- 网络Global capitalism

Let 's discuss the future of global capitalism .
One leading Rio shareholder said " this is global capitalism for political gain . "
Some see in the persistence of these traditions a form of resistance against global capitalism .
Advocating capitalized and Washington Consensus .
Tumbling stock indices suggested that it had been sucked into the much more volatile world of global capitalism .
Out of this crisis arose a new and invigorated global capitalism which originated in Britain and the US .
Critically pondering over modernity and world capitalism is the two dimensions in studying Internet epoch and risk society critically .
Despite their common endeavor to criticize global capitalism , there is a discrepancy between Zizek and other left-wing intellectuals .
Hong Kong is , at its essence , a fusion of Eastern culture , global capitalism and Western law .
What happened then was the industry argued that the investment banks were essential to oiling the wheels of global capitalism .
The last four Davos forums have been gloomy affairs , dominated by a sense that global capitalism is in crisis .
Riding over Socialism and Global Capitalism : Changes of Education Governance and Social Policy Paradigms in Post-Mao China ( Part I )
Moves to save global capitalism , for instance , change nominally domestic matters , like bank capital adequacy or fiscal policy .
The incident revived doubts about whether stock markets-the engine rooms of global capitalism-can be governed in a way that wins back investors'faith .
Is Empire a New Stage of Global Capitalism ? & Comment on Hardt and Negri s 〈 Empire-the Political Order of Globalization 〉;
Soros has the advantage of an insider 's knowledge of the workings of global capitalism , so his criticism is particularly pointed .
The strategy tries to make deconstruction parasitize Marxism and hence brings out a resistance discourse which is fitted to the age of global capitalism .
A theory of truth and discourse does not have the same relationship to politics as a theory of global capitalism or women 's oppression .
But they do share a common demand : someone , somewhere , should do something to right the problems of global capitalism as currently constituted .
In modern history , Shanghai was a business community together with global capitalism , and was the model of the modern and even contemporary Chinese commercial economic development .
If there are any bystanders left in the world-people on the sidelines , unaffected by major events of war , terrorism , global capitalism and technological change-they are very few .
What accompany this in practice are the revolutionary storms in the 60s and 70s and their dissipation , the collapse of the socialist camp and the maturity of global capital-ism .
That is indeed the hope of many private equity leaders as they survey the rapid unravelling of the conditions that ensured their recent meteoric rise to the top of global capitalism .
Over the past two centuries , global capitalism has experienced similar crises and , up until now , has always recovered and proceeded to achieve ever higher levels of material prosperity .
Shanghai in modern times was . an industrial and commercial society in step with global capitalization . In what shape was the ideology of the citizens in a society like this ?
He shares a growing realization , even in the multibillionaire set , that something is amiss with the ideology ( that has prevailed since the end of the cold war : global-capitalism-as-panacea . )
Beyond that , China , whose financial system is not yet fully integrated with that of advanced economies , has appeared somewhat diffident about participating in the discussion over how global capitalism should be regulated .
Although the global capitalism Mr Wagenhofer despises went wrong , and although he certainly expected it to go wrong , that is not the same as saying he had any idea why it would go wrong .
The new liberalism of the basic point is : Advocate personal freedom ; Praise highly private ownership and opposes public ownership ; Claims to the market , state intervention against too much ; Advocate global capitalization , and the negative socialist .
The turbulence to which Mr Greenspan refers in the title has two meanings : the wrenching change driven by the dynamic force of global capitalism and the bouts of dysfunction that periodically afflict the market mechanism that lies at its heart .