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gōng zhèng
  • notarization
公证 [gōng zhèng]
  • [notarization] 由国家依法授以权利的机关(法院或公证处)对有关民事权利义务关系所做出的有法律效力的证明

  • 遗嘱公证

  • 出生公证

公证[gōng zhèng]
  1. IT技术措施、CA认证、第三方支付与网络公证竞相在保护电子商务中发挥作用。

    IT technical method 、 CA attestation 、 payment by the third party and internet notarization perform functions in electronic business protection .

  2. 第三章,详细分析了WTO对中国公证制度的要求:改革行政性质的公证体制,统一国家证明权;

    In chapter 3 what WTO will demand the Chinese notarization system has been analyzed in detail : reform the administrative characteristics of the Chinese notarization system and unify the notarization right of China ;

  3. 她身兼城镇文书、执业会计师和公证人数职。

    She is the town clerk and a certified public accountant and notary public .

  4. 公证人被授权执行某些法律职能。

    That notary is authorised to perform the certain legal functions .

  5. 在世界范围内,主要存在四种公证管理体制

    Tothe worldwide extent , there are 4 major notarial administration systems .

  6. 第十七条公证遗嘱由遗嘱人经公证机关办理。自书遗嘱由遗嘱人亲笔书写,签名,注明年、月、日。

    Article 17 A notarial agency . A testator-written will is one made in the testator 's own handwriting and signed by him , specifying the date of its making .

  7. 自书、代书、录音、口头遗嘱,不得撤销、变更公证遗嘱。

    A notarial will may not be revoked or altered by a testator-written will , a will written on behalf of the testator , a will in the form of a sound - recording or a nuncupative will .

  8. 根据公证法增加公证条款,类似的范例见附录B。

    Add a notary clause that complies with the notary law . The notary acknowledgement in Appendix B is such a clause .

  9. 工厂严格按照验厂标准设置,目前,已经通过BV,STR,ITS;SGS等公证行的验厂评估。

    Colax was set up extremely base on factory audit standard and now already passed audit by BV , STR , ITS , SGS , ect .

  10. 商业实验室香港通用公证行(sgshongkong)食品部门主管陈耀棠(tonychan)表示,购买中国内地农场产品公司的要求越来越高,促使农场这一层次实施更为严格的质量控制。

    Tony Chan , head of the food department at SGS Hong Kong , a commercial laboratory , says implementing stricter quality controls at the farm level has been driven by increasing demand from companies buying Chinese farm products .

  11. 我国公证权的法理研究

    The Study on Notarial Power in China from the Perspective Jurisprudence

  12. 确立我国房地产法定公证制度的价值思考

    Thinking about the Value of Real Estate Legal Notarization in China

  13. 亲爱的公证人请不要和他决斗。

    Please , dear notary . don 't duel with him .

  14. 授予澳大利亚注册移民代理公证签证相关材料的权力。

    Registered migration agents to certify documents relating to visa applications .

  15. 对于我个人而言,我是不会去做财产公证的。

    For myself , I won 't do the property notarization .

  16. 恶魔般的公证人用他的毒药毒死我?

    That this devilish notary is killing me with his poison ?

  17. 比如内布拉斯加州就要求堕胎必须得到公证确认的父母的同意。

    Nebraska , for example , now requires notarised parental consent .

  18. 中华人民共和国天津市公证处

    Tianjin Notary Public Office Tianjin The People 's Republic of China

  19. 于是管家跟着那公证人走出了房间。

    And the steward followed the notary out of the room .

  20. 第一章主要是对公证赔偿制度的一般考查。

    The first chapter is a general test notary compensation system .

  21. 浅谈房地产按揭贷款公证

    Talking about the Notarization of the Guaranteed Loan for Real Estate

  22. 第五部分写了我国公证制度的现状和问题。

    Part V of notary system was the status and problems .

  23. “那么,您希望派人去找一个公证人来吗?”

    " You would wish a notary to be sent for then ?"

  24. 建立保理合同公证制度。

    Third , establishing the notarization system of factoring contract .

  25. 2006年中国公证业发展政策报告

    Report on the Development Policy for China 's Public Notarization in 2006

  26. 第一节论述公证赔偿的法律属性。

    Section I discusses the legal property of notary compensation .

  27. 论公证员须承担公证专家民事责任

    On the View that Notary Should Bear Professional Civil Liability

  28. 简论地方公证立法的空间

    On the Legislative Space of Notarization at the Local Level

  29. 对中国公证员队伍职业化建设的思考

    Reflection on the Professional Construction of Public Notaries in China

  30. 公证中要严格履行好法定程序

    Statutory Procedure Should be Strictly Adhered to in Public Notarization