
  • 网络publicist;public relations officer;pr man;public relation practitioner
  1. 上周,《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)介绍了瑞安.霍利迪(RyanHoliday),现年29岁的霍利迪曾经是服装公司AmericanApparel的公关人员,现在以传播斯多葛主义为生。

    This week , the New York Times profiled Ryan Holiday , a 29-year-old former publicist for American Apparel , who makes his living as an evangelist for Stoicism .

  2. 29岁的布兰登·谢伊(BrendanShea)是芝加哥一所大学的公关人员。他说,以前他一周去一次杂货店,采用少吃多餐的方式之后,他一周需要去两次。

    Brendan Shea , 29 , a university publicist in Chicago , says as a result of eating mini meals , he visits the grocery store twice a week rather than once .

  3. 博物馆的公关人员肯定会受到斥责。

    The museum 's P.R. man was going to be dragged over the coals for sure .

  4. 有一大批拿高薪的公关人员可以确保这样的新闻不会见诸报端。

    There were battalions of highly paid publicists to see that such news didn 't make the press .

  5. 在好莱坞的颁奖季,精明的公关人员则把它们塞进VIP礼包中。

    During Hollywood awards season , savvy publicists tucked them into VIP swag bags .

  6. 如果Rob的公关人员不喜欢记者的问题或是他的回答,那么他们就会要求把带子删除。

    If Roberts publicists doesn 't like the questions of the reporters or the answers that he has given they just delete the tape with the interview on it .

  7. 戈茨称,WhatsApp现在每天处理的讯息量达500亿条,但该公司只有32名工程师,而且没有聘请任何市场营销或公关人员。

    WhatsApp processes 50 billion messages a day , Mr. Goetz wrote , yet has only 32 engineers and does not employ any marketing or public-relations people .

  8. Twitter合作关系团队的成员们会密切关注即将举行的电影首映,并联系电影公司高管和明星的公关人员,磋商如何利用Twitter来帮助造势,比如在Twitter独家首播电影预告片。

    Members of Twitter 's partnership team keep a close eye on upcoming film premieres and reach out to studio executives and celebrity publicists with ideas of how Twitter can be used to help create buzz - debuting film trailers exclusively on Twitter , for example .

  9. 据路透社报道,凯奇的公关人员确认,他是2007年在比弗利山庄的I.M.Chait画廊买下这具骨架的。

    A publicist for Mr. Cage confirmed that he bought the skull from the Beverly Hills gallery I.M. Chait in 2007 , according to Reuters .

  10. 索思比的公关人员着手进行一项雄心勃勃的计划。

    Sotheby 's public relations people embarked on an ambitious programme .

  11. 公关人员丽莎·高登伯格称,哈维兰是自然死亡。

    Publicist Lisa Goldberg said she died peacefully of natural causes .

  12. 这也是所有公关人员应对危机时应具备的精神。

    This is the spirit for all publicists to handle crisis .

  13. 盐业企业公关人员应具备的素质及培养

    The Quality and Cultivation of Public Relation Personnel in Salt Making Enterprises

  14. (我现在知道了,公关人员是决不会读这本书的。)

    ( I now know that PRs never read the book . )

  15. 他是公司的一名公关人员。

    He 's a public relations officer for the firm .

  16. 最好的“者”是由公关人员在穿着高跟鞋。

    The best " tofurky " is made by publicists in kitten heels .

  17. 推销员用所谓的免费赠品作为诱饵,公关人员用它们来行贿;

    Salesmen use so-called free gifts as bait and publicists use them as bribes ;

  18. 许多公关人员相信宣传错不了。

    Many public relations people believe there is no such thing as bad publicity .

  19. 美国记者与公关人员敌意关系溯源

    Hostility Relationship between American Journalism and PR Practitioner

  20. 经理兼做公关人员。

    The manager doubles as our PR man .

  21. 叫公关人员随时候命

    Put the PR people on standby .

  22. 几名合伙人从之前的雇佣公关人员以争取获得关注,转向拒绝接受采访。

    The partners went from employing a publicist to seek out attention to declining interviews .

  23. 这个问题现在更加严重了,因为公司公关人员大大超过新闻记者的数量,二者比例达到了大约6比1。

    The problem is worse now that journalists are outnumbered about six-to-one by public relations folk .

  24. 从这个意义上说,秘书应当是一位非常出色的公关人员。

    Say from this meaning , the Secretary ought to be a very excellent public relations staff .

  25. 公关人员的素质决定着公关工作的好坏。

    The quality of public relation work depends on the quality of personnel that engage in it .

  26. 同意,另外,抨击美国的人是中国人,或者就是中国付钱请的公关人员。

    Agree , PS the people bashing the US are Chinese or paid PR on behalf of China .

  27. 模糊策略是外交人员、公关人员和其他人员不可或缺的交际艺术。

    Fuzzy wording becomes an indispensable artistic skill for diplomatic personnel , public relations officials and other people .

  28. 专家学者聚首玩具业发展与素质教育论坛高科技玩具促素质教育提高盐业企业公关人员应具备的素质及培养

    Hi-tech Toy : the Quality Education Advocator The Quality and Cultivation of Public Relation Personnel in Salt Making Enterprises

  29. 他的公关人员表示,在奥克森福德的祖国阿根廷,这类事情经常发生。

    His public relations person said that sort of thing happens fairly frequently in Argentina , where Oxenford is based .

  30. 公关人员往往从事过记者这行,如今他们向资金拮据、瘦身后的报纸输送的新闻稿比以往多得多。

    Public relations people , often former journalists , now supply much more copy to cash-strapped , slimmed down newspapers .