
ɡōnɡ sī zhài quàn
  • corporate bonds;corporate bonds and debentures
  1. 在全球金融危机加剧之际,他们还抛售了公司债券。

    They also sold corporate bonds as the global financial crisis ramped up .

  2. 信用违约交换(CDS)市场预示,公司债券违约率将出现飞速上升。

    The market for credit default swaps is pointing to a surge in defaults on corporate bonds .

  3. 机构投资者再度热衷于银行参与贷款、盟约亮点公司债券、具有国外背景的资产担保证券(asset-backedsecurity)以及各种形式的商业房地产。

    Institutional investors are keen again on bank loan participations , covenant-light corporate debt , exotic asset-backed securities , and all manner of commercial real estate .

  4. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)预测,2009年至2014年,亚洲以美元计价的公司债券发行规模将扩大3倍,到2014年,年度发行规模将达到或超过1000亿美元。

    Morgan Stanley forecasts that Asian dollar-denominated corporate bond issuance will quadruple between 2009 and 2014 , with annual issuance running at or above $ 100bn by 2014 .

  5. 降低收费通常都是物有所值的,这样做既是为了和企业建立关系,也有利于投行今后的业务,比如随后的公司债券发行,或是其他大型IPO。

    Lower fees are often worth it in order to build a relationship with a company and position the bank for future business , such as an upcoming debt issuance or other top shelf IPOs .

  6. 中期票据(Medium-termNotes,MTN)最早源于20世纪70年代的美国,最初作为一种介于短期融资的商业票据和长期借贷的公司债券之间的融资工具而出现。

    Medium-term notes ( MTN ) originated from the United States in the 1970s , initially as a financing tool lied between commercial paper with short-term and corporate bonds with long-term .

  7. 实证研究结果认为我国的美元资产可以在保证基本的流动性和安全性前提下,适当提高AAA级公司债券的投资,以提高整个组合收益,分散资产风险。

    Empirical study concludes that our country should increase investment in AAA-rated corporate bonds to increase the portfolio returns and diversify risk , with the premise of ensuring the liquidity and safety .

  8. 限制债券市场波动以2013年的缩减恐慌(tapertantrum)为典型代表的努力,迄今集中于提高在市场上买卖公司债券的便利程度。

    Efforts to limit bond market volatility , characterised by the taper tantrum in 2013 , have focused on improving the ease of buying and selling corporate bonds in the market .

  9. 在某种程度上,投行正从公司债券中迅速获利,而企业银行部门却因为信贷成本不经济而在公司债券上亏损,普华永道(PwC)的约翰希金斯表示。

    Investment banks to some extent are raking in the profits on corporate bonds that their corporate banking colleagues are losing out on because of the uneconomic cost of credit , says PwC 's John Hitchins .

  10. 从明年开始,俄罗斯可能拿出250亿美元资金,投向外国股票和公司债券。即将离任的总统普京(VladimirPutin)正在力推相关计划,意在把俄罗斯转变成一个强大的主权财富基金投资者。

    Russia is gearing up to invest a potential $ 25bn in foreign share stakes and corporate bonds , starting next year , as outgoing President Vladimir Putin pushes ahead with plans to turn the country into a powerful sovereign wealth fund investor .

  11. 日本央行(boj)昨日表示,在资本市场活动急剧萎缩期间曾上升的银行信贷增长已连续第5个月放缓,反映出公司债券及商业票据市场的复苏。

    Growth in bank lending , which has risen amid a sharp contraction in capital market activity , also slowed for the fifth straight month , the Bank of Japan said yesterday , reflecting a recovery in the corporate bond and commercial paper markets .

  12. 第一节主要介绍了可转换公司债券持有人享有的主要权利内容。

    The first section mainly introduces the primary rights of bondholders .

  13. 一个主要原因是,我们将企业债券与公司债券相混淆。

    The main contributor is corporation bond confused with enterprise debt .

  14. 完善可转换公司债券会计处理规范的思考

    On the Regulations of Perfecting the Accounting Treatment of Convertible Bond

  15. 现在的主要问题是谁来给公司债券市场评级。

    The main issue now is who will rate the sector .

  16. 公司债券和商业地产的价格一落千丈。

    The prices of corporate bonds and commercial property have plunged .

  17. 对公司债券在国内的定义进行阐述。

    Elaborate on the definition of corporate bonds on the domestic .

  18. 可转换公司债券及其在融资实践中的应用分析

    Analysis of Marketable Securities and Their Application in Financing Practice

  19. 公司债券违约率的结构化模型研究

    A Study of the Structural Model of Corporate Bond 's Default Probability

  20. 债务重组浅谈论可转换公司债券

    Discussion about the reorganization of debt On convertible company bonds

  21. 公司债券市场信息不对称和政府作用

    The Information Asymmetry of Corporate Bond Market and the Government 's Role

  22. 上市可转换公司债券的定价模型及应用

    Listed the Pricing Model of the Convertible Company 's Bond

  23. 可转换债券具有典型的股性和债性,介于股票和普通公司债券之间。

    Convertible bonds have both equity nature and debt nature .

  24. 公司债券的违约风险度量技术及应用

    The Measurements and Applications of Default Risk of Corporate Bonds

  25. 公司债券和股票市场也是同样的情况。

    It 's a similar story in the corporate-bond and equity markets .

  26. 因此,太阳风公司债券发行的记录如下

    Thus Solarwind Corporation will record the issuance of these bonds as follows

  27. 一类含跳扩散信用风险模型下可违约公司债券的定价

    Pricing Corporate Bonds with Credit Risk under Jump Diffusion Model

  28. 这包括国内外发行的公司债券和主权债券。

    This includes corporate and sovereign , domestic and external issued debt .

  29. 对发行公司债券作出决议

    To decide on the issue of Bonds by the company

  30. 关于发展公司债券市场的几个问题

    Several issues in the development of corporate debenture market