
  • 网络photovoltaic industry;PV industry
  1. 硅晶体广泛的应用于集成电路(IC)制造业和光伏产业中。

    Silicon is widely used in integrated circuit ( IC ) manufacturing industry and photovoltaic industry .

  2. 欧洲光伏产业协会(EuropeanPhotovoltaicIndustryAssociation)去年预计,2014年全球光伏面板制造产能将达到大约60千兆瓦,其中超过三分之二的产能都在中国。

    Global panel-making capacity should be roughly 60 gigawatts in 2014 , more than two-thirds in China , the European Photovoltaic Industry Association forecast last year .

  3. 相信在不久的将来,SnS薄膜材料必能掀开光伏产业的新篇章。

    We believe that the SnS membranous material must be able to raise a new chapter of photo-voltaic industry in the soon future .

  4. 本文通过对账面市值比(BM)的分解,得到衡量股价波动中的非基本面因素(CSI),并通过实证模型验证了股票市场对光伏产业上市公司实体投资的影响。

    Through decomposition of Book-to-Market ( BM ) ratio , the measure of volatility in the non-fundamental factors ( CSI ) is obtained . The effects to listed companies in the photovoltaic industry are proved .

  5. 我国各级地方政府也纷纷扶持曾对GDP有巨大贡献的光伏产业,如今光伏行业的低落,似乎告诉我们,光有政府的支持是不够的,一直靠输血无法让产业及其企业真正壮大。

    Local governments once supported domestic PV industry in succession . These days the depression of PV industry seems to tell us that receiving the support from government is not enough . Enterprises and industry can not grow up only relying on " blood transfusion " from government .

  6. 在联邦一级,投资税收抵免(ITC)和财政部的现金补助继续发挥重要的作用,刺激了光伏产业的投资。

    At the federal level , the Investment Tax Credit ( ITC ) and the Treasury Cash Grants continue to play an important role in stimulating investments in the PV industry .

  7. IHS驻上海的光伏产业分析师谢锋(FrankXie)表示,那些资金实力雄厚、或有国际业务的企业有能力挺过补贴发放延迟期,而部分较弱的公司却难以完成自己的项目——尤其是考虑到整体经济放缓的背景。

    Frank Xie , a solar analyst for IHS in Shanghai , says those with strong financial backing or international businesses can ride out the subsidy delay but some weaker companies will struggle to complete their projects , particularly given the wider slowdown .

  8. EPIA旨在通过整合光伏产业,推动提供独特而有价值的服务。

    EPIA 's mission is to deliver a distinct and valuable service driven from the strength of a single photovoltaic voice .

  9. 欧洲光伏产业协会(epia)和绿色和平组织(greenpeace)今年联合发布的一份报告称,从历史数据看,产量增长一倍,可以让成本下降五分之一。

    A doubling of production output has historically translated to costs falling by a fifth , according to a joint report by the European Photovoltaic Industry Association and Greenpeace this year .

  10. 主要工作内容如下:首先介绍了课题相关研究背景、国内外光伏产业发展现状。然后对光伏系统的光伏电池及具体MPPT算法进行了研究。

    The main contents are listed as follows : Firstly , the background of the study and the situation of photovoltaic system were introduced . Then , the mathematical model and simulation of Photovoltaic cells was established , and specific MPPT algorithms were researched .

  11. 江苏:要做强绿色光伏产业集群

    Jiangsu : Powering the Industry Mass of Green Energy-Solar to Electricity

  12. 加快云南光伏产业发展的思考

    Thinking on Accelerating Development of Photovoltaic Industry in Yunnan , China

  13. 太阳能级硅是光伏产业最重要的原材料。

    Si is the most important raw material for photovoltaic industry .

  14. 自然,太阳能光伏产业也就被提上议程。

    Naturally , photovoltaic industry has been put on the agenda .

  15. 关于我省光伏产业健康发展的几点建议

    Suggestions on the healthy development of photovoltaic industry in Jiangsu Province

  16. 我国光伏产业的发展现状及前景

    The Status and Prospects of Photovoltaic Industry Development in China

  17. 各国政府纷纷出台政策,推动了光伏产业的发展。

    Governments have introduced policies to promote the development of photovoltaic industry .

  18. 第五章针对光伏产业链所存在的问题,对其进行产业链的构建整合。

    The problems for the photovoltaic industry chain , industry chain integration .

  19. 江西省太阳能光伏产业发展现状及展望

    Current Development Situation and Outlook of Solar Energy Photovoltaic Industry in Jiangxi Province

  20. 过去的几十年里,全球光伏产业发展迅速。

    In the past decades , photovoltaic industry in the world developed rapidly .

  21. 中国光伏产业的问题和对策

    The problems and countermeasures of PV industry in China

  22. 中国太阳能光伏产业现状及技术发展趋势

    Actuality of Chinese photovoltaic industry and technology development trend

  23. 我国太阳能光伏产业的发展机遇与战略对策

    The development opportunity and strategic countermeasure of solar energy photovoltaic industry in China

  24. 新世纪光伏产业展望

    Prospect of PV Industry in the New Century

  25. 在快速发展期,我国光伏产业融资增多。

    In the period of rapid development , China ' sphotovoltaic industry financing increased .

  26. 光伏产业在我国是一个新兴产业,是高新技术和资本密集型产业。

    Photovoltaic industry is an emerging , new and high technology and capital-intensive industry .

  27. 全球价值链下的产业升级:以我国光伏产业为例

    The Study on Chinese Photovoltaic Industry upgrading under the condition of Global Value Chain

  28. 太阳能光伏产业正在成为许多国家和地区重点发展的产业。

    The solar photovoltaic industry is becoming a key industry in many countries and regions .

  29. 介绍了目前光伏产业全球价值链的分布。

    The paper also described the distribution of current global PV industry global value chain .

  30. 光伏产业的高速增长催生了对多晶硅的大量需求。

    The rapid growth of photovoltaic industry gave birth to a large demand for silicon .