
ɡōnɡ zhènɡ shū
  • notarization;notarial deed
  1. 物权登记中公证书的地位和效力

    The Status and Effect of Notarial Deeds in Real Right Registration

  2. 公证书自出具之日起生效。

    The notarial certificate comes into effect as of the date of issuance .

  3. 公证书应当使用全国通用的文字;

    A notarial certificate shall be made in the written language commonly used nationwide .

  4. 业主委托他人进行房地产买卖是否需要办理委托公证书?

    Whether does owner entrust other to undertake estate business needs to deal with entrust notarial deed ?

  5. 公证书有其他错误的,公证机构应当予以更正。

    If there are other mistakes in the notarial certificate , the notary organization shall rectify such mistakes .

  6. 伪造、变造或者买卖伪造、变造的公证书、公证机构印章的。

    Counterfeiting , altering or buying or selling any counterfeited or altered notarial certificate or seal of notarial office .

  7. 网友的看法意见建议:我想要考取你们国家的驾驶证,这是我中国驾驶证的翻译公证书。

    I want to qualify myself with the driving licence in your country , and here is the translated version of the certificate of my Chinese driving licence .

  8. 请注意:您在荷兰当地市政厅登记时,需要提供认证好的出生公证书原件,该公证书的有效期是六个月。

    ATTENTION : In the Netherlands you will need an original birth certificate to register at the townhall , that may not be older than six months when you register !

  9. 如果将这些理论应用到公证书的翻译中,它们将会帮助译员解决许多棘手的问题,起着很大的理论指导作用。

    If we use this theory in the translation of notary certificates , it will greatly help the translators solve lots of tiresome problems and serve as good theory guidance .

  10. 我们要求您不要在申请材料中提供介绍小册子、任何种类的公证书、公司审计报告、父母的教育学历和学校荣誉证书。

    Do not submit forged documents we ask that you do not include brochures , notarial certificates of any kind , company audit reports , parents educational qualifications , school honour certificates .

  11. 注重:公证书是有期限的,有些国家还要求对公证书进行外交认证,也就是送到外交部去认证,再多一道手续。

    Attention : notarial deed is terminable , some countries still ask to undertake diplomatic attestation to notarial deed , send the Ministry of foreign affairs to go namely attestation , procedure of again much talk .

  12. 涉外公证书是我国公证机关对发生在国内的法律行为及有关法律意义的文件或事实向国外出具的公证文书,这类公证文书涉及面广,具有特殊的效力。

    Foreign-related notary certificates are documents issued by Notary Public Offices to certify certain legal activities and facts which happen in China . These certificates are usually submitted to foreign organizations . They cover lots of aspects and have special legal validity .

  13. 公证书或者法定声明文件的内容应当包括申请人申请的理由、股票遗失的情形及证据,以及无其他任何人可就有关股份要求登记为股东的声明。

    The contents of the notarial certificate or legal declaration shall include reasons for the application , details and evidence of the loss of the share certificate and a declaration that no other party can request the registration of such shares as a shareholder .

  14. 房产证明、经济来源证明或者经国内公证机关公证的经济担保书或者经济自保书;

    Evidence of housing property or evidence of the source of finance , or affidavit of financial support or evidence of financial self-guarantee notarized by Domestic notary offices ;

  15. 许多年以后,我成了一名公证员,为很多人出具了很多公证书。

    Many years later , I become a notary , and have written many notarial papers for many people .

  16. 公证调解是根据公证当事人的请求,由出具公证书的公证机构对在履行过程中发生纠纷的经公证事项的当事人双方进行调解的活动。

    Notarial mediation refers to activities conducted by notary organization to mediate disputes on the notarized matter between the notarial parties upon their application .

  17. 我去德国的时候是把国内的毕业证书拿去公证了,到大使馆去签证的时候,把毕业证原件和公证书原件、复印件都带去了。

    The diploma go off with that a home is when I go to Germany is notarial , go to embassy visa when , take graduation card original and notarial deed original , photocopy .