挥弱化。

    Secondly , the Proportion of creditor financing to share financing is not propriety , long and short period of bond financing is not so in reason , these upward lead the feebleness of force restriction mechanism of creditor financing ;

  8. 最后,针对债权出资的特定情形,提出债权比例应予适当扩大的主张。

    Finally , the investor claims against the specific circumstances , the proposal on the expanded ratio of credit investment .