
  • 网络global health
  1. 这是巴塞罗那全球健康研究所一项研究得出的主要结论。

    This is the main conclusion of a study led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health .

  2. 全球健康2035(globalhealth2035)委员会的报告提出了3点重要教训。我担任该委员会的联合主席。

    The report of the Global Health 2035 commission , which I co-chaired , points up three crucial lessons .

  3. 2014年,他的比尔及梅琳达•盖茨基金会(Bill&MelindaGatesFoundation)向全球健康行动捐献了102亿美元,用于抗击艾滋病、肺结核和疟疾。

    His Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation gave $ 10.2 billion through 2014 to global health initiatives like fighting AIDS , tuberculosis and malaria .

  4. Francis博士补充说:“考虑到现代生物技术巨大的力量,存在着通过新疫苗改善全球健康的极大可能性”。

    " Given the immense power of modern biotechnology , the possibilities to improve the world 's health through new vaccines are vast ," Dr Francis added .

  5. 旨在验证经济衰退导致全球健康发展援助(DAH)减少这一假设。

    To test the hypothesis that economic recessions lead to reduced global development assistance for health ( DAH ) .

  6. AaronKesselheim认为,美国食品与药品监督管理局(FDA)如果让它推出的优先评审券制度(priorityreviewvouchers)改善全球健康,这样的项目就必须与实施方案联系在一起。

    Priority review vouchers distributed by the US Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) must be tied to implementation programs if they are to improve global health , says Aaron Kesselheim .

  7. 去年NIH任命的新院长FrancisCollins重点强调了全球健康是他最优先考虑的5个“专题”之一。

    Global health was highlighted by Francis Collins , the new director of the NIH appointed last year , as one of five'themes'that would be given priority by his office .

  8. 过去15年,比尔•盖茨(BillGates)在全球健康领域花费了数十亿美元,也未能实现疟疾或小儿麻痹的根除,更别提找到艾滋病疫苗或治愈良方了。

    Bill Gates , who has spent billions of dollars over the past 15 years on global health , has yet to achieve the eradication of malaria or polio , let alone either a vaccine or a cure for HIV .

  9. BrianHandwerk报答说,科学家认为登革热的复苏让它成为了与疟疾和埃博拉病毒相同的全球健康威胁。

    Scientists are saying that the resurgence of the disease has made it a global health threat on a par with malaria and the Ebola virus , reports Brian Handwerk .

  10. 负责该基金会疫苗接种工作的奥林•莱文(OrinLevine)表示,如果没有这些数据,就很难知道应当在哪里集中注意力,才能使全球健康计划变得更加有效。

    Without that data , it 's hard to know where to focus attention to make global health programmes more effective , says Orin Levine , who runs the foundation 's vaccination efforts .

  11. 伦敦大学学院的全球健康学教授ThereseHesketh通过一份来自中国东部浙江省的电邮告诉外交政策:普通中国民众相信因为不想生女儿而堕胎是一对夫妇个人的决定,而且他们有权利这样做。

    Therese Hesketh , a professor of global health at University College London , told Foreign Policy via email from eastern China 's Zhejiang province that many ordinary Chinese believe that aborting a girl is simply a choice made by a couple & and they are entitled to this .

  12. 我认为全球健康项目是一向伟大的投资。

    I think global health programs are a great investment .

  13. 研究结果刊登在新一期的凯撒/佩尤全球健康调查上。

    The findings are in the new Kaiser / Pew Global Health Survey .

  14. 该国有个搞全球健康研究的教授是谁。

    Who the heck is a professor of global health in that country ?

  15. 促进社会进步保护人民健康&中国卫生部长崔月犁在《全球健康咨询讨论会》上的发言

    Advance social development and protect people 's health

  16. 没有什么会比空气污染给全球健康带来更大的危害。

    Few risks have a greater impact on global health today than air pollution .

  17. 健康促进是解决全球健康问题的一个新策略。

    " Promoting health " is a new strategy to solve the global health problems .

  18. 耕耘数十年,全球健康品研发之姣者。

    Tenet has been working in researching and developing healthcare products for decades of years .

  19. 乔纳森•萨米特负责南加州大学的全球健康研究院。

    Jonathan Samet heads the Institute for Global Health at the Universtiy of Southern California .

  20. 中国常常被低估,但事实上中国几乎是应对所有全球健康挑战的主要成员。

    China is an often under-recognised but nevertheless major constituent of virtually every global health challenge .

  21. 位于旧金山的非盈利的全球健康和教育基础组织为这个项目提供了资金。

    The nonprofit Global Health and education foundation in San Francisco provided money for the project .

  22. 他们称,有关官员并没有对保护移民和全球健康的政策给予足够重视。

    They say officials have not given enough attention to policies to protect migrants and global health .

  23. 这一数字接近2012年美国政府全球健康倡议支出的一半。

    This is nearly half as much as the US government spent on global health initiatives in 2012 .

  24. 在我们的卡罗林斯卡医学院,我开设了一门本科生课程,“全球健康”。

    And I started in our medical university , Karolinska Institute , an undergraduate course called Global Health .

  25. 儿童教育和识字率目标理应列在全球健康和社会发展议程的优先位置。

    Childhood education and literacy targets are rightly a high priority on the global health and social agenda .

  26. 世界卫生组织的全球健康专家正在日内瓦就埃博拉病毒召开为期两天的紧急会议。

    In Geneva , global health specialists are holding a two-day emergency Ebola meeting at the World Health Organization .

  27. 事实上,营养最起决定作用的连接着全球健康及喂饱未来总统倡议。

    In fact , nutrition is the defining link between the Global Health and Feed the Future Presidential Initiatives .

  28. 健康与环境:人类未来的共同点&全球健康理事会第30届年会综述

    Health and Environment : the Future Global Trends & Summary of The 30th annual meeting of The Global Health Council

  29. 盖资基金会的,这个基金会支持全球健康,发展和教育事业。

    Ripley Ballou was is with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation , which promotes global health , development and education .

  30. 世界需要全球健康卫士守护健康,包括健康权。

    The world needs a global health guardian , a protector and defender of health , including the right to health .