
  • 网络Propensity to Save;MPS;APS
  1. 但盈余国家的储蓄倾向却依然高涨。

    The surplus countries ' propensity to save nonetheless remains high .

  2. 另一个问题是,中国民众有着非比寻常的储蓄倾向。

    Another problem is that the Chinese public has an extraordinary propensity to save .

  3. 浅析我国税收制度对国民储蓄倾向的影响

    The Influence of China 's Tax System on National Savings Tendency

  4. 农民储蓄倾向成因分析

    An Analysis of Cause of Formation on Peasant Propensity to Save

  5. 居民储蓄倾向增强与宏观政策调整

    On Enhancing Save Propensity of Inhabitant and Macro-polices Adjusting

  6. 短时期内,农户的边际储蓄倾向依然较高。

    In the short period of time , the MPS is still relatively high .

  7. 不仅如此,本文还发现家庭越富有,习惯形成越强,储蓄倾向越高。

    We also find that household wealth is positively related to the strength of habit formation effect .

  8. 问题在于,中国居民的储蓄倾向与投资选项并不匹配。

    The problem is that Chinese citizens ' propensity to save is not matched by investment options .

  9. 由于不同收入阶层群体面临的内在预期和外部约束条件不同,其储蓄倾向和消费行为也不同。

    As different income groups face different internal expectations and external constraints , they have different propensities to save and consumer behaviors .

  10. 但是,随着我国就业状况的改善;居民储蓄倾向的增强,国债和企业争夺资金来源的制度性挤出效应和经济性挤出效应也会出现。

    However , along with the increasing of employment and the residents ' deposit , the economic crowding-out effect and the institutional crowding-out effect will appear .

  11. 他发现了一种储蓄倾向超过投资倾向的长期情形,正因如此,如果没有重大政策变化,就不可能实现充分就业。

    He saw a long-term state in which the propensity to save outran the propensity to invest , thus making full employment impossible without major policy changes .

  12. 从变化趋势看,农户边际储蓄倾向呈现下降趋势,这与凯恩斯认为的居民边际储蓄倾向会随收入增加而递增的观点相反。

    From the change in trend , the MPS has a downward trend , which is contrary to the view that the MPS will increase as incomes is rising .

  13. 许多亚洲国家社保安全网的缺失,也增强了人们的储蓄倾向,迫使他们推迟消费并为未来做打算。

    The lack of a social safety net in much of Asia has also added to the propensity to save , forcing people to defer consumption and plan for the future .

  14. 由于有效供给不足,社会分配差距拉大,居民消费谨慎动机增强,消费信贷不足,家庭赡养系数降低等原因,居民储蓄倾向增强。

    Because of the short effective supply , great gap in social division , increasing cautions in consumption motivation , and decreasing necessities in family support , save propensity of inhabitant is enhanced .

  15. 迅速推进的医疗、住房、教育等各项改革,使人们的预期支出增加,造成居民边际储蓄倾向上升,边际消费倾向相应下降。

    All bonds of reform carried forward such as medical treatment , housing and education raise the expected expenditure , which cause marginal propensity to save to rise and marginal propensity to consume to decrease .

  16. 由于人口老龄化是计划生育政策的自然结果,它很可能是造成中国城镇居民储蓄倾向上升的一个重要因素,本文中的数值模拟结果为上述判断提供了一些依据。

    Because aging of population is the natural result of family plan , it may be one of the most important factors which cause the high savings ratio in Chinese urban and township households and our quantitative results support the above judgement .

  17. 保障制度的过速变迁使消费者未来和潜在支出加大,抑制了消费倾向,提高了储蓄和投资倾向。

    The too rapid change of social security system greatly increases the consumer 's future and potential expenses , restrains the propensity of consumption , and displays a strong propensity to save & of investment .

  18. 意外之财倾向于人情开支、娱乐休闲和储蓄;正常收入倾向于日常必需开支、储蓄以及家庭建设和个人发展。

    For example , unanticipated money was more likely to be spent on relationship development , hedonic activities , and savings ; the regular income was more likely to be spent on commodity expense , savings , and personal development . 6 .

  19. 所得税和财产税抑制储蓄,商品税则有可能相对提高国民储蓄倾向。

    While income tax and property tax restrain people from savings , commodity tax increases national savings tendency relatively .

  20. 周小川提出,与储蓄率可以通过政策加以引导的机械观点相反,中国人的储蓄倾向有其文化根源,特别是崇尚节俭、自律反对奢华的儒家思想。

    In his paper , Mr Zhou argues that , contrary to mechanistic arguments that savings rates can be influenced by policy , the Chinese propensity to save has cultural roots , specifically a Confucianism that values thrift , self-discipline ... and anti-extravagancy .

  21. 采用计量验证的方法,分析了中国1985~2002年间储蓄增长与收入分布之间的关系,实证分析表明:收入分布与储蓄水平的高低具有相关性。偏态的收入分布会造成过高的平均储蓄倾向。

    By making an empirical analysis of savings and income distribution , that the asymmetric income distribution lead to the high savings tendency is proved .