
  • 网络Global governance;global government;global governing
  1. 《全球治理》(globalgovernance)期刊中的一篇文章,将巴西描述为所有新兴大国中修正主义倾向最强的国家

    A piece in Global Governance portrays the country as the most revisionist of all emerging powers

  2. 《全球治理》(GlobalGovernance)期刊中的一篇文章,将巴西描述为“所有新兴大国中修正主义倾向最强的国家……一个崛起中的捣乱者。”

    A piece in Global Governance portrays the country as " the most revisionist of all emerging powers ... a rising spoiler . "

  3. 与此同时,美国的全球治理指标(WorldGovernanceIndicators)也已经显著恶化。

    At the same time , the U.S. has seen a marked deterioration in its World Governance Indicators .

  4. 为美国政府提供长期咨询的美国国家情报委员会(usnationalintelligencecouncil),也在最新一期有关2025年全球治理前景的报告中论述了这一主题。

    The National Intelligence Council , which provides long-range advice for the US administration , also picks up the theme in a new report on prospects for global governance in 2025 .

  5. 2008年11月在华盛顿召开的g20会议上,人们狂热地谈论全球治理。

    At the G20 meeting in Washington in November 2008 the global governance rhetoric rose to fever pitch .

  6. 随着全球治理实践和理论的兴起与发展,WTO法的正当性问题正日益受到关注。

    Along with the rising and development of global governance and its theory , people are increasingly paying attention to the problem of the legitimacy of the WTO Rules .

  7. 第二章作为全球治理机制的国际货币基金组织。是从全球治理的角度探讨经济全球化与IMF的关系,即IMF对于全球化进程具有的促进作用。

    The second chapter is named by IMF As a Global Regime , explores the globalization and IMF from the angle of global regime .

  8. 法国总统尼古拉萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)甚至欢呼:G20预示着21世纪将是全球治理的时代。

    President Nicolas Sarkozy of France even enthused : The G20 foreshadows the planetary governance of the 21st century .

  9. 全球治理既是规范的(normative)又是经验的(empirical):规范是从权利出发对实现理想国际秩序的追求,它由一些共同的价值构成;

    Global governance is both normative and empirical : the norm refers to the pursuit of ideal international order based on rights , which is composed of some common values ;

  10. 所以,g20的出现不过是造成了比以往更严重的集团划分混乱,而不是恰到好处安排了全球治理架构。

    Consequently , rather than neatly arranging the furniture of global governance , the advent of the G20 has merely created a bigger jumble of groupings than before .

  11. 第二,国际协调与合作是国际关系的基调,G20能否成为全球治理中心还有待观察。

    Secondly , the international coordination and cooperation is the keynote of international relations , It will remain to be seen whether G20 will become the center of global governance or not .

  12. 近年、区域贸易协定(RTA)、以及基于RTA而蓬勃发展的区域贸易集团与全球治理之间关系的论辩成为研究的热点。

    In recent years , regional trade agreements ( of RTAs ), and based on RTAs and flourishing relationship between regional trading blocs and global governance debate has become a hot research .

  13. 但是美国加州公务员退休基金(Calpers)的高级投资组合经理兼全球治理主管安妮•辛普森(AnneSimpson)却相信,库克的道德立场不仅仅是种姿态。

    But Anne Simpson , senior portfolio manager and director of global governance at the US pension fund Calpers , a prominent Apple shareholder , believes his ethical stance is more than just posturing .

  14. 本章主要阐述了G20的起源、构成、成员资格、任务、作用、运作机制等,展示了全球治理多边模式形成与加速的轨迹。

    In this chapter , the author elucidates the beginning of G20 , its constitution , the qualification of its member , its task , function and operation mechanism , and demonstrates the formation and quick development of the multilateral mode of governance .

  15. 19世纪的经济自由主义者理查德科布登(RichardCobden)引申了这一论点,指出自由贸易的原则不仅将消除人们建立帝国、陆军和海军的欲望,还能引领人们实现良好的全球治理。

    In the 19th century , the economic liberal Richard Cobden extended the argument , saying that the principle of free trade would not only remove the desire to build empires , armies and navies but lead to benign global government .

  16. 有的认为G20将退出历史舞台,有的认为G20将继续在经济领域发挥积极作用,还有的认为G20将成为全球治理中心。

    Some scholars hold the opinion that G20 will fade from the world economic stage ; some hold the opinion that G20 will continue to play an active role in the economic field ; and some hold the opinion that G20 will be a " Center of Global Governance " .

  17. 全球治理与国际立法模式的转变

    Global governance and the transition of legislative mode of international law

  18. 论和谐世界思想和全球治理

    On the Thought of the Harmonious World and the Global Governance

  19. 在一致与歧见之间&全球治理的价值共识问题

    Between Consensus and Difference : Seeking Common Values of Global Governance

  20. 在全球治理中实现公正实效。

    We should ensure fairness and effectiveness in conducting global governance .

  21. 全球治理必须专注于提供必不可少的全球公共产品。

    It must focus on providing the essential global public goods .

  22. 全球治理理论的基本取向问题析探

    About the Basic Orientation of the Theory of the Global Governance

  23. 全球治理理论的兴起及其中国视角

    The Rising of Global Governance Theory and Its Chinese Angle

  24. 八国集团:正在形成的全球治理中心?

    The G8 : The Emerging Center of Global Governance ?

  25. 全球治理指标包含以下六个良好治理领域

    The WGI measure the following six components of good governance

  26. 国际关系、全球治理和妇女非政府组织

    International Relations , Global Governance and Women 's Non-Governmental Organizations

  27. 松散的组织者协会正竞相成为重要的全球治理机构。

    Loose organiser associations are scrambling to become serious global governing bodies .

  28. 全球治理:适应全球化的新的合作模式

    Global Management : A New Way of Cooperation Adapting to the Globalization

  29. 全球治理视野下的气候变化问题研究

    The Climate Change Research in the Vision of Global Governance

  30. 第二部分追溯全球治理的理论渊源。

    Part Two ascends the academic origin of Global Governance .