
  1. 笔者认为,公司章程自治应当合法合理,符合立法初衷。

    The author believes that the articles-of-association shall be legitimate and reasonable . It should accord in the legislative intent .

  2. 阐释了公司章程自治理念的基本含义,力图搭建一个讨论的理论平台。

    Chapter I illustrates the basic meaning of the notion about the autonomy of company charter , and tries to construct a theoretical platform for discussion .

  3. 对于长期欠缺私权文化传统的中国来说,公司章程自治似乎是一种奢谈。

    Owing to the long-term influence of the traditional Chinese culture , the autonomy of articles of association is as if one kind of extravagant thing to be discussed .

  4. 指出国家主义是造成公司章程自治理念缺失的根本原因。

    In this Chapter , the point of view is put forward that nationalism is the ultimate reason for the absence of the notion about the autonomy of company charter .

  5. 但应当注意的是,公司章程自治并不是漫无边际的,它要遵循基本的法律精神、在基本的价值与规则框架内实现最大化的自治。

    We should also note that the autonomy of company charter is not endless , it should follow the basic spirit of the law , achieve the maximization of autonomy in the framework of the basic value and rules .

  6. 首先介绍公司章程自治的内涵及特征,强调公司章程自治是股东依据自己意思订立公司章程,依据章程表达意愿的自由,具有自由性,自律性及相对性三个主要特征。

    Firstly , it introduces the meaning and feature of the company charter autonomy , emphasizing that company charter autonomy is a free will that shareholders express by making company charter and including three features of freedom , self-control and relativity .

  7. 本章中区分了自治、自由与自愿的含义,分析了私法自治的前提,解剖了公司章程自治与第三人干预的关系。

    In this Chapter , it distinguishes the definition of autonomy , freedom and free will , analyses the premise of the autonomy of private law and the relationship between the autonomy of company charter and the intervene of the third party .

  8. 具体来说,基础理论部分包括了整篇论文的前三章:第一章,系统性的研究了公司章程自治的理论基础,即意思自治对公司章程自治的意义。

    To be specific , this part includes the first three chapters of the dissertation . In chapter one , systematical research is made on the theoretical basis for corporation bylaws autonomy , namely , the significance of party autonomy to corporation bylaws autonomy .

  9. 基本边界是指法律的强行性规定和公序良俗,公司章程的自治是有限自治。

    The basic boundary refers to the compulsive law rules , the public orders and good customs . The autonomy of the articles of incorporation is limited .

  10. 公司章程作为自治性文件,无法通过私法主体自身的努力完全消除其存在的弊端,因此,对其进行强制性的规制非常重要。

    The body of private law cannot completely eliminate the drawbacks of its constitution as an autonomy document on their own efforts , so mandatory regulation is very important .

  11. 公司章程具有自治性和规范性相统一的双重属性,是公司设立者之间的组织性契约,是适用于公司组成者的类法规范。

    Articles of association has character of self - government and regulation , it is organizing contract among company founders , it is also regulations similar to law applied to company members .

  12. 这些都是公司章程作为公司自治规则的主要体现。

    All of above expresses that the articles of association is the major embodiment of corporation 's autonomic rules .

  13. 公司章程的私法自治是公司自治的主要形式,章程是实现公司自治的载体。

    Private law autonomy of articles of association is the main form of corporate autonomy . And constitution is the carrier to realize autonomy .

  14. 第一章明确指出公司章程是意思自治的载体,是私法自治原则在公司法上的体现。

    In Chapter I , it indicates explicitly that the autonomy of company charter is the carrier and embodiment of the autonomy of will in company law .

  15. 新《公司法》对公司章程自治性的实践和尊重是历史的巨大进步,它也预示着公司自治时代进一步的开启。

    It also indicates that the further opening era of company autonomy .

  16. 从界定公司章程法律性质入手,分析公司章程私法自治的实现及国家干预的对其限制,并论证私法自治和国家干预如何统合于公司章程之中。

    In the beginning , define the legal nature of the articles of association , then analysis the realization of private law autonomy of the articles of association and the limits of state intervention . And demonstrate how private law autonomy and state intervention integrate among the articles .

  17. 公司章程对于股权转让的规定应当遵循公司章程意思自治有限原则、股东意思自治补充原则和股东平等原则、股东权益保护原则。

    Company regulations about share transferring should abide by limited autonomy principle of the Articles of Association , shareholder autonomy principle of complementarity , the principle of equality of shareholders and shareholders ' rights and interests .

  18. 公司自治以意思自治为其理论基础,由此,公司自治与意思自治的关系直接体现在公司章程自治与意思自治的关系中,即意思自治构成了公司章程自治的理论基础。

    Party autonomy is the theoretical cornerstone of corporation autonomy . The relationship between corporation autonomy and party autonomy directly embodies itself in the relationship between corporation bylaws autonomy and party autonomy .

  19. 公司作为个人基于个人意思自治而组成的契约和进行营利的工具,它的自治就是公司章程的自治。

    Company as an individual based on personal autonomy and the composition of the lease and profit-making tool , and its degree of autonomy is the autonomy of the Articles of Association .

  20. 本篇论文触及的是公司自治这一经典命题,但区别于以往的研究思路之处在于,本文以意思自治与公司章程的关系、以及公司章程对公司自治的意义为观察视角。

    The present dissertation bears upon a classic topic & corporation autonomy . Different from the previous studies , the present article sails its study from the perspective of the relationship between party autonomy and corporation bylaws and the significance of corporation bylaws to corporation autonomy .