
ɡuānɡ xué zì fú shí bié
  • optical character recognition;OCR
  1. 谷歌要将光学字符识别技术(OCR)用于搜索GooglePhotos中的文本。

    Google is flexing its optical character recognition muscle with the ability to search for text in Google Photos .

  2. 基于Sherlock的光学字符识别

    Optical Character Recognition Based on Sherlock

  3. 随着OCR((opticalcharacterrecognition,光学字符识别)技术的出现,纸质文档内容转换为可编辑的文字成为了可能。

    With the appearance of the OCR ( Optical Character Recognition ) technology , it is possible to transfer the content of paper documents into editable text .

  4. 采用光学字符识别(OCR)技术对填写的表格文档信息进行识别。

    Optical character recognition ( OCR ) is adopted to recognize the written character in the document .

  5. 数字识别是光学字符识别技术里发展比较早的一种技术,是OCR的一个分支。

    Digits recognition is studied earlier than others in char recognition , it is a branch of OCR .

  6. 图像的预处理及帧间配准是基于移动扫描光学字符识别(OCR)的电子阅读笔的核心技术。

    Image Preprocessing and Frame-to-frame Registration is the core technique of electronic reading pen based on shift-scanning OCR .

  7. 所有的邮件在邮件处理室中打开,利用光学字符识别(OCR)扫描进计算机。

    All mail can be opened in the mail room and scanned into the computer using optical character recognition ( OCR ) .

  8. 光学字符识别技术(OCR)已经在众多计算机相关及工业自动化领域得到了广泛应用,是解决芯片自动识别的有效途径之一。

    Optical character recognition technology which was widely utilized in computer-related and industrial automation fields is an effective way to solve the problem .

  9. 目前,脱机手写汉字识别还处于发展阶段,现有的OCR(opticalcharacterrecognition,光学字符识别)技术对其进行处理的可靠性和准确性都难以满足实际需求。

    At present , the recognition of off-line handwritten Chinese character is still in development stage , and the reliability and accuracy of the existing OCR ( optical character recognition ) technology are difficult to meet the actual demand .

  10. 当前的OCR(opticalcharacterrecognition,光学字符识别)技术虽然对中英文字符和数字符号都能获得较好的识别效果,但还无法准确识别科技文献中的数学表达式。

    The current OCR ( Optical Character Recognition ) system shows high accuracy in recognizing both English and Chinese characters and symbols in printed documents , but still unable to identify exactly the scientific literature in the mathematical expressions .

  11. 光学字符识别(OCR)是一种实现文字自动输入的快捷省力方法,广泛应用于网上资源数据库和数字图书馆的建设。

    Optical character recognition ( OCR ) is an implementation of automatic text input faster and easier method , widely used online database and digital libraries .

  12. 到2006年,布林又开始酝酿以下技术:我们现在所熟知的自动完成;谷歌翻译(GoogleTranslate)的实时翻译功能,以及谷歌Goggles的光学字符识别功能。

    By 2006 , brin was dreaming of a technology we now know of as autocomplete , as well as the simultaneous translation of Google translate and the optical character recognition of Google Goggles .

  13. 当前的OCR(OpticalCharactersRecognition,光学字符识别)系统克服了向计算机手工输入信息费时费力和错误率高的缺点,实现了高速、自动地将文字、图像等信息输入计算机。

    Current OCR ( Optical Characters Recognition ) systems have overcome the disadvantages of time-consuming and hard-sledding with the high error rate when the information was input into computer manually . The characters and images were inputted into computer automatically with high rate .

  14. 脱机手写字符自动识别是计算机光学字符识别(OCR)领域的一个活跃课题,有着十分广泛的应用前景。

    The automatic recognition of off-line handwriting character is an active subject in the area of computer optical character recognition ( OCR ), which has a wide range of potential applications .

  15. 版面分割是OCR(光学字符识别)系统的重要组成部分,在将印刷文档转换为电子文档的过程中是必不可少的。

    Page segmentation is an important part of optical character recognition ( OCR ) system , it is a necessary step in the process of transforming printed documents to electronic version .

  16. 经过几十年的发展,OCR(光学字符识别,opticalcharacterrecognition)技术已经进入了实用阶段,而且其速度和准确率都达到了令人满意的程度,克服了人工输入费时费力的缺点。

    Through the development for several decades , the OCR ( optical character recognition ) technique has already turned into a practical stage with satisfactory result in speed and accuracy rate , and it makes people avoid the drawback of wasting time and energy by manual importation .

  17. 光学字符识别(OCR)是文档图像分析的核心技术,用于处理印刷体和手写体字符识别。

    Document image analysis ( DIA ) comes into being to do this job . Optical character recognition ( OCR ) is the core DIA dealing with either printed or handwritten document .

  18. 光学字符识别(OCR)是指将纸上的文字转化为计算机所能处理的形式(如ASCII码)的过程。

    Optical character recognition ( OCR ) means reading text from paper and translating the images into a form that the computer can manipulate ( for example , into ASCII codes ) .

  19. 雅虎也面临类似的批评,批评者是那些难以区分Facebook上的虚拟友谊与一个真实拥抱的技术狂人,比如,光学字符识别(OCR)系统及语音转文字(speech-to-textprocessing)系统的发明者罗伊•库日韦尔(RoyKurzweil)。

    Yahoo faces similar criticism from technophiles who find it difficult to distinguish a Facebook friendship from a hug . People such as Roy Kurzweil , the inventor of optical character recognition and speech-to-text processing .

  20. 手写体字符识别是多年来的研究热点,也是模式识别领域中最成功的应用之一,一般可以分为两类:联机手写字符识别和光学字符识别(OCR或称离线字符识别)。

    Handwritten character recognition are widely researched over the years , but also one of the most successful applications in the field of pattern recognition , generally it can be divided into two categories : on-line handwritten character recognition and optical character recognition ( OCR or off-line character recognition ) .

  21. 光学字符识别的出现为这一问题提供了解决方法。

    Optical character recognition provides a solution to this problem .

  22. 在光学字符识别中,字符间水平间距不够的现象。

    In optical character recognition , the insufficient horizontal spacing between characters .

  23. 很自然地,我们在光学字符识别算法设计中引入了人工神经网络。

    Very natural , we introduce the artificial neural networks into OCR algorithm design .

  24. 光学字符识别是模式识别的一个重要分支。

    OCR ( Optical Character Recognition ) is an important branch of pattern recognition .

  25. 不过没有进行光学字符识别&您得到的是位图。

    There 's no optical character recognition though & what you get is a bitmap .

  26. 而如果文件是打印的,你可以对文件进行光学字符识别。

    And if the documents is typed , you can just apply OCR to the document .

  27. 英文光学字符识别的后处理

    Postprocessing of English OCR

  28. 光学字符识别是20世纪20年代逐步发展起来的一门自动化技术。

    Optical character recognition is an automatization technology step by step developed since the twenties of the 20th century .

  29. 其核心包括车牌定位算法、车牌字符分割算法和光学字符识别算法等。

    Its core , including license plate location algorithm , license plate character segmentation algorithms and optical character recognition algorithm .

  30. 在信息化飞速发展的时代,光学字符识别是一个重要的信息录入与信息转化的手段。

    OCR ( Optical Character Recognition ) has become one of the important method in gathering information and information transformation .