
  • 网络Skinhead;skin head
  1. 上周两个光头党成员因为那几宗谋杀案而被带上法庭受审。

    Two skinheads were put on trial for those murders last week .

  2. 马灿区和林德堡区,要小心光头党。

    Marzahn and lichtenberg , watch out for skinheads .

  3. 我们这位金盆洗手的光头党被一个刚出狱的光头党跟踪

    Our self-reformed Skinhead is being stalked by a prison-reformed Skinhead .

  4. 前任光头党及其拉美裔妻子被光头党跟踪

    Former skinhead and his Latina wife are being stalked by skinheads .

  5. 我不想卷入光头党间的暴力报复

    I don 't want to get caught in skinhead on skinhead violence .

  6. 你不是光头党成员,明白了

    You 're not a skinhead . Got it .

  7. 理查德一家遭到光头党的袭击。

    The Richards family has been targeted by skinheads .

  8. 他们现在恨死我们了,觉得我嫁给了一个光头党

    They hate us now , think I 'm married to a Skinhead .

  9. 仇恨型犯罪的受害者家对面是改过自新的光头党

    Victim of a hate crime living across the street from a reformed skinhead ?

  10. 我想拿到一份光头党名单,相关组织,姓名,地址

    I want a list of Skinhead groups , affiliations , names , addresses .

  11. 所以你是个正直的光头党

    So you 're a good skinhead ?

  12. 这群光头党把你作为攻击目标,是因为你曾经也是光头党吗

    This group of skinheads is targeting you because of your past affiliations with them ?

  13. 没有,我也不会帮助一个光头党

    Nope , and I 'm not gonna be the one helping out a skinhead .

  14. 而该组织源自于加州监狱系统,也就是光头党的哈佛

    which started out of the California Prison System , AKA the Harvard for Skinheads ,

  15. 因为光头党都非常小心

    because these guys are careful .

  16. 有没有可能案发时有摄像头在运作,记录下了光头党的样子

    What are the chances one of them was actually working and caught the skinheads on camera ?

  17. 我这样做,一辈子都会被盯上,不仅是查德,还有全部光头党成员

    I do that , I 'm marked for life , not just by Chad but by every skinhead out there .

  18. 有来自范围广泛的不同群体的至少1万人表示,他们打算游行,其中有天主教修女、白人光头党成员,以及威斯特布路浸信会的信徒,这个来自堪萨斯州的教堂专门从事反对同性恋权利的活动。

    At least 10000 people from a wide spectrum of groups have expressed their intention to march , including Catholic nuns , white skinheads and Westboro Baptist Church , a church from Kansas that campaigns against gay rights .

  19. 二战以来,欧美的无赖青年、光头党、朋克、嬉皮士、雅皮士、迷惘的一代、垮掉的一代等等令人眼花缭乱的青年亚文化现象层出不穷。

    Since the World War II , so many dazzling phenomenon of youth subcultures , such as rogue youth , skinheads , punk , hippie , yuppie , th lost generation and the beaten generation , have emerged endlessly in Europe and the United States .

  20. 如何铲除法西斯光头党,如何唤醒已被他们毒害的年轻人的博爱平等及爱国主义的理性,是俄罗斯政府急需解决的大问题。

    How to eradicate " Fascist – the bald party " and how to awaken the philanthropy , equality and patriotic rationality of the young people which were deeply poisoned by it are tough problems that urgently need to be solved by the Russian government .