
jiàn měi cāo
  • aerobics;calisthenics
  1. 它是运动员能否在竞技健美操比赛中取得优异成绩的关键因素。

    Physical ability of sports aerobics is key factor in competition .

  2. 健美操课程在成都市高校已经进入稳步发展阶段。

    Aerobics curriculum has come into the stage of steady development .

  3. 我国环境痕量污染物污染趋势与防控对策从FIG规则的变化谈竞技健美操发展趋势和对策

    Discussion on the Tendency and Countermeasure of the Competitive Calisthenics from the Point of View of Changes of FIG Rules

  4. 近年来,国际健美操联合会(IAF)几经修改竞技健美操竞赛规则,旨在强调健美操的艺术性和可观赏性。

    In recent years , the International Gymnastics Federation after several changes rules of the game competitive aerobics , aerobics seeks to highlight the artistry and ornamental .

  5. 在运动负荷达125w时每博输出量试验组明显高于对照组,结论:实验组女大学生心脏泵血功能通过健美操训练获得明显提高。

    Conclusion : The function of cardiac pumping is better in the test group than in the control one .

  6. 健美操情境教学模式实验研究

    The Experimental Research on the Situational Teaching Mode in Aerobics Courses

  7. 健美操运动员心理变化的因素及心理训练

    A Brief Study of the Psychological Training of the Calisthenics Athletes

  8. 健美操教学思维练习法初探

    The Primary Exploration to the Thinking Exercise on Bonny Exercise teaching

  9. 对健美操教学中培养学生创造力的思考

    Thinking on Students ' Creativity Training in Body - Building Teaching

  10. 对体育院(系)校学生健美操专项综合素质培养模式的研究

    On The Training Model Of Students ' Comprehensive Quality in Aerobics

  11. 培养大学生健美操创编能力的实践研究

    Practical Research into Fostering College Students ' Ability to Design Callisthenics

  12. 普通高校健美操队训练之我见

    My Opinion on Training of the Aerobics Dancing in Common Universities

  13. 健美操是一项新兴的体育运动项目,符合目前大部分高校的现状;

    Aerobic is one kind of new and developing athletic sports .

  14. 试论体育教育专业学生健美操创编能力的培养

    On the Cultivation of PE Majors Ability to Design Body Mechanics

  15. 普通高校健美操教学面临的问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures of the Callisthenics Teaching in Colleges and Universities

  16. 试论舞蹈与健美操的关系及合理运用

    Discussion of the Connection of Dance and Calisthenics and Reasonable Application

  17. 大众健美操的运动特性及对人体身心健康的影响

    A Study on the Characteristics and Effects of Public Aerobic Exercise

  18. 对当前国际大众健美操课程设计与教法的研究

    Research Into The Designs And Teaching-methods Of The Present International Aerobics

  19. 对中学健美操运动员身体基本姿态训练的研究

    Research of basic posture training of gymnastics players in middle schools

  20. 我国健美操运动员应重视早期系统化训练

    The Importance of the Earlier Systematic Training of Chinese Callisthenic Athletes

  21. 高师体育专业男生健美操教学方法之研究

    The Study of the Callisthenic Teaching Method of Male Physical Majors

  22. 健美操踝关节损伤及防治

    Factor analysis and preventive treatment on ankle injuries in aerobics training

  23. 构建高校体育健美操课程体系的思考

    Consideration on the Construction of Aerobics Curriculum System in Higher Education

  24. 健美操教学改革的理论与实践探讨

    Probing into the Theory and Practice of the Callisthenics Teaching Reform

  25. 慢跑、做健美操、骑自行车,还有打乒乓球。

    Jogging , doing aerobics , going bicycling , and playing ping-pong .

  26. 1994&2005年我国健美操科研现状研析

    Research and Analysis on Scientific Condition of Aerobics between 1994-2005

  27. 初探普通高校表演性健美操的训练

    A Research on the Training of Performing Aerobics in Colleges

  28. 我国大众健美操教学方法与特点初探

    Discussion on Mass Aerobic Teaching Method and Character in China

  29. 北京市商用健身房会员参加健美操锻炼目的研究

    On Members ' Purposes of Doing Aerobics in Beijing Commercial Fitness Centers

  30. 对高校健美操教学中动作表现力的探析

    The Discussion about Expressive Power of Movements for University Students about Abstracts