
  • 网络nails;fake nail
  1. 我知道,我从不戴假指甲的。

    Oh , I know , I never wear fake ones .

  2. 我要贴假指甲。

    I want to do the tip .

  3. 今天,值得一提的是,我在卸假指甲的地方发现了与我刚丢了的,却是日夜惦记的小喷瓶。

    TODAY , I found a very good spray bottle , just looks like the one I lost .

  4. 她把先做了泡泡指甲,又把假指甲接在指尖,产生一种指甲弯曲的视觉效果。

    She created nails which bend over her finger by using bubble nails with false nails attached to the tip .

  5. 本实用新型的指甲贴准确定位假指甲片,佩戴便捷,拆卸省时省事。

    The nail sticker of the utility model can ensure the fake fingernails can be accurately positioned and has convenient wear and easy removal .

  6. 20世纪80年代,模特戴了一套全新假指甲,不过这次指甲顶端是方形的,涂上了霓虹粉。

    For the 1980s , the model is given a whole new set of fake nails , this time with square tips , which are painted in a neon pink .

  7. 20世纪40年代开始流行长指甲,视频制作人为了凸显这一点会让模特戴上一套长长的假指甲,然后涂上鲜艳的橙红色。

    Length came into style in the 1940s , which the filmmakers illustrate by giving the model a set of long fake nails before slicking them with a bright orange-red color .

  8. 到了20世纪90年代,也许是受到格郎基时尚的影响,精心雕琢的风气开始消退,代之以简约的风格,人们不再佩戴假指甲,只是简单地涂上黑色指甲油。

    After that suitably over-the-top effort comes the stripped-down 1990s look - likely in honor of the grunge trend - with the vanishing of the false tips and just plain black polish .

  9. 知情者说,小狗的指甲贝克汗姆的孩子布鲁克林,罗蜜欧或克鲁兹染的,也去宠物指甲店做过指甲,似乎是戴上了可装卸的假指甲。

    But rather than her toenails being painted by fun-loving Beckham boys Brooklyn , Romeo and Cruz-or having been to a pooch pedicurist-those in the know said they were actually special clip-on claws .