
  • 网络Global environmental issues;global environmental problems
  1. 通过世界各国的合作,解决全球环境问题迫在眉睫。

    It is necessary that resolve global environmental issues through an international collaboration .

  2. 水资源与水环境问题是全球环境问题的研究热点。

    Water resources and water environmental problems are research hotspots of global environmental issues .

  3. 论全球环境问题与环境NGO的兴起&国际政治的视角

    On the world-wide environmental problems and the rising of the environmental NGO

  4. 全球环境问题导致环境NGO的广泛兴起。

    The global environment problem results in wide emerging of the environmental NGO .

  5. 景观生态学的综合研究包括景观的复杂性、全球环境问题、遥感和GIS技术以及文化等与景观生态学的综合研究。

    The holistic research in landscape ecology includes the complexity of landscape , the global environmental problem , the Remote Sensing and GIS technology and the culture with landscape ecology .

  6. 氟利昂(CFCs)的大量使用带来了破坏臭氧层和产生温室效应两大全球环境问题。

    CFCs had bring with two global entironment problems : destroying ozonosphere and greenhouse effect .

  7. 伴随全球环境问题的日益严峻,WTO在环境与贸易问题上的立场已经发生了微妙变化,碳关税事实上已经被时代所接受。

    With the global environmental problems becoming more and more serious , the standpoint about WTO on the environment and trade has undergone a subtle change that carbon tariff is being accepted by the age .

  8. 尽管CO2的地质处置存在费用和安全稳定性问题,但国际上已开展的研究表明,地质处置温室性气体是人类积极解决全球环境问题极具前景的方法之一。

    The research by international experts shows that geological disposal of CO_2 is one of the promising methods for solving global climate problem although there are still problems about costs , safety and stability .

  9. 借鉴和利用全球环境问题的解决机制;

    Study and utilize the settlement mechanism for global environmental problems ;

  10. 全球环境问题压力不断加大。

    The pressure of global environmental problem is increasing without interruption .

  11. 全球环境问题呼唤全球环境治理。

    The global environmental problem calls the global environment governance .

  12. 勾勒出全球环境问题程度的冗长议程

    A lengthy agenda outlining the extent of global environmental problems

  13. 全球环境问题和我国的原则立场

    Problems of global environment and the principled stand of China

  14. 温室问题是一个十分重要的全球环境问题。

    The greenhouse effect problem is a very important global environmental plo-blem .

  15. 全球环境问题已经成为当今人们最为关注的问题之一。

    Global environmental problems have become one of the most concerned affairs nowadays .

  16. 全球环境问题引发对当代国家主权的调整。

    The global environmental problems require the necessarily adjustment to the state sovereign .

  17. 制冷技术发展与全球环境问题

    Development of Refrigeration Technology and the World Environmental Problems

  18. 依靠贸易手段来解决全球环境问题的做法是行不通的。

    Relying on trade measures to fix global environmental problems will not work .

  19. 全球环境问题与当代国际关系

    Global Environmental Issues and Contemporary International Relationship

  20. 全球环境问题倍受关注,各国政府都在积极探索可持续发展的道路。

    Paid close attention to global environmental issues , governments are actively exploring sustainable development .

  21. 请关注全球环境问题!

    Please care global climate change !

  22. 论全球环境问题与现代性之检省

    The Global Environmental Problems and Modernity

  23. 国际环境合作被认为是解决全球环境问题的有效途径。

    International environmental cooperation is regarded as an effective means of tackling the global environmental problem .

  24. 全球环境问题的进展和日本的对策

    Global Environmental Problems and Japanese Countermeasures

  25. 2009年哥本哈根会议的召开,再一次将全球环境问题推到了巅峰。

    In 2009 , global environmental issues have been pushed to the peak in the Copenhagen conference .

  26. 关于全球环境问题的建议

    Suggestions on Global Environmental Issues

  27. 该蒙特利尔议定书表明了:世界各地的人们可以团结起来,共同解决全球环境问题。

    The Montreal Protocol shows that the world can come together to deal with global environmental problems .

  28. 这些因素导致了我国甚至全球环境问题在不断恶化。

    These factors led the environmental problems of our country and the whole world continuing to deteriorate .

  29. 尽管如此,要注意,这不是一个关于全球环境问题的争论而是对于个人幸福的争辩。

    Note , though , that this is not an argument about the global environment but individual well-being .

  30. 在这种时代背景下,全球环境问题对当代国际关系产生了极为广泛而又深远的影响。

    Under this background , the global environmental problems brought about profound influences on the contemporary international relation .