
  • 网络Ray tracing;ray trace;RAYTRACE;Raytracing;light tracer
  1. 全局光线跟踪排除列表

    Global Raytracing exclude list

  2. 一种基于环境映照变换的快速光线跟踪算法

    A quick raytracing algorithm based on the transformation of the environment map

  3. 基于GPU交互式光线跟踪算法的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Interactive Ray Tracing Algorithm Based on GPU

  4. 基于GPU的光线跟踪算法在雷达散射截面快速估算中的应用。

    The application of ray tracing on GPU in rapid RCS Prediction .

  5. 基于GPU的光线跟踪算法研究与实现

    The Research and Implementation of GPU-based Ray Tracing Algorithm

  6. 三次Bezier曲线旋转面进行光线跟踪处理的求交算法

    The algorithm of finding intersection point for ray tracing to ternary Bezier curve rotating surface

  7. 基于BSP的光线跟踪并行处理研究

    Parallel Process of Ray Tracing Based on BSP

  8. 提出了一种基于BSP树的光线跟踪并行处理方法。

    A parallel process method of ray tracing is proposed based on a BSP tree .

  9. 现代GPU在通用计算方面的发展已经证明了它是一个适合加速光线跟踪任务的处理器。

    Modern GPUs have been proven to be suitable for accelerating ray tracing task through their general computing power .

  10. 在计算机图形显示学中,采用光线跟踪(RayTracing)算法能够生成质量很高的、非常逼真的图象,但机时花费太高。

    Kay tracing can produce very high quality and extremely realistic images in computer graphics . However , the computational expense of ray tracing algorithm is very high .

  11. 光线跟踪Bezier曲面

    Ray tracing Bezier surface

  12. 根据计算机仿真的一般模型和锥束CT系统的组成,提出了基于光线跟踪和X射线衰减定律的投影成像仿真总体思路。

    According to the common model of computer simulation and the structure of cone-beam CT system , a whole design of projection imaging simulation based on ray-tracing and on the X-ray attenuation law was proposed .

  13. 早期,光线跟踪体绘制算法主要是靠CPU来实现,而GPU主要是用于图形处理。

    Early stage , ray tracing algorithm for volume rendering is mainly achieved by the CPU , and the GPU is mainly used for graphics processing .

  14. 在游戏、CAD、虚拟现实、电影电视特效等众多应用的推动下,光线跟踪算法作为一种重要的真实感绘制技术被广泛地研究并得到了大力的发展。

    With the pushing of various applications ranging games , CAD , virtual reality , film and television special effects , ray tracing as an important realistic rendering tech-nique has been well studied and developed .

  15. 通过LOD算法、多层纹理映射技术、光照贴图和光线跟踪等技术的联合应用,实现了适用于三维游戏的真实感地形,并通过雾对地形渲染的材质数量做了优化,使得渲染速度更快。

    Fourthly , using the LOD arithmetic , the Texture mapping technology and the Light-mapping technology , the terrain has been rendered smoothly .

  16. 一种改进的Phong光照模型及光线跟踪实现

    An Improved Phong Model and It 's Algorithm of Ray-Tracing

  17. 通过比较各种绘制方法的特点,采用体绘制中的光线跟踪的方法进行重建,采用Phone光照模型计算其明暗效果,并在绘制过程中采用早期光线终结等方法缩短了绘制的时间。

    After compare the characteristic of these method , we use ray tracing algorithm to render the volume data , in order to shorten the time of rendering , some method is used , for example , early ray ending .

  18. 光线跟踪算法早期是在CPU上来运行的,效率较低,随着GPU的可编程的实现,出现了很多基于GPU的光线跟踪算法。

    Early , The ray tracing was running on the CPU , but less efficient . As the implementation of GPU programmable , there have been many ray tracing based on GPU .

  19. 通过分析Transputer多处理机上运行的并行光线跟踪程序,说明了性能监视所起的巨大作用。

    As an application of our monitoring and evaluation system , the analysis of a parallel ray tracing program running on the Transputer multiprocessor is described .

  20. 本文首先介绍了DRRs的理论基础和应用,利用投影法和光线跟踪法,实现了DRRs的重建,并在传统的重建算法基础上提出了一种基于光流场的DRRs快速重建算法。

    The first part of this dissertation introduced the basic theory of DRRs and realized the reconstruction of DRRs using projection method and ray tracing algorithm .

  21. 最后通过光线跟踪算法,采用三维图形生成软件POV-RAY实现水下场景光照模型的渲染效果图。

    At last , the realistic rendering pictures based on the underwater scene illumination model are realized by using ray-tracing algorithm and the 3-D graphics generation software POV-RAY .

  22. 为了解决系统实时性问题,运用光线跟踪算法以及一系列加速算法,把复杂的三维图形运算转化成一系列简单的一维图形运算,使每次设计交互的循环周期降低到20ms以内。

    In order to reduce the time of one updating period to 20 millisecond , ray-tracing algorithm and other speeding methods are used to convert three dimensional calculation into one dimensional operation .

  23. 同时,采用数字重建射线图像(DRR)方法对两幅三维图像进行光线跟踪,数字重建成两幅二维图像,达到了通过对二维数据的配准来配准三维数据的目的,提高了图像重构速度。

    At the same time , we use digitally reconstructed radiograph ( DRR ) image method ray tracking two 3D images , two 2D images digitally be reconstructed , by aligning 2D data to realize to align 3D data .

  24. 首先,DRR的产生是模拟真实X线成像过程,由于CT体数据与真实物体相差甚多,且光线跟踪算法与X线穿透物体过程也有较大差异,因此DRR图像不可能与真实X线图像完全一致。

    First , DRR generation process was a virtual X-ray image shooting , but CT data was different with the real object and the ray-tracing algorithm was also quite different with the process of X-ray penetrating , so DRR images were not possible same as real X-ray images .

  25. 此外,论文从采样方式出发,结合采样理论说明了计算机图形生成过程中走样产生的原因以及反走样的方法:最后通过三维图形生成软件POV-RAY,对光线跟踪及其走样进行了模拟。

    Furthermore , this paper beginning with forms of sampling , connecting with theory of sampling , illustrates what causes graphic deformation and treats methods of anti-aliasing in the generating of computer graphics . Last it gives the simulation of ray-tracing and anti-aliasing through the 3d software POV-RAY .

  26. 非线性折射和反射平面场景的实时光线跟踪

    Real-Time Ray Tracing for Planar Scenes with Non-Linear Refractions and Reflections

  27. 因此,实时光线跟踪一直是计算机图形学研究领域追求的目标。

    Real-time ray tracing is a long-term aim in computer graphics .

  28. 而体绘制算法则主要有光线跟踪,三维贴图等。

    Volume Rendering Algorithm includes such ray tracing , 3D mapping .

  29. 基于光线跟踪算法的真实感图形的研究与实现

    The Research and Realization of Realistic Graphics Based on Ray-Tracing Algorithm

  30. 光线跟踪长方体求交高效算法

    An Efficient Algorithm for Intersection with a Cuboid in Ray Trace