
  • 网络civic moral education
  1. 大学生公民道德教育理念是实施大学生公民道德教育的前提和指导。

    The philosophy of students moral education is the guidance and the premise in implementing their ideological and ethical standards .

  2. 浅谈社会转型时期的大学生公民道德教育

    Study on Civic Moral Education of College Students During Social Transformation

  3. 发达国家公民道德教育的几点经验与启示

    Experiences & Revelation of Citizen Moral Education in Developed Countries

  4. 注意公民道德教育的层次性;

    Paying attention to hierarchy of moral education of citizen .

  5. 大众传媒视域下当代公民道德教育问题研究

    Contemporary Citizens ' Moral Education Research in the Domain of Mass Media

  6. 公民道德教育理念与模式研究

    Research on the Idea and Mode of Civic Moral Education

  7. 诚信是我国公民道德教育的基本内容。

    Creditability is the fundamental content in Chinese citizens ' ethical education .

  8. 新加坡的青少年公民道德教育是一个成功的范例。

    Civic moral education for the juveniles in Singapore is a successful example .

  9. 美国公民道德教育核心问题的探讨及其启示

    Core Issues of Citizen Moral Education in USA and Their Enlightenment to Us

  10. 学校在公民道德教育中特殊作用的研究

    Research on the School 's Special Function of the Citizen 's Moral Education

  11. 试论企业干部的公民道德教育

    On the civic virtues education for the enterprise cadres

  12. 公民道德教育的前提批判

    Critique on the Premises of Citizen 's Moral Education

  13. 论公民道德教育的几个着力点

    On The Ways to Implement Civil Moral Education

  14. 公民道德教育:高校德育新视角

    Civil moral education : a new perspective of moral education at colleges and universities

  15. 孔子政治参与思想对现代公民道德教育的启示

    On Modern Moral Education-Inspiration from Confucian Political Ideology

  16. 公民道德教育是我国当前公民道德建设的重要内容和途径。

    Citizen 's moral education is an important means to enhance citizen 's quality morally .

  17. 公民道德教育是促进个体自身完善、社会秩序稳定和经济发展的重要条件。

    This text designs a creative carrier of citizen moral education and its organizational model , I.

  18. 第二部分指出新加坡学校公民道德教育特色的具体体现。

    The second part points out the concrete characteristics of civic moral education in Singapore schools .

  19. 论全面建设小康社会条件下的公民道德教育

    Moral Education to Citizens against the Background of Building a Well-Off Society in an All-Round Way

  20. 守法精神:学校公民道德教育的重要内涵团体精神宣泄治疗法

    Spirit of being Law-abiding : the Significance of Civil Moral Education in Schools ; group catharsis

  21. 第四部分是对新加坡学校公民道德教育特色的评鉴反思。

    The fourth part is an assessment and reflection of civic moral education in Singapore schools .

  22. 论公民道德教育中的良心培育

    On conscience in moral education

  23. 高校必须加强道德建设,发挥公民道德教育阵地作用。

    All the institutes must strengthen moral construction and play a positive role as an ideological front .

  24. 试论加强公民道德教育

    On Improving Moral Education

  25. 对大学生进行公民道德教育新思路儒家伦理思想与三德建设

    Confucian Thought of Ethics vs. the Construction of " Three Moralities " in the Construction of Citizen Morality

  26. 公民道德教育以公民为立足点,有别于传统德育。

    Civil moral education is based on the citizens , therefore , different from the traditional moral education .

  27. 第一部分梳理了新加坡学校公民道德教育特色的成型过程。

    The first part combs the forming process of the characteristics of civic moral education in Singapore schools .

  28. 摘要诚信是中国传统道德文化的精粹,也是我国公民道德教育的基本内容。

    Honesty is the essence of Chinese traditional ethical culture and the fundamental contents of morality education of Chinese citizens as well .

  29. 诚信教育是公民道德教育的重要内容,是提高大学生综合素质的必修课。

    Credit education is an important part in civil moral education , is a compulsory course in promoting students ' comprehensive quality .

  30. 这些成功经验对于我国公民道德教育与精神文明建设具有重要启发借鉴意义。

    These successful experiences have great significance for reference for the civic and moral education and cultural and ideological progress of our country .