
  • 网络Public Policy Evaluation
  1. 公共政策评估标准是开展公共政策评估的前提。

    The standard of public policy evaluation is prerequisite of evaluation .

  2. 试论我国公共政策评估存在的困境及制度创新

    On the Morass in Public Policy Evaluation and Innovating System

  3. 方法:移植公共政策评估方法和政策德尔菲法,分析药店gsp认证评估指标体系的结构和初步评估指标。

    Methods : the framework of evaluation index system of drugstore GSP authentication and the elementary evaluation index were analyzed by transplanting the method of public policy evaluation method and Delphi technique .

  4. 试析公共政策评估主体的多元性

    Multi-natures of the Principal Body for the Evaluation of Public Policies

  5. 我国公共政策评估:现状、障碍与对策

    China 's Public Policy Evaluation : Status Quo , Obstacles and Solutions

  6. 公共政策评估方案设计若干问题初探

    Primary Investigation on the Designing of Policy Evaluation Plan

  7. 我国公共政策评估主体的不足及对策

    The shortcomings and Countermeasures of public policy evaluation subject

  8. 推进我国公共政策评估的思考

    The Thought of Improving China 's Public Policy Evaluation

  9. 我国公共政策评估方式分析

    Analysis of Modes of China 's Public Policy Evaluation

  10. 公共政策评估的生产力标准初探

    A Preliminary Probe into the Productivity Criteria in the Evaluation of the Public Policy

  11. 推进公共政策评估事业的若干构想

    Several ideas on advancing evaluation of public policy

  12. 公共政策评估程式的研究

    Methodology Study on Public Policy Evaluation

  13. 公共政策评估:意义、困难和对策

    On the Evaluation of Public Policies

  14. 公共政策评估中,生产力标准是根本的和首要的标准。

    The productivity criteria is the fundamental and primary criteria in the evaluation of the public policy .

  15. 尝试运用公共政策评估的理论和实践构建我国公共教育财政政策评估的基本模式框架。

    It attempts to apply public policy evaluation theory and practice to construct fundamental patterns frame of Chinese public education financial policy evaluation .

  16. 为了更有效、更科学地开展公共政策评估活动,应设立正确的首要标准,以首要标准来统率次要标准。

    In order to make the evaluation of public policy more effective and scientific , correct primary standard must be set up to direct the secondary standard .

  17. 坚持科学发展观作为我国公共政策评估的首要标准能有效提升我国公共政策质量,推进我国社会主义和谐社会建设进程。

    Persisting considering scientific development view as the prime standard of public policy evaluation can improve the quality of public policy in our country and advance the process of socialist harmonious society in our country .

  18. 此外,确立正确的政策评估首要标准,引进先进的政策评估方法,慎选评估对象和时机等,对于公共政策评估的顺利开展,保证公共政策评估结论的公正性和科学性也是不可或缺的。

    Besides , it 's also indispensable and important to keep the objectivity and reason of public policy evaluation to establish correct initial standards , bring in advanced methods , and carefully choose evaluation objects and time , etc.

  19. 美国公共政策绩效评估方法及借鉴

    US Public Policy Performance Assessment Methods and Its Significance to China

  20. 基于层次分析法的公共政策效果评估&以阜新市经济转型试点政策为例

    Public Policy Effect Assessment Based on AHP & An Example of Economic Restructuring Pilot Policies in Fuxin City

  21. 本部分阐述了公共政策绩效评估的信息化实现所需要的技术条件,并根据现有的信息技术水平提出了现实可行的信息化解决方案,在此基础上进一步阐述了公共政策绩效评估信息化的实现步骤。

    And then describes the procedures of the informationization of public policy performance evaluation on the basis of the existing technical conditions .

  22. 公共政策绩效评估需要进一步完善,信息化与绩效评估的融合势在必行。

    The performance evaluation of public policy needs to be further improved , the informationization required to be integrated with the performance evaluation .

  23. 本文从全局的角度出发,试图构建出一个全国统一的、互联互通的公共政策绩效评估信息网络体系,并从技术上对公共政策绩效评估的信息化实现进行了一个详细的介绍。

    The dissertation tries to outline a unified , nationwide and mutual-connected network of public policy evaluation information systems , and then describes how to realize the informationization of public policy performance evaluation .

  24. 主要阐述了本文的研究背景、研究目的和意义,并对国内关于公共政策执行评估以及城市土地供应政策的研究状况进行了简要的综述,并介绍本文的研究方法等。

    It mainly expounds the research background 、 the purpose and the significance of this paper , and give a brief summary about the evaluation on the public policy execution and the research status of urban land supply policy .

  25. 在对环境或公共政策进行评估分析的基础上,论文提出了相应的对策:即控制人口增长,加强流域水资源管理、建立公众参与和生态补偿机制,进行产业结构调整。

    Based on the evaluation and analysis to environmental or public policies , relevant countermeasures are recommended : The countermeasures include controlling population growth , strengthening drainage basin management for water resources , establishing public participation and ecological compensation system and adjusting the industrial structure .

  26. 根据AHP-FCE综合政策评判模型,以政府技术采购政策为例,探讨了创新公共政策的满意度评估问题。

    This paper takes government technology procurement as an example to discuss the satisfaction assessment of innovative public policies according to AHP-FCE comprehensive policy evaluation model .

  27. 第四章:公共政策执行力评估指标设计。

    Chapter IV : Evaluation of the implementation of public policy design .

  28. 地方政府公共政策执行力评估指标体系构建研究

    Construction of the Index System of Local Government Public Policy Executive Power

  29. 第五章:公共政策执行力评估指标体系的实证研究。

    Chapter 5 : implementation of public policy evaluation index system of empirical research .

  30. 第二章:公共政策执行力评估指标体系研究的理论基础与分析框架。

    Chapter 2 : the implementation of public policy evaluation index system based on the theoretical and analytical framework .